Sick B*stards!

i guess i never really thought about it that way :(

I must admit though some asian people are very nice here in scotland but some can be really rude.

I was also brought up in a catholic home and i class myself is non religious as i dont go to chapel or anything. I have decided not to bring my kids up that way as i feel when they are old enough and if they want to go ahead and follow god/jeasus or whatever then that will be their own choice and i will support that.

weestar21 said:
i guess i never really thought about it that way :(

I must admit though some asian people are very nice here in scotland but some can be really rude.

And I have met some very rude Scottish people but I don't think they are all like that (my family is Scottish so I know how great they are). People are individuals, just because some are bad doesn't mean everyone who shares their colour, culture, religion etc are the same. The vast majority of British muslims hate these fundamentalists. Remember the Jjuly bombers killed 50+ people including other muslims.
ok i admit i was wrong and i didnt look into all the facts so i appologise to everyone and im really sorry if i have offended you or anyone else
I agree that the majority of muslims that come to the UK, bring with them their expertise in many fields. They contribute greatly to the british economy and that it really is the minority that cause chaos!

It's the way we think nowadays.... people have the same impressions of muslims as they had of white South Africans 15 years ago! I came from a non-racist family and non of my friends were anything like the picture the rest of the world had in their minds.
When I went travelling - I was branded a "Racist South African" and excluded from many groups (in the 80's)!

That's life! It only takes one bad apple!

Emilia xx
There is more than one bad apple-look at September 11th, how many did that take to mastermind that.

I hate all the anti war protestors saying Bush and Blair are the biggest terrorists- do people forget that 3000 people were wiped out in the twin towers? Not to forget july 7th!

Beanie, don't get me started on rude English-my outlaws to name a few! :wink:
I dont like racissm but think everyone is entitled to their own opinions. I just think we cant tar everyone with the same brush. There are some lovely asians out there, who were born in britain and have worked all their life, yet people will still hate them! They arent all terrorists and its just not asians on the dole, its also a majority of british people! I just think at the end of the day we are all the same, we are just people, with a few exceptions, there's gonna be "bad" people in every race, country ect.
emilia said:
I agree that the majority of muslims that come to the UK, bring with them their expertise in many fields. They contribute greatly to the british economy and that it really is the minority that cause chaos!

It's the way we think nowadays.... people have the same impressions of muslims as they had of white South Africans 15 years ago! I came from a non-racist family and non of my friends were anything like the picture the rest of the world had in their minds.
When I went travelling - I was branded a "Racist South African" and excluded from many groups (in the 80's)!

That's life! It only takes one bad apple!

Emilia xx

It does but it shouldn't be life. situations like this mean discrimination of Muslims is on the increase, which in itself results in minority of young British Muslim men feeling angry and resentful, and these are able to be brain washed into causing more terrorism. This then leads to more discrimination and ill feeling towards Muslims and so on. We need to stop this cycle, probably am being very niaive but hatred breeds hatred.
i prefer to just stick with who i no and stay where i feel safe
:rotfl: Dionne u just say it how it is...Like me! :wink:
lol i no oppps but im editing it incase it starts trouble :lol:
the profile of the average criminal in Britain is aged between 18-25, white male. There may be some Kosivans who have committed sexual offences but you won't here about the majority who live crime free lives as its not newsworthy. I'm not disputing that there are some nasty ones out there but i just feel having an open mind is better, i love living in a multi cultural country.
i no, iv changed what i said it is the way i feel but i shouldnt broudcast it lol
i suppose when you have only met the bad ones you no nothing else.
nothing major, i just said that crime watch always seems to be cosivans that do all the rapes. but then i realised that alot of people dont like people being tarred with the same brush so i edit it lol
can i just ask you beanie what is the area you live in like, i mean how multi cultral is it.

let me give you an example of where i used to live.

my friends niece went to school (6 years old). the other children (all asian) decide to have a 'lets not talk in english day' so this little girl was left by herself all day. now the teachers who were a mixture let this go on all day.

when i used to walk to work, i used to have to walk past (at 7 in themorning) prostitues with their kosavan or asian pimps, and being spat at.

is that the sort of multi cultral area you live in.

i am not having a go, it's just that until you live in an area like this you dont really know the half of it.

i also worked for the Met and 90 % of the crime in the area of london where i lived were not committed by the people in your majority crime brackets.

also my father was an immigrant and so were my maternal grand parents who all came here through persecution. my dad was not given anything when he came here. he was just told to go to work if he wanted money.

my grandparents who came here to get away from Hitler were put into a camp and told that if they wanted anything more then they would have to get a job, which they all did.
I just hate being labelled myself, as I would imagine most people do. I see a lot of threads about how bad it is to label all young mums/singlemums etc and I think this is the same. I just like to get to know someone and like most people unless there is a good reason not to. These people that were arrested yesterday are hiding behind the muslim faith, they are not muslims; and because of this a mainly peace loving group of people are viewed and targeted as terrorists who hate this country. It just makes me sad that this mis-information is still happening.
the place I am living at the moment is a small town with a small Asian population. I have lived in other places that have been more multi cultural. I don't think I am being niave, the place where I work has a very large Asian community and as a result I do come into contact with more Asian law breakers then if I worked in my home town. However I still would not class all asians as potential terrorists like I have heard some say in the pubs etc, nor would I assume that any group of people are worse then others. Tthe white british male criminal is a national statistic not just in my area.
when i used to walk to work, i used to have to walk past (at 7 in themorning) prostitues with their kosavan or asian pimps, and being spat at.
sounds like manchester. iv had bad experiences with them thats why im the way i am

any one ever watched hotel rowanda(sp) its a film about the blacks at war??? its great in that case i feel sorry for them mothers and their children should be able to ascape and come over here for a safer life. but some people come over and take us for fools. im glad how well our contry is run that the highest are the police ect il happily pay my tax to be kept safe

one lad i went to school with was from a bad place not sure where hes black his mum was raped and stapped to death in front of him and his father killed. the teachers called a asemberly to ask us to treat him good. its such a shame so in some ways i understand why they come over here but not why some are so disrespectful
Both me and my sister used to get attacked at school as we had lived in Germany and were obviously Nazi's. Sounds daft but that's what we got, I was spat at, punched etc and called a nazi bitch and to go back where I came from. My dad's family is from England/Scotland, my mum's from Scotland but I went to school with a bunch of idiots. My dad was in the army so that is why we lived in Germany. As a result I had quite a posh accent and used to get picked on for that, called a snob etc even though my family are all working class. No where near as extreme as other experiences I know but if people got to know me then they would not have thought I was stuck up.

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