So upset desperate for advice.

I agree with the above posts - he was a bit quick to leave and taking the cat? wtf! men should realise we are total nutter when we are pregnant. Hope you get it sorted out for the best as you must be totally stressing out :(.
Hi girls, thanks for all your advice, he came bk last night said he was sorry for taking the cat & being a knob, the cat had got in the car with him when he got in to go (which he always does) so he just took him with him to his mums.
So today when he came home from work he asked me to go through his phone & his phone bill online for the last few months to put my mind at rest, which I did & found nothing, I feel so mean now :( then he took me out for a meal to my favourite restaurant. I feel like a right bitch now :( x
ah bless him. your not a bitch. i wouldv'e of been the same.

seems like he really wants to prove he isn't interested in anyone else. try to spend some good quality time together this weekend.

also just forget it now. i know it's hard but sometimes you can let things slip or keep thinking about it and it will keep messing you up. xxx
aww i'm glad its all sorted, and lovely that he took you out for a meal.
Oh bless him! Glad he was able to put your mind at rest :hug:
so ive only just seen this but :hugs:
i know how your feel with the para, think we all do! im glad he came back last night, sounds like he really does love you, and hasnt been playing away! hope your feeling better about yourself soon, as im sure hes not thinking your a fat minger, hes probs thinking . . . "look at my gorgous girlfriend, with our little baby growing inside of that lovely bump" just because your bodys changed doesnt mean he doesnt still think your sexy! wishing you lost of luck xxx
Glad things worked out hun but now you should work on trusting him :hug: I know it's so hard espec if he has done it before, I'm so glad everything is ok xx

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