should he be worrying?

rhian85 said:
i agree with rubys mumy - if he wont go then u should may be ring NHS dirct on his behalf tell them what u have told us bout the bleeding and feeling of pressure and they will soon say if he needs to be seen or not.

:pray: :pray: Please do it......
Kmbo, just looked on NHS Direct website, read this:

Signs of serious head injuries, concussion or damage to the brain include:

Lasting headache that gets worse or is still present over six hours after the injury;
Extreme difficulty in staying awake, or still being sleepy several hours after the injury. It is fine to let children go to sleep after a slight bump to the head, but you should check on them regularly and make sure you are able to wake them.
Nausea and vomiting several hours after the injury;Unconsciousness or coma;

Unequal pupil size;Confusion, feeling lost or dizzy, or difficulty making sense when talking;

Pale yellow fluid or watery blood, coming from the ears or nose (this suggests a skull fracture);

Bleeding from the scalp that cannot be quickly stopped; Not being able to use part of the body, such as weakness in an arm or leg;Difficulty seeing or double vision;Slurred speech; and Having a seizure or fit.

If any of these serious symptoms are present, particularly loss of consciousness (even for a short period of time), you should call an emergency ambulance
ok ive told them what he told me..

he walked into ladders hanging down from the attic this aft... his nose and ears started bleeding and he said it feels like someone is "pushing his head" at both sides.
he said the bleedings stopped now and the pressures gone.

they have said-
he should be ok now the pressure feeling has gone and the bleedings stopped... if he feels ok in himself he will be fine.. just drinks lots and lots of water.
they said if it comes back or he starts worrying then to call back or go in...
they said is he acting normal and all that, i said yeah n they said he should be fine then..

ive rung shane and told him and he said he feels fine now, but he PROMISES me that if it comes back he'll tell me straight away and he'll go in.
i think he'll be fine now to be honest.. might have just been the shock of him banging his head :hug: :hug:
ruby thanks...
he hasnt been sick or anything... he seems fine now but ive made him promise he will go if it comes back :hug:
hope he is ok give us an update on how he is later, oh :x see bloody men if that was a women we would have went to get it checked, but i bet if he has the cold he is dying
claire30 said:
hope he is ok give us an update on how he is later, oh :x see bloody men if that was a women we would have went to get it checked, but i bet if he has the cold he is dying

:rotfl: How true!!

Glad you rang, and glad he is feeling better...didnt want to nag, I am an old worry wart sometimes :oops:

Keep us updated xxxx
Rubys mummy said:
claire30 said:
hope he is ok give us an update on how he is later, oh :x see bloody men if that was a women we would have went to get it checked, but i bet if he has the cold he is dying

:rotfl: How true!!

Glad you rang, and glad he is feeling better...didnt want to nag, I am an old worry wart sometimes :oops:

Keep us updated xxxx

i dont think he will lie to stop himself having to go in.... he's really soft so i know that if hes worried then he'll deffinately go.
thanks for nagging anyway!! he needed it! :hug:
I hit my head in march this year at work... i nearly passed out... i didn't go to A & E straight away.. but around 9pm that nite.. i started having really dizzy moments and felt striking pains in my ears... so i went... sat there til 6am (bad accident they had to deal with 1st)... they say.. as long as u don't go unconcious when u hit your head.. u shouldl be fine.. i just had a mild concussion and told not to sleep for 24 hrs (which was bloody hard) and that i would be tired for a couple of weeks (which i was)... she gave me a leaflet of any signs that are signs that i need to go back to the hospital...
I worked within a TBI unit (traumatic brain injury) and i would suggest going to the hospital if there is any sign of blood. How is he doing this morning?
ive spoke to him this morning... he slept ok but said he feels like he needs another sleep cos he's really tired. he seems fine though :hug:
sounds like mild concussion like i had... i was tired for 2 weeks...... its to do with if your brains bruised i think.... i took 3 days off work (don't think they minded as it happened at work LOL).... but i was still tired .......
he's out clubbing tonight (again) so im sure he's fine :roll: :roll: :roll:

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