smoking or drinking


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi guys,
After reading a few posts on smokers trying to quit and people wondering if one or two glasses of wine would be ok, I thought I'd post this so that we can all give each other support in these sensitive areas;
We all know that these habits are frowned upon in pregnancy but sometimes the way midwifes/doctors go about it is not nice. My friend is a smoker and her midwife wiped the floor with her about it. I think professionals need to give support and advice not a good old shouting at.
Unless you have a drink prblem (in that case the doctor needs to be in control) but other than that I personally dont think its worth having any drink, no point in adding any futher risk to the pregnancy (as so many things can go wrong anyway)
But its not that easy with cigs as that is an addiction and must be so hard. WELL DONE YOU LADIES WHO HAVE MANAGED TO QUIT, If you ve not quite managed it yet, DONT GIVE UP, keep trying keep positive.

We need to remember that we are pregnant for nine months so we should be able to sacrifice things for that time (however, I intended on eating healthy throughout, lasted two weeks and now I am back to eating too much rubbish)
Good luck everyone x x
What a post :thumbup:I havnt touched a drop of alcohol since finding out i was pregnant..but to be fair even before pregnancy i could take it or leave it. Smoking on the other hand as you say - diffrent kettle of fish! I have cut down a hell of a lot and gone onto lights but would like to stop completly... I think ive made up for it by eating nicley and taking extra care in other ways not perfect or an excuse i know but.... xx
I am finding it so hard to stop smoking. But I've cut down loads. I used to be on about 20 a day but now it's not nearly that much. And I've even cut down to the weakest Silk Cuts there is. Instead of before I had my Richmonds which were 10mg and now I'm on Silk Cuts which are 1mg. So it's a hell of a drop down! I really hope I can quit all together. It's just really difficult.
I also haven't touched any alcohol since getting pregnant and I don't smoke. I agree it must be really hard to quit smoking as I watched my sister struggle through it, however nobody should underestimate the power of alcohol either. It is a drug, just like nicotine, and can be very hard to give up. Not everyone who drinks finds it easy to just stop and rarely will admit they have a problem. I've never been fussed about alcohol but I have seen friends struggle with it and I feel that it can be as hard to quit as smoking. Neither is easier than the other and everyone who is working hard at quitting anything got the health of the baby should be applauded. I hope I don't sound preachy, I don't mean to.
I am finding it so hard to stop smoking. But I've cut down loads. I used to be on about 20 a day but now it's not nearly that much. And I've even cut down to the weakest Silk Cuts there is. Instead of before I had my Richmonds which were 10mg and now I'm on Silk Cuts which are 1mg. So it's a hell of a drop down! I really hope I can quit all together. It's just really difficult.

First of all Well done on your progress so far.

I stopped smoking 2 days after my bfp. the tobacco pounch was nearly done, and my oh had recently quit and had some inhilators and filters left.

I have been stopped for 6 days now, and every time I feel that anxious feeling, the craving, I tell myself it is hormones, and it seems to work.

Smoking is a really wierd thing. I, like you was on 20 a day... I didnt manage to stop with my first pregnancy, still smoked now and again, and I thank my luck stars every day that he is ok. 1st time round I compensated smoking in my head with the promise to breastfeed, to combat the bad things that could happen.

Your head just has to be in the right place. I am feeling great now, and this is going to sound really annoying, but it wasnt as hard as i thought it was gonna be, and I dunno why I didnt do it years ago.

Hang in there, you will d o it xXxXx
i smoked 30 roll ups a day and used to binge drink with my mates, when i found out i was pregnant my view on life completely changed, i quit smoking though had a couple pulls on one when i felt really really down but have quit 100% now and haven't touched a drop of booze.

my doctor i really trust. she said to me smoking isnt advised but if your a heavy smoker its advised not to quit because of the stress it causes to you and your baby, however cutting down is a must! drinking booze isnt prohibited in the first 12weeks but after that a glass of red wine every couple of days has been proven to help blood pressure.

thats the advice i was given. though i have just quit everything, even caffeine, decaf is just as yummy :) good luck everyone :clover:
Blimey well done Karina, and everyone who has cut down or given up total, keep it up, every day with less or none surely must help.

I don't have this problem as I never have smoked, but my bottle of Pimms has been hidden behind the fridge, I won't touch it tho, hope it doesn't go off!
Blimey well done Karina, and everyone who has cut down or given up total, keep it up, every day with less or none surely must help.

I don't have this problem as I never have smoked, but my bottle of Pimms has been hidden behind the fridge, I won't touch it tho, hope it doesn't go off!

thanks :D though it has been difficult, but thinking positive is the key. im very proud of myself
thinking positive is the key. im very proud of myself

And so you should be, well done.

I am glad this conversation came up. There will be a lot of opinion on it, good and bad, but at least we are talking about it... Between drinking and smoking, my personal opinion is that smoking is the lesser of two evils.

Still doesnt make it ok tho :roll:
ive never smoke but seen my mum struggle giving up a LOT and going back, giving up etc etc.

i was not much of a drinker but i LOVED my occasional nights out getting reeeeally dressed up, drink and dance all night and im missing that loads. x
I'm not pg but thought I'd put in my ten pence worth, nicotine lozengers are a great help, I'm off the smokes 5 months with them so far, really helps to nip the craving enough to allow the will power to fight on. Good luck girls x
I'm not pg but thought I'd put in my ten pence worth, nicotine lozengers are a great help, I'm off the smokes 5 months with them so far, really helps to nip the craving enough to allow the will power to fight on. Good luck girls x

Well done!!!
thinking positive is the key. im very proud of myself

And so you should be, well done.

I am glad this conversation came up. There will be a lot of opinion on it, good and bad, but at least we are talking about it... Between drinking and smoking, my personal opinion is that smoking is the lesser of two evils.

Still doesnt make it ok tho :roll:

No thats right, my mum, auntie, cousin, three of my girlfriends all smoked through there pregnancies and had healthy babies, i wouldn't jinx it myself though.
Hi all,

I really feel for smokers who fall pregnant or those who really enjoy a good drink.

I like the odd glass of Merlot but that's about it and so it has been easy to give up. I can't imagine what it must be like to have to quit smoking and just wish everyone who is trying the very best of luck. xx
Im teetotal anyways have been for a few years but i only quit smoking last nov did so befor i went on the clomid to get pregnant for me it is because i smoked in my first pregnancy which i miscarried this time i wont risk anything and if im honest nothing is worse than seeing a big pregnacy bump on a woman with a fag hanging out of her mouth! that said i gave up using patches and inhulater and didnt have a prob i was probably lucky
I used to live for my Saturday nights with hubs watching films, having a good old drink and smoke! Now the drink however I used to love my bottle wine I find is easy to give up but omg, smoking I'm really struggling with, I'm trying so hard but I can't quite make it! I'm ashamed to say that I smoked a couple a day on both my boys pregnancys but that doesn't mean I want to do it again, far from it! I wasn't even in the right frame of mind to give up because the pregnancy was a surprise! I'm going to swap to silk cut and I hoping they'll be a lot easier to wean myself from them..fingers crossed I can do it!
I used to live for my Saturday nights with hubs watching films, having a good old drink and smoke! Now the drink however I used to love my bottle wine I find is easy to give up but omg, smoking I'm really struggling with, I'm trying so hard but I can't quite make it! I'm ashamed to say that I smoked a couple a day on both my boys pregnancys but that doesn't mean I want to do it again, far from it! I wasn't even in the right frame of mind to give up because the pregnancy was a surprise! I'm going to swap to silk cut and I hoping they'll be a lot easier to wean myself from them..fingers crossed I can do it!

Im not going to say dont feel ashamed... I felt ashamed too, wouldnt ever dream of smoking in public while pregnant, its wrong and its not clever

Well done on getting this far! The inhilator worked for me, I know it is only 6 days, but when you have smoked every day for 12 years, it is aaaages lol

You WILL do're getting into the right frame of mind this time...all you can do is bite the bullet and go for it. It wont be pleasant at first, but the buzz you get after a few days of not smoking is immense.

Good Luck xXxXx
I smoked and drank, when I found out I was pregnant I stopped smoking the day after and havent touched one since and had a sip of wine as a treat after my 12 week scan as id not touched it and I poured it away it tasted awful. To be honest before I found out I was pregnant smoking and drinking started to taste weird anyway so I think it was the baby's way of telling me to stop, so it's just juice and water for me pretty much apart from the odd can of diet coke. Well done to the ladies that are stopping smoking, I've tried many of a time before I fell pregnant an I know how difficult it is! Xxx
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I smoked and drank, when I found out I was pregnant I stopped smoking the day after and havent touched one since and had a sip of wine as a treat after my 12 week scan as id not touched it and I poured it away it tasted awful. To be honest before I found out I was pregnant smoking and drinking started to taste weird anyway so I think it was the baby's way of telling me to stop, so it's just juice and water for me pretty much apart from the odd can of diet coke. Well done to the ladies that are stopping smoking, I've tried many of a time before I fell pregnant an I know how difficult it is! Xxx

I'm very jealous of u and all the other women who tell me as soon as they found out they were pregnant they didn't fancy a smoke or a drunk! Iv stopped smoking and drinking, but my word I'd love a glass of red, lump of Stilton and a fag!
I highly recommend the Easy Way To Stop Smoking book by Allen Carr! I tried everything girls then bham I read it and never have smoked since and it wasn't that hard! I owe a lot to that book :)

p.s quitting fags is like a heroine addict quitting drugs!

I really miss alcohol! I imagine I MAY have a shandy in tri 2, possibly just for my sanity!

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