
Can't sleep!! Been awake since 330! And didn't come to bed till 1 as my mind was over thinking everything too. Don't know what I'll be like tonight/tomoro morning. Xx

Tapatalking. X
Tomorrow try ur best to rest!!! U have nooo clue how long labour will be! U need all the energy :) xx
I've still not slept! Gonna bake a cake then try again before going shopping.
Just washed her moses basket bedding again lol Gonna check my bags later too x

Tapatalking. X
Oh bless ya! As if it isn't a nerve wrecking enough time already, but now you know it's tomorrow that things will he starting!! Do tty and rest and get some sleep though!! You're really gona need it hun! Make sure you have a nice dinner tonight and if I were you, I'd make sure you grt a decent breakfast tomorrow aswell, at least then if you don't eat properly for a couple of days you'll still have some sort of energy!!
Had a really odd dream last night - I went into labour as your induction was starting and we both had our girlys at same time!! Eep! Can only hope I suppose, but I can't see my girly being that co-operative!! Lol!
Ahh im so excited for you! Xx

Sent from my GT-I9300
Aw fairy pants that would be sooo cool! :) lol
I've not long woken up so I've had about another 2-2and a half hrs.
Think we're gonna go out for breakfast in the morning :)
Not sure what we will have tonight yet, everything I'm eating goes straight through me at the min (sorry tmi!!) even Cheerios at 5 am this morning.
Cleaned up downstairs this morning too, instead of baking a cake I thought I'd scrub the cupboards in the kitchen and clean everything and get last bit of washing done. I wanna come back to immaculate house and not worry for a few days! Lol


Tapatalking. X
Ahh im so excited for you! Xx

Sent from my GT-I9300

Thanks Kelly :D still can't get my head round the fact I'll have my baby girl in the next few days! Nervous!! Keep feeling sick lol

Tapatalking. X
Ive been on a bad cleaning spree aswell!
I hope he makes an appearance next week cos i dnt fancy doing it all again an i want the house spotless!! Xxx
Yh I did a big clean last week and have been trying to keep on top of things but I kept getting lazy lol but it's ok now... Just bag and shopping to do.

Need a sheet for her basinet (using Moses basket upstairs and basinet downstairs) but its a dodgy size lol prob end up using flat sheets in it instead of fitted. Testing asda today xx

Tapatalking. X
Mines a basinet crib shat urs like? I got the graco travel one. No sheet that fit so i had to buy flat sheets!

Im having moses downstairs n basinet up as its bigger.
But hes guna go in moses basket for the 1st few weeks. T wanna have to keep picking him up and disturbing him xx
Ohh and i got the flat sheets from asda 2 for £8.. They r cot size tho so will need folding lol! X
Mines graco too. Went asda and they had none at all! No bedding for cots at all! Useless!! Xx

Tapatalking. X
Ooh Beks, just catching up

Good luck for tomorrow hun xx
Awww thats similar to mine :) soo handy to take with u if baba is staying over grandparents :) xx
Thanks jules :D scary stuff!

I love it dani, I'd not even heard of a basinet before I was pregnant lol my mum bought it me. Xx

Tapatalking. X
My step sister bought it for her lil bot cos he hated the moses basket n he was a chunk! He was in it till 9months then cotbed :) xx
Awwww yay :) :)

Omg my bag is massive! Noahs bag is jut a weekend hand luggage size but i got a biiig bag on wheels, like those gum type bags but with wheels and a plastic handle.. Lok like im off on my holiday lmao! Xx
Oh even more excited now! I hope u get some rest tonight. Xx

Sent from my GT-I9300

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