Sick B*stards!

dionne said:
when i used to walk to work, i used to have to walk past (at 7 in themorning) prostitues with their kosavan or asian pimps, and being spat at.
sounds like coventry. iv had bad experiences with them thats why im the way i am

any one ever watched hotel rowanda(sp) its a film about the blacks at war??? its great in that case i feel sorry for them mothers and their children should be able to ascape and come over here for a safer life. but some people come over and take us for fools. im glad how well our contry is run that the highest are the police ect il happily pay my tax to be kept safe

one lad i went to school with was from a bad place not sure where hes black his mum was raped and stapped to death in front of him and his father killed. the teachers called a asemberly to ask us to treat him good. its such a shame so in some ways i understand why they come over here but not why some are so disrespectful

Sadly it is the genuine cases that get the rough end and get labelled as scroungers. There is a difference between illegal immigrants and refugees but people tend to lump them in as one group.
the thing is our immigration is a joke, with top officials being bribed into letting just anybody over here. who knows what sick freaks are coming into our country. i am all for a multi cultral world but stop letting all these criminals in.

and i know that a majority of these terrorists were british but their trainers come from overseas to brainwash them. a lot of times they do plead asylum so that they can brainwash the british kids (as thats what they start off as)
Sorry but those people can be more racist than anyone, plead racism and they get away with anything!
ok one thing that i am sooooo against realy gets on my nerves is. if kris wears a motorbike helmet he has to take it of to go in a shop my brother was riding his push bike back from wrk wearing a balicarlva(sp) the police puled him over asked him to removed it yet these woman can cover them selves top to toe only showing their eyes and get away with it. why do they do it? i heard so no man looks at them in a sexual way????
Oh do u mean the women when u just see their eyes? I think ur theory is rite, they r just sexy for their men!
K X said:
Sorry but those people can be more racist than anyone, plead racism and they get away with anything!

on the news if there is a fight with a group of lads and 3 white men beat up a black man straight away its a racist atack. but if 3 white men beat up a white men it wont make the news.. stupid!
K X said:
Oh do u mean the women when u just see their eyes? I think ur theory is rite, they r just sexy for their men!

yh my 5 yr old brother told me thay are called post boxs lol think he has been listening to his older brother to much lol
yh my 5 yr old brother told me thay are called post boxs lol think he has been listening to his older brother to much lol[/quote]

:rotfl: :rotfl:
Many women wear burkhas to protect themselves from the evil eyes of men. I guess the reason why they asked your brother and Kris to remove their head wear is because there have been robberies committed by people wearing balaclavas and crash helmets but I don't think there have been many recorded incidents of women wearing burkhas robbing banks :?
no matter what beliefs i had no man would have me wearing them crazy outfits in the heat waves. ild tell them to stop being insecure and get over the fact other men might look... or maybe their mrs is a minger and they are ashamed :rotfl:
dionne said:
woman can cover them selves top to toe only showing their eyes and get away with it. why do they do it? i heard so no man looks at them in a sexual way????

This is something that I am very suspicious of!
I remember when we lived in London (nr Kensington), we would wonder through Kensington Gardens up to Queensway. There were always loads of Middle Eastern chaps in their convertables blaring out western music... just hanging out - whilst just 2 minutes away, DH and I passed x amount of fully covered muslim ladies! These guys were dressed in western clothes and behaving like any other westerners.

Very recently, a muslin woman was sentenced to death because she apparently seduced a muslim male. She had accused him of rape, but she was found guilty by the court and sentenced. Uhmmm... something not right there! Apparently it was her fault that he had raped her - she had led him into the temptation.
I can't remember the whole story, but basically, that's the just of it.

That is why I mentioned earlier that I do find it very hypocritical. I understand Beanies' point clearly and agree with much of it, but we all have preconceptions about many other cultures, including...
All Americans are airheads and thick.
The French eat frogs legs & croissants and wear stripey jumpers.
All Germans are Nazis'
All football fans are hooligans
All SAs' are racists

And all the above are how we have conveived them. It's completely normal, therefor, it is not breaking news that "All Muslims are Terrorists".

We have to take responsibility for the impressions we give others of ourselves. We are how others see us!

Emilia xx
The men don't make their wives wear them, it is a choice. Thre reason why the face is covered is because the face is part of the natural Zina (charm) which is the main source of temptation and seduction. It is not permissible to look at the face of a woman for fear of temptation, since temptation caused by the face is much greater than that caused by the feet, the hair, or legs. (god I love google)
well i dont think they should be able to get away with wearing their outfits its creepy and intimidating. could be a big hairy man under there for all i no using the ladies loo and changing rooms
:rotfl: when ever we go to matalan its full of them women in the outfits when they are with their OH kris always winds me up saying he is going to walk up to her and say wow what sexy eyes. or ummmmm sexy ankles

might let him one day
dionne said:
well i dont think they should be able to get away with wearing their outfits its creepy and intimidating. could be a big hairy man under there for all i no using the ladies loo and changing rooms

You're a nutcase Dionne.... I do find you very funny!!! :rotfl: :rotfl:

Emilia xx
emilia said:
That is why I mentioned earlier that I do find it very hypocritical. I understand Beanies' point clearly and agree with much of it, but we all have preconceptions about many other cultures, including...
All Americans are airheads and thick.
The French eat frogs legs & croissants and wear stripey jumpers.
All Germans are Nazis'
All football fans are hooligans
All SAs' are racists

And all the above are how we have conveived them. It's completely normal, therefor, it is not breaking news that "All Muslims are Terrorists".

We have to take responsibility for the impressions we give others of ourselves. We are how others see us!

Emilia xx

Hmm but surely we have a responsibility to educate ourselves so these prejudices do not stay with us. The German's are Nazi's one, well yes there are still neo nazi's in Germany, as there are in Italy, England etc but the war ended over 60 years ago. Germany has not been a Nazi country for a long time yet it is still a common belief. i don't see how the German's should still be thought of as tjhis, and what more they can do?
beanie said:
The men don't make their wives wear them, it is a choice. Thre reason why the face is covered is because the face is part of the natural Zina (charm) which is the main source of temptation and seduction. It is not permissible to look at the face of a woman for fear of temptation, since temptation caused by the face is much greater than that caused by the feet, the hair, or legs. (god I love google)

So be it beanie, but don't believe that it's as simple and straight forward as that. Do you remember when that Thiroux guy went to Iran under cover - it was clear and simple.... the beard thing, the dresscode etc... there was no choice - it was law.

Emilia xx
.... still friends Beanie? :hug: :hug:
dionne said:
:rotfl: when ever we go to matalan its full of them women in the outfits when they are with their OH kris always winds me up saying he is going to walk up to her and say wow what sexy eyes. or ummmmm sexy ankles

might let him one day

Or what lovely facial hair u have! :wink:

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