
Oh my god!!! :(

Defo have a few hrs kip if u can hun! This is ridiculous! Xxx
How frustrating bek. But quite normal I guess. They don't want to have you in labour if they have too many already. Hope you get some sleep in the meantime. You're going to need your energy.

Exciting stuff though.

baby giz born 6th Feb 2011
next one due 12th Aug 2013
Just fallen across this thread accidentally and wanted to wish you luck!

From Tapatalk
Not been coming on here much any more Bek but just seen this and wanted to wish you good luck!! Hopefully Hallie will be here in no time eek! Xx

Thanks everyone. I can't sleep at the min.

Hey Laura I was thinking about u the other day! Where u been! All ok I hope? Xx

Tapatalking. X
Oh darling! Just come out the cinema and was thinking why haven't I heard from her yet?! So thought I'd come on here and check to see if you'd updated! U poor thing xxx
Oh darling! Just come out the cinema and was thinking why haven't I heard from her yet?! So thought I'd come on here and check to see if you'd updated! U poor thing xxx

It's sooo annoying! Even if I go in at 10pm they're gonna send oh home once the pessary is in! So ill be on my own :( xx

Tapatalking. X
Sems so unfair to keep you hanging on like this :( I hope you hear soon and can get going, waiting around is so hard x
At this point I'd be tempted to say sod it n go tomorrow! At least then you'd get another night at home and you won't be on your own in hospital!!
I've been getting BH for the last 2 or 3 hours. Bump is constantly tight and just gets worse in waves now...I get the feeling I won't be sleeping much tonight!!
Hope you're sorted soon hun!! Good luck again, incase I miss anything!!
Thanks everyone. I can't sleep at the min.

Hey Laura I was thinking about u the other day! Where u been! All ok I hope? Xx

Tapatalking. X

Aww were ya haha, yeah everything's fine! Just been so busy haven't got the time to come on here as much and I got too obsessed trying to keep up to date with all the posts I just gave up lol. Hope you get in soon so you can meet your little lady :) xx

Soooo as most of you know, the lovely Bekah is now in hospital waiting for her induction to begin!!! Sooooo excited for her!!!!!! It may be a bit of a long process and I half hope baby doesn't come too quickly as I'll be asleep and won't be able to updated until morning!
I'm sure you're all with me as we wish her the very best of luck as she brings little Hallie into the world! Will keep the new thread ive started updated as and when I hear from her! Woohoo!!!! :dance:
Push Bekah push!!!!! Xxxxx:)
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