sleep and frustration


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2010
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joshua wont sleep a night yet. i know hell do it in his own time but i was up at 6.45 this morning cos he just wouldnt go back to sleep not even for an hour. im knackered i have exams to do and revision and im slowly getting more and more frustrated at the fact he wont just give us one night. Its getting to apoint that if he even wakes up at 6 thats it hes up. Hes easier toput back to sleep if he wakes at 4-5 but any later then thats it. I dont knwo what to do. im exhausted. iv been up up for 2 hours. Im just starting to think theres no end in sight...he slept through at about 6/7 weeks two nights straight and although we didnt think that it would be every night we thought it was the start of something, but no. Nothing. He sttruggles to sleep during the day as well. I could cry atm...... He has a good routine. Its bath at about 6.30/7, then pjs then a feed and then bed time for about 7.30/8. Occasionally earlier depending on when this feed ends up being as we like to make sure he has a bottle before bed. He wakes up between 11.30 and 12 - which is fine as thats when we go to bed but then will wake up between 4-6. Which is fine but like i said if its the end of that time he wont go back to sleep. His last feed is bigger than the rest so as to try and encourage him to sleep longer. im just rambling now ....
I know its really hard hun but keep tryin to purservere because your LO will soon get there and i know its frustrating an exausting and can get really tiring and sometimes my LO never used to sleep after a certain time he would want to play where as i was to tired an i would try an sleep on setee if he let me but that never happened so i just had to struggle through it. Does he seem a hungrier baby to you??
How old is your LO now?
All these lates nights will be worth it in the end when ull least expect it an sleep through an wake up in the night as LO hasnt had a feed lol. My LO is nearly 7 months on 23rd an hes started only just started sleeping through again. Have you tried just putting dummy in his mouth at the time that he wakes up to see if it makes him go longer we did that with LO cos he didnt actually want feeding he was just gurglin in his sleep an hes on solids more in the day an hes only just properly started going about 11 nearly 12 hours so getting there an thats good enough for me lol.
I didnt want to read and run but you can do this just think that it will all be worth it when he does sleep through :D xx
hes 3months 1 week. He'll have a much bigger feed last thing at night which is the only thing we can do. there is no hungry baby milk for him. Im just exhausted. the worst part is though come 6 oclock when hes after playing i can tell that hes sleepy but he just wont go back to sleep at all. he starts giggling and gurgling and wanting to play so i end up 'ignoring' (after his feed etc) him for half aan hour before he gets bored of his dummy and his mobile and starts crying and then bringing him downstairs where he will play for another 45 minutes and go to just exhausted. absolutely knackered. WHen he slept through at 6 weeks, it was wonderful i woke up at 7 and woke my oh to tell him he wasnt awake yet. but now nothing. i wouldnt even mind waking up at 6.30 7 AT ALL however when im waking up at 5.30 to feed him and then its sort of 6 by the time hes down and he wont sleep, ill have been up since 5.30 and in and out of bed thinking iv settled him but no.... and then when he doesget up and want to play the LAST thing i wanna do is actually play ! x
Lacey didn't sleep through till 6 months and I think Charley's gonna be the same. He still wakes 2-3 times a night! Sorry I can't give any advice as my babies are rubbish sleepers too!! x x
Do you talk to him in the night or does he see your playful side??
I had to stop talking to him an ignored him like it was a general feed to get LO to realise it was still night time dim the lights down low if you can that might help your LO to know the difference from day to night. Just change his nappy or what you do usually but talk softly but if you notice him giggly id try an ignore an carry on what your doing nappy or feed. Tryin to think of ways to see if it would help really lol. You'll realise you have to try an stay awake put telly on i know i felt well sleepy to watch tv in the morning id nearly nod off an LO would start whinging lol an that was only for like 10 mins lol. Im now prepaired for when LO is up early in the mornings but i still end up nodding off an being woken up lol, this is down stairs lol.
In the hospital there were 2 types of times i couldnt do a feed i was that knackered an that was the 2 o'clock feed and the 5 o'clock one i dont know why i still cant do it to this day im just that shattered lol x
Toby does this, by the time he gets to 5.30 he has had 10 hours in bed... When dh is off we have a cuppa while he feeds and while we finish that he has a few quiet rattles and tethers that he plays with. Then he often settles back on dh for an hour with the lights off, we have a blackout blind in our room as it was so light...

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Herbie she through but he dosnt go to sleep till about 9 sometimes 10pm but would then stay till 8am, I think if he is going that early he has already had 10 plus hours sleep when he wakes at 4/5am any way he could stay up later
thanks girls for the advice! lanny i might try that and see how we get on. i dont mind getting up at .30 but when you wake up at 5.30 to feed him and then he jus tdoesn't go to sleep your just awake. he allows you to doze whilst he entertains himself for half an hour but then thats it! xx
and as well it jus tgets to a point that im starting to feel its never gonna happen! i kow pull the violins out lol!!

awww im sorry hun, i dont know what to suggest.. im very lucky noa sleeps to between 9-11 in the morning.. so do i :oooo:

i pump him full of food at 3ish tho
n like u, when he wakes up n wanna play i start the mobile n go back to bed until he starts to cry. :whistle:
I have also given up thinking about when my little one is going to go though the night! Sometimes he'll go from the dream feed (10.30/11) to 3.30 then feed and back to bed half hour later til 7 ish, often he's feeding at 2.30 ish then 5 then sleep til 7 or 8. It's quite erratic.

Often quite pukey and needs resettling after a feed.:wall2:Do a lot of putting dummy back in and shh and patting to see if he'll go back but he is hungry, try to get as much down him as I can in the day;he's breastfed and always offer him both, try and tank up before bed etc. Sometimes he'll wake at 1.30 and dummy he'll manage to resettle and go back for a few hours before feed. It's frustrating but I don't have revision and work to do like you :eh:

Good luck and can't offer much advise but like the others said maybe later bedtime. I keep telling myself all babies are diffferent and he'll get there!

yeah thats what i keep trying t o tell myself that he will do it eventually but like you minchin he is still very erratic. sometimes hes wonderful othertimes hes up and screaming at all hours of the morning and getting up putting the dummy in works but its just the constant getting up and out of bed to sort him out. i realise that sleepless nights are a part of being a parent but sometimes normally our of exhaustion i just dunno if there will ever be an end. we spoke to the HV today and she said ohhh thats what babies do .... and i knwo it is but its never what you wanna hear!! xx im gonna try something tonight... not decided yet but will do x
daisy goes with me at about 11 to bed i dont see point of earlier yet i dont want to be up that early i have bed routine just later in night
Blake has gone from waking once or twice to about 4 times in the night.

The only thing that has kept me sane is going to bed when he does. The house is a pigsty but I don't care, I'm exhausted. I find I get more unbroken sleep from when he goes down (about 7/8) to when he first wakes up to feed (any time between 10 and midnight) than any other point in the night.

Its hard to force yourself to go to bed but whist you've got exams is it not worth trying? Or is it the case that you use this time early evening to revise?

iv been using his bedtime to revise,..... come weds night itll be fine i can chill out more. last night we went to bed slightly earlier so dream fed hom he was up at 3.30 and went straight back down till had a little more sleep. i cant understand how parents cope sometimes. after a while the exhaustion gets you.xx
It's probably frowned upon buuuuut we've started to give seb hungry baby milk at the 11pm feed (he goes to bed at 7.30, asleep for 8) and he's sleeping until 5, another bottle at 5 and sleeping until 8.15am. Could you try that?
It's probably frowned upon buuuuut we've started to give seb hungry baby milk at the 11pm feed (he goes to bed at 7.30, asleep for 8) and he's sleeping until 5, another bottle at 5 and sleeping until 8.15am. Could you try that?

I give hungry baby Helen as his last feed! It really does fill him up longer as long as he takes the whole bottle!
Yeah Seb takes the whole bottle too! Good to know it's not just me! He's just gone back to sleep as well x
Drake has hungry baby as his last feed too. Its been 3 weeks now and He hasn't had a night feed since!

Squeakz the only thing I can suggest is puttin him into bed a bit later?

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