
At least you're all set to go!! Hope you've got an extra change of clothes or 2, just incsse you're there a while! Either that or set something out that someone can pick up n drop in for you!
Bet your getting nervous now!! Still so excited for you!! Can't wait to see your lil girly!!
Good luck for tomorrow! I bet you're so excited :) x
Thanks girls :D I'm so excited but nervous, just going to bed now, hopefully ill sleep as much as possible as couldn't last night.

Ill set another set of clothes out just incase oh needs to bring them in... Good idea! :) xx

Tapatalking. X
It was one of those things someone mentioned to me cos she ended upnstaying linger than planned, had run out of clean clothes as everything ends up so messy and she sent her OH home to get some comfy clothes and he came back with a pair of pre-pregnancy jeans and a summer when it was boiling! He didn't even think to pick up underwear or a top of any sort!! Lol I'm hoping I'm sorted, but know I can tell hubby what to pick up and he'll sort it, although I think I'll.prob just set something out anyway!!
Go get a good nights sleep, you'll need it as it'll be your last for a while! Good luck for the morning and enjoy your breakfast out!!
How am I not asleep yet!! :(
Going to be knackered tomoro I can't drift off, can't stop thinking. X

Tapatalking. X
I've had about 4hours (few toilet trips between) but feel refreshed and excited to meet my little girlie! :D I can't believe I'm so lucky!! And it's TODAY!! :D

Claire hope ur ready to do my labour thread I can't wait to see it! Lol feel like my names going up in lights!! Hahaha

I'm gonna chill in bed still andante get another hour if I can but I'm just so excited now lol

As for labour....BRING IT ON!! :-/ lol xxx

Tapatalking. X
Yaaaay!! The day is here!!!!

Hope they dnt keep u waiting to kick start things, so excited for you :) :)

Cant wait for updates n finally piks of lil Hallie ;) xxx
I kno I hope I can go straight in at 10-11!! Lol x

Tapatalking. X
Aw so exciting!! Hope you're not left hanging around too long!! Will be watching for updates until she's here now!!
Yh ill update soon as I've phoned at 10 (If I can wait that long to phone)
Tried to kip a bit more but couldn't and now I feel shit-massive headache! Typical I felt great earlier!

Can't stop pooing thou lol (sorry) xx

Tapatalking. X
Good luck today, can't wait to read your labour thread as it updates :-D
Just seen all this and was thinking as I was texting you I'm surprised you'd not been on here today and assumed u were just taking it easy! Haha... Not surprised you are too excited to be doing that though! 4 mins till your call eeeekkkk!!!! Xxxx
Good luck!

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
Thanks girls :)
It's on my phone Claire so it's easy for me to come on here lol xx

Tapatalking. X
Yeah but I thought you'd be sleeping or something.. Nope up at 5am haha xxx

I'm soooo jealous! I am getting absolutely booted about today just to let me know he's prob still not even engaged.. Great! Xxx
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Couldn't sleep lol I might have a kip now thou... Don't know when they will phone me! I hate the waiting and not knowing.

Just explained to my oh what a labour thread is and shown him one, he was like 'wtf is foofy dust!' Hahahaha I said magic fanny dust! Lol

Just done a last bump photo too xx

Tapatalking. X

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