SPD Support Thread

Well I have to go to a "group session" on Tuesday and the physio will then assess if I need a one to one session which I will have to phone up and make an appt for?

I'm not happy but I suppose its better than nothing
Well I have to go to a "group session" on Tuesday and the physio will then assess if I need a one to one session which I will have to phone up and make an appt for?

I'm not happy but I suppose its better than nothing
I'm walking like an old lady, my left leg keeps going so stiff from the hip down and I can't seem to get it going again for ages. Do any of you find you have pain in your ankles? I don't mean general aching but actual pain like you've injured it? x
Mine isn't a far as my ankles ... but I'm no expert

SIL is a nurse and has just turned up with a pair of crutches for me :love:

Feel like a prat using them, but she assures me they will help
The crutches do help, I have definitely found the more I do in the day, the worse the pain is at night, so I find my crutches have definitely helped x
Hi ladies, you poor things. It does sound very much like spd! have you been doing any pregnancy classes? I did Lazy daisy birthing classes and they do gentle exercises and give you tips on how to aid spd! and other pregnancy related pains etc! they are worth a try!! I think they offer the first class free too! check out there website!! the lazy daisy chain. hope you feel better soon.
Although the above comment seems a bit like shameless advertising I do absolutely agree with the Lazy Daisy classes being brilliant. I wouldn't necessarily say they have aided my spd though, but they have given me plenty of ideas or positions during labour that will suit me as well as helping me stay active rather than lying down. I have mentioned this in my birth plan.
But fyi DJ, posting about a company in your first few posts is likely to get you reported for advertising.

Tweetyfoo, the crutches will help, honestly. Although you feel like a numpty using them, the pain at the end of the day is much less xx
Thanks chick, you've been a massive help. Its just taken me completely by surprise

I've been thinking that baby was lying funny and thats why I was hurting. Then I think I aggravated it when I went swimming for the first time the other night ..... since then its been agony.

Whats the verdict on swimming? Is it out? I seemed to be ok with a float and kicking my legs straight ... I did 4 lengths of breaststroke though and that hurt like a mofo and I ended up getting out and giving up. I don't know if I'll be ok now as I don't want to do anything thats going to make it worse?
Breaststroke is a massive nono, you're not allowed :(
This has actually stopped me from going swimming, cos I'm a natural breaststroker, I mean I can do frontcrawl fine but I don't enjoy it as much and have to work at it more. I bought a kickboard/float thing to to frontcrawl legs which I haven't actually put to use yet cos I haven't been back.
Have you tried a warm bath with soothing bubbles? Although it's hard to get in and out I do find the bath helps xx
A GP At work the other day told me that breast stroke isn't good for your body / back and doesn't recommend it to anyone x
I don't know what made me do the breaststroke ... I haven't done it in years because I got a rather nasty back injury and was told not to.

But I felt like a pleb using a float and got paranoid that people were looking at me funny in the pool so felt like I needed to prove that I can swim :wall2: People were huffing and puffing that I was slow it was infuriating :brat:

Anyway... If I stick to my float and basic kicking do you think I'll be ok?

Tried to go for a walk around the shops ... too sore had to come home

I can tell hubby is frustrated already ... and I'm sure he's thinking "it can't be that bad"

If I take a hammer to his bits do you think he'd understand?

Tried to go for a walk around the shops ... too sore had to come home

I can tell hubby is frustrated already ... and I'm sure he's thinking "it can't be that bad"

If I take a hammer to his bits do you think he'd understand?

My OH can be like this, I think he thinks I'm just moaning for the sake of it! I think you should test this theory and let us know.. May try it myself!! x

Tried to go for a walk around the shops ... too sore had to come home

I can tell hubby is frustrated already ... and I'm sure he's thinking "it can't be that bad"

If I take a hammer to his bits do you think he'd understand?

This is one thing my dh is surprisingly understanding about. I think after he's heard me nearly crying trying to get out of bed or taking 5 years to climb the stairs he's realised I'm not at it after all xx
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Hubby had to lift me out of bed earlier .. I was crying my eyes out.

He did it whilst huffing and puffing though ... he just doesn't get it

He asked me earlier "do you really need the crutches" as he thought that they made me "look like a nob"

He's never been the supportive type really
Hubby had to lift me out of bed earlier .. I was crying my eyes out.

He did it whilst huffing and puffing though ... he just doesn't get it

He asked me earlier "do you really need the crutches" as he thought that they made me "look like a nob"

He's never been the supportive type really

Yeah my hubby huffs and puffs while having to do things for me, and he actually kept yawning and yawning today in front of his family so they asked him why he was tired and I said he had a cheek to be tired cos he slept til 10 this morning. He said "well with you tossing and turning and me having to tidy the whole house yesterday, it's no wonder I'm tired". The cheek!
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Hubby had to lift me out of bed earlier .. I was crying my eyes out.

He did it whilst huffing and puffing though ... he just doesn't get it

He asked me earlier "do you really need the crutches" as he thought that they made me "look like a nob"

He's never been the supportive type really

Yeah my hubby huffs and puffs while having to do things for me, and he actually kept yawning and yawning today in front of his family so they asked him why he was tired and I said he had a cheek to be tired cos he slept til 10 this morning. He said "well with you tossing and turning and me having to tidy the whole house yesterday, it's no wonder I'm tired". The cheek!

How did you not punch him :shock:

Seems like mine and yours were made from the same mould!

I get complained at for tossing and turning ... I have to explain to him that it means I'm not sleeping either ... because I'm in pain and if he wants to swap he can! I've also told him that he knows where the sofa is.

Can't wait till the spare room is up and running and I can chuck him out and have the bed to myself.

I still haven't come to terms that i'm suffering with this, I'm finding it heartbreaking as there is a girl in work who is having the perfect pregnancy and I'm so jealous :cry:
Unfortunately our spare room is baby's room, and our third room is a study so not got a spare bed. I did tell him he's welcome to the sofa though!

Pregnancy being as hard as this has definitely made me think twice about having another in a hurry! So I imagine we'll both want to wait a while after this one!! I hate hearing about people who swan through pregnancy, so unfair!! xx
I've just decided that SPD is like having toothache in your fanny!

Thats all

I'm getting shooting pains in my hips just now and Im shaking the pain is that bad. My sofa isn't great ... its a recliner and I think it's aggravating it ... but I have nowhere else to sit!

Meant to go for a bath, but the football is on and I wanted to watch it :wall2: now its too late, I'm falling asleep

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