How to make baby sleep throught the night!??


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Hi all!

We have a problem! Non-sleep problem! :wall: Daniel's evening routine starts at 6pm and by 7 pm he is fast asleep. He has his bottle about 6.30pm. Next time he wakes up (well, he starts to make trufflehound noises, and if i dont feed him, he wakes up) at 11 or 11.30 for another bottle. Then, he has another feed between 3am and 4am and then wakes up for a day between 6am and 7am.

We were more or less fine with this, but!BUT! :wall: :wall: :wall: He is teething, and apart from feed times, he wakes up at 1am, 4am and 5am!He just needs his dummy and he needs to be stroked.

So, the question is

1)how to drop the night feeds?

2)how to stop him waking up because of teething?
Hoiw much milk does he have have before bed? Maybe try adding an extra oz in his bottle before bed it may fill him up for laonger, also, try giving him a 2.5ml spoon of calpol, it will help with his teeth, banjela is also good :D
We give Calpol half way thru his feed and when we give him his dumy after the feed we put teething gel on it so it gets to his teeth, then he sleeps a lot better. Ryan's been doing 6pm feed, 12, 4, then wakes for the day about 7. It's still annoying but considering he's teething it's not as bad as it could be..
Amber has kind of fallen into her routine and luckily she has only had three bad nights of wanting a bottle about 3/4 am otherwise she goes to sleep at about 7pm ish may spend half an hour awake about half eight till nine but most nights is well asleep by 9 and it varies what time she gets up in the morning usually between 6.30am and this morning 8.15am!!

I use Dentinox teeth gel and it really settles her and if she is really niggly or crying i am giving calpol.

I would definately try upping LO feeds even during the day also? Does LO have a bath in the evening, amber always had bath on the morning but wen i started doing it in the evening with routine she started sleeping through and she slept through when she was just over 2n half mnths old.

Good luck hun xxxxxxxx
I am trying to give him more milk, but I can get in him only as much as I can get. :wall: He has his bath in the evening and even has a bit of swimming in the big bath. I was hoping it wil tire him out, but nothing :wall: I will try to give him just a little bit more food. Hope it will work. :pray:
Amber goes in the big bath and it tires her out!

Where does he sleep? I know when Amber went into a cot she slept alot better. Just trying to think of things we have done with amber..
He sleeps in our room in his crib. I was thinking recently, that it is probably time to transfer his into his own room and into a cot, but I was just thinking, that while he wakes up, there is no point :wall: Do you think it might help? :hug:
I dont think you can do anything!! sorry i honestly believe this.....

Ellis still doesnt sleep through, he will wake a few times for NOTHING, just to be re-settled.

Kyla slept through from 5 weeks!!!

The only thing i do different is let kyla have a little cry before her daytime naps, she will never cry for more then 4 mins and if she does i pick her up, but ellis was picked up everytime he murmed

It may help it may not Carina hun but the way i see it anything is worth a try. We were struggling to get any time to ourselves and persevered with Ambers night routine following advice from some of the ladies on here and in the end it has paid off but amber has kind of fallen into it herself and now she is in bed by 8 ish sound asleep and it has helped us tremendously you get 5 mins peace well if you call OH peace!! :hug:
1) He'll drop them when he's ready.
Isaac used to wake for a feed at 3am too, and eventually he dropped it himself, as I think a lot of LO's do. He was on hungrier baby formula too. LO's have their routines and generally they change them themselves. You could try a dreamfeed and drop it, but I haven't ever dreamfed so cannot help I'm afraid. As his tummy grows he'll be better at sleeping longer and grow out of the need to wake at 3am, although not all LO's do :hug:
2)Nurofen and/or teething gel/powders.
When Isaac has bad teething pain he gets very hot and isn't happy at all and there's only Nurofen I've found that will take the edge off for him, or teething powders, before which we used Bonjela.
I hope he's feeling better soon, teething pains are horrible, its not nice seeing them in pain, sending very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Congrats Redshoes on your second pregnancy :) just seen it on your reply
we have tried everything to get oran to sleep through and at 9 months he still isnt. hE doesnt even wake for milk at night, he just wakes fo rno reason now!

to cut the feeds, he will do this when he is on more solids, he will prob cut his own milk down to like 3oz or so, if this is the case just cut that bottle out or if he cries to much offer warm water and then he should stop waking for that bottle n eventually stop both night feeds. Oran stopped his about 5 months but he was on food.

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