dionne said:sounds like coventry. iv had bad experiences with them thats why im the way i amwhen i used to walk to work, i used to have to walk past (at 7 in themorning) prostitues with their kosavan or asian pimps, and being spat at.
any one ever watched hotel rowanda(sp) its a film about the blacks at war??? its great in that case i feel sorry for them mothers and their children should be able to ascape and come over here for a safer life. but some people come over and take us for fools. im glad how well our contry is run that the highest are the police ect il happily pay my tax to be kept safe
one lad i went to school with was from a bad place not sure where hes black his mum was raped and stapped to death in front of him and his father killed. the teachers called a asemberly to ask us to treat him good. its such a shame so in some ways i understand why they come over here but not why some are so disrespectful
Sadly it is the genuine cases that get the rough end and get labelled as scroungers. There is a difference between illegal immigrants and refugees but people tend to lump them in as one group.