Too Close to Home! (peodiphile)

trixipaws said:
lou said:
Battle royale!! thats it!!
iv seen that film, its really good!

sorry, back on topic...

in thailand they get shot by a firing squad... :think:

if anyone ever touched my little girl i'd cut their dick off. and microwave it and make them watch. :twisted:
If anyone did that to my Hope, i would hunt them down, with a big sharpe knife and kill em myself, my god im fuming, things like this make my blood boil :x :x :x :x :x
My brothers teacher got caught with the help of my bro when he was in primary school coz the bloke had been the only teacher in the boys changing rooms when they went swimming and he used to take pictures of the boys and smack their bums and stuff.
Then a few years later i was in his class and at the school disco he grabbed my hands and started dancing really close to me :puke:
he got caught coz in the same year he was my teacher he phoned loads of kids including my brother who was 5 years older and in another school by this point. he pretended to be father xmas and was asking them loads of sick questions, my bro recognised his voice so my mum went to the police and they said they were already investigating him as they had found some photos. while they were investigating he was still allowed to teach!!!
he's probably out of prison now and living among us with a new identity and job.
i think they should all be tortured and killed!!
I personally believe that peodos can't change, it's part of their makeup. Talking of Thailand, isn't that where that perv Gary Glitter is held?
leckershell said:
I often say they should find a random island that nobody uses, fence it off, and ship them all over and let them fight their own corner together. Survival of the fittest and all that, let them kill each other off..

But I'll probably get in trouble for saying that so I'll hover my finger over the *edit post* button.

Well I'm in trouble too then!! Totally agree hun
I wrote this back in May: ... 6&start=30

I agree, any hint of a sexual crime and yes these sick fookers (sorry for swearing but ) should be tagged, chipped, listed etc
Like you say, just so at least they are not put in a postion to abuse.

But unfortnately I really believe these people can't be helped. I don't mug old ladies because I don't want too not because there is a law saying I can't.
No matter what the deterant is, it won't stop someone having a sexual urge to molest little children. I don't think you can teach someone not to feel something, (other then castrating, with I'm all for ) all you can hope is that they don't act upon that urge. Which personaly I would never beable to do.

personally I think they should all be shipped off to a remote self suffiecnt island where they can bugger each other until their blue in the face. There's no place for them in society.
all i know is i would get in a hell of a mess if i was left alone with a paeodophile and a machete :evil: :evil:
Misslarue said:
personally I think they should all be shipped off to a remote self suffiecnt island where they can bugger each other until their blue in the face. There's no place for them in society.

:clap: :clap: :clap:

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