Melanie said:Also never under estimate the power of survivor guilt. I know that i would have personally took on the blame for the death of my abuser if he had been "exterminated".
Barmi_Brummeh said:People CAN be helped when they offend and i was told that they aint allowed out till a psyhologist says that they arent likely to re-offend. U cant just lock them up and throw away the key, they need to get back out into the real world and prove to people like u lot who think so negitivly that they CAN come out and live a life where the wont re-offend!
Freya said:Budge you certainly how to write emotive topics![]()
I don't know where I stand on this - when I am impartial and I am looking at it rationallly I think that they shouldn't be killed
Enough said from me!
Tasha20 said:Barmi_Brummeh said:People CAN be helped when they offend and i was told that they aint allowed out till a psyhologist says that they arent likely to re-offend. U cant just lock them up and throw away the key, they need to get back out into the real world and prove to people like u lot who think so negitivly that they CAN come out and live a life where the wont re-offend!
Why should someone who has sexualy abused a child get a second chance?
People who mug, have a fight, or murder yes under the right circumstances of the crime should get a 2nd chance.
I just dont understand why anyone would think they could live in the real world, lol anyway whats real, what I see is, war and a dodgy government and people who think a paedo can be rehabilitatedI just dont get it.
If someone harmed my child in anyway shape or form I would want to kill them with my bare hands![]()
I also want my child to be protected against these sick monsters, they do not deserve to have a life of happyness when they destroy so many lives.
I am against the ones who rape children live on camera, who take pictures and put them on the net, who abuse a3 yr old boy in front of 100s of paedophiles who watch on the net.![]()
That as far as im concerned in inhumain! and anyone who thinks they deserve a second chance really needs to have a proper good look at whats really going on with these sick ba*tards!
Barmi_Brummeh said:If they were to bring back the death penalty, where would they stop?
Pedophilia? Murder? Manslaughter? Rape? Mugging? etc
Yeah pedophilia does wreck peoples lifes, but they CAN get over it (and before anyone says how can i say that n that ive never been thru it - yes.. i have!) But the thing is people who rape, murder, burgle a house, mug someone, attack them, even threaten, or harrasing someone can wreck their lifes.
Like i said before i dont think what they do is right, but i dont think they should be killed. As a few people have said 2 wrongs dont make a right.
People CAN be helped when they offend and i was told that they aint allowed out till a psyhologist says that they arent likely to re-offend. U cant just lock them up and throw away the key, they need to get back out into the real world and prove to people like u lot who think so negitivly that they CAN come out and live a life where the wont re-offend!
Plus if they did kill someone for it and it came back that they wernt the person who done it, or the person who said it was found to be lyin then they would of just killed an innocent person for absolutly no reason.. and thats not right at all!!
budge said:Barmi_Brummeh said:If they were to bring back the death penalty, where would they stop?
Pedophilia? Murder? Manslaughter? Rape? Mugging? etc
Yeah pedophilia does wreck peoples lifes, but they CAN get over it (and before anyone says how can i say that n that ive never been thru it - yes.. i have!) But the thing is people who rape, murder, burgle a house, mug someone, attack them, even threaten, or harrasing someone can wreck their lifes.
Like i said before i dont think what they do is right, but i dont think they should be killed. As a few people have said 2 wrongs dont make a right.
People CAN be helped when they offend and i was told that they aint allowed out till a psyhologist says that they arent likely to re-offend. U cant just lock them up and throw away the key, they need to get back out into the real world and prove to people like u lot who think so negitivly that they CAN come out and live a life where the wont re-offend!
Plus if they did kill someone for it and it came back that they wernt the person who done it, or the person who said it was found to be lyin then they would of just killed an innocent person for absolutly no reason.. and thats not right at all!!
wait till you have given birth to your baby and see if you feel the same![]()
your whole life changes when you have had a baby and your thoughts about things do to.
dionne said:i have never imagined how i would feel if some one thouched my kids because its something im way to scared off.
but the chances of it happening are slim i am very very carefull, i know im nasty but my children will never ever stay at friends houses.
i trust my imediate family as i have lived with them and know we are all normal, but you cannot trust every one these days.
the thought of a man taking away my childs innocence is sickening!