
At the rate your going, you'll be in labour before you're induced!! Haha hope your headache goes and you manage some more sleep.
I started losing plug again yesterday and have been having BH on n off since middle of the night. Even got up about 3am for a wee, which turned into sitting on our balcony with hubby and a cup of tea cos I was so hot and just needed to breathe fresh air! Managed to get some more sleep, woke up feeling great but still having random BH and then lost another chunk of plug and developed upset tummy. Poor hubby is getting a bit flappy, but if this carries on that dream could come true!! We really could end up with a race to the end!! LOL!
I'm still not in!!! They haven't phoned yet.
I'm gonna phone soon, I hate waiting!! X

Tapatalking. X
I phoned (couldn't wait any longer!) she's on her break and will phone in 15 mins ish.

She prob wont!! :-/ xx

Tapatalking. X
This is stupid!! :( bet teyll say to come in ina few hrs, spend the night and theyll wait till morning :shock: hope not!!

FX she does..otherwise id call again hun.. Cant elieve they said to call at 10am and they still havent asked u to go in!! Xx
I know! Doing my head in! Everyone's txing me for updates etc but just repeating myself to them all.
She better phone ASAP!! Xx

Tapatalking. X
I'm next on the list to go in and it will be today they haven't forgotten. She said it 'Shouldn't be too long' xx

Tapatalking. X
Awwe hun :hugs: hang in there!! Not long and FX ull have her within a few hours! Xxxx
Yh bet it will be aagggggges!! Lol think ill be in for two nights xx

Tapatalking. X
Just caught up...can't believe they've made you wait so long!! Seriously sucky. I bet you've been tearing your hair out!!
Hope you're sorted soon hun. Just keep eating and resting!!
Good luck huni! So annoying they've made u wait all day, but fingers crossed ul get in there and they'll start straight away )

Woooooo xxxx
Hope your having some rest xx

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She's phoning me at 9-930. Still saying its definitely tonight. Gonna get some sleep. Ill update u all after I've spoke to her at 930.

This is sooo irritating! Frigging baby boom they're so busy!! I want my little girl! Xx

Tapatalking. X

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