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should convicted paedophiles be exterminated?

I don't mean to offend anyone by the way, before I start. I don't have a very good way of writing things sometimes, so sorry in advance if I do say something a bit wrong.

I don't think Paedophiles (and to some extent rapists) can be rehabilitated. It's a sexual preference as opposed to something that just 'happened', or something they can regret.

Tell a gay person to change their sexual preferences - they just can't, that's how they are. It's the same as someone coming out of prison and someone telling them to stop fancying children, they just can't.

Ok, some people may have underlying issues that should be dealt with by councelling which probably leads them to feel insecure in the first place, but you can't help who you fancy.

I think they should be put in the same place as murderers and left to run wild. The murderers would rip them to pieces soon enough, not even murderers like paedophiles.
:shock: I don't think we should pay to keep this monsters alive. They can't be rehabilitated, it's born into them and they will reoffend again. I wonder if some of the people on here would say that they can if it was their child they had raped. I wouldn't hesitate to kill someone who hurt my child in such an awful way! I think they should be lined up and shot! They mess up children for the rest of their lives and then get a nice home somewhere out the way and usually by a school funnily enough. The whole system is wrong! They don't deserve to get on with their life as they have ruined someone elses! That child will live with that forever they do 3 years and say I've done my time end of! How is that right?
Strangeness said:
:shock: They mess up children for the rest of their lives and then get a nice home somewhere out the way and usually by a school funnily enough.

I know they've rehoused one just down the alley from my sons primary school over looking a green where all the kids play :roll: :x

Unfortunately no one knows which house, but there was a letter sent home to all parents warning them to keep an eye on their children.

It makes me so mad.
Barmi_Brummeh said:
budge said:
[quote="Barmi_Brummeh":3qhv7mtc]I dont think they shud be exterminated. Yeah its horrible what they do and i dont understand how anyone could do anythin of that nature to a kid, its discustin. But they get the time in prison for a reason. When they come out they should be able to get on with their lifes. I do think that people should be told about them and that they are livin in the area because if people know then they can keep young children away from them to stop them reoffendin in future.
I think they should (not sure if they do) get intensive councillin, assessin etc before they come out so that they can see if they are likley to reoffend.
Its the same as when a murderer comes out of prison, they can move on with their life so i think that pedophiles should be alowed to do the same.
ferkin hell - are you real?

No im a figure of ur imagination... :shock: course im real. I just dont think that theres any point killin em, theres no point, its the easy way out.
Its wrong what they do but so is murderin someone, yeah they have left someones life in tatters but u cant just go round killin someone because they done somethin bad. They should have the chance to make themself a better person. One day they could be someone who other ex-offenders go and talk to about what they've done and be able to help them etc[/quote:3qhv7mtc]

You wouldn't be saying that if you had been raped and or abused as a kid. :think:
bring back hanging :x

anyone who thinks a peodophile or murderer can be rehabilitated needs their head checkin imo
Shouldn't have read this as it's a sensitive issue what what Paris's natural dad did to her :cry: :cry:
nicki said:
You wouldn't be saying that if you had been raped and or abused as a kid. :think:

OK then I'll say it.

I was abused and raped as child, repeatedly for years by my uncle. Killing him wont give me my childhood back, his death wouldnt even begin to give restitution. I'd rather the entire world knew what he was. Make him walk around with a sign round his neck letting everyone know he likes sex with children. Expose him as a danger.
If you fight violence with violence nothing ever changes.
My uncle isnt someone who could be rehabilitated because he doesn't believe what he did was wrong but its untrue to say that all paedophiles are like that. I spoke to some when i was volunteering in Durham jail who genuinely were horrified at what they had done, two of them were asking for voluntary chemical castration once they were paroled.

Its not up to me to say whether my uncle should live or die, my judgement is fallible, I'll leave his life and his soul in the hands of his maker.
what does every one think? thay are born like it / wired up wrong?

or they turn into them?

one thing that i hate is when someone was abused as a child and use it for their reason to abuse when they are older :twisted:
Melanie said:
nicki said:
You wouldn't be saying that if you had been raped and or abused as a kid. :think:

OK then I'll say it.

I was abused and raped as child, repeatedly for years by my uncle. Killing him wont give me my childhood back, his death wouldnt even begin to give restitution. I'd rather the entire world knew what he was. Make him walk around with a sign round his neck letting everyone know he likes sex with children. Expose him as a danger.
If you fight violence with violence nothing ever changes.
My uncle isnt someone who could be rehabilitated because he doesn't believe what he did was wrong but its untrue to say that all paedophiles are like that. I spoke to some when i was volunteering in Durham jail who genuinely were horrified at what they had done, two of them were asking for voluntary chemical castration once they were paroled.

Its not up to me to say whether my uncle should live or die, my judgement is fallible, I'll leave his life and his soul in the hands of his maker.

Well put and I appreciate everyone will have their own opinion on this matter but personally I feel all the while these type of people are walking the earth (obviously not those in jail) they have the opprtunity to
re-offend and cause alot of grief and misery for someone else. If they did spend their life in prison it wouldn't be so bad, but they are let out after such a relativley short period of time, this in my eyes is just plain wrong.
I know you said that you want everyone to know what your uncle did to you but as Tasha20 said people can then get sentenced for ,spreading the word', people won't spread the word so it all becomes fruitless in the long run, also others feel that it's an invasion of their privacy so these sex offender lists may not become public knowledge anyway & then these men get to live & carry on as normal, that is wrong in my opinion too.
This is something that I never talk about because I was adopted when I was 4 and never had to think about my old life again, but my real dad used to abuse kids, including my sister. I dont know if he ever touched me, I've asked but nobody will be honest with me so I assume he did.

Anyway, years and years later my sister decided to tell the police what he'd done and they had a date to go to court. The night before the hearing my dad killed himself. The sick ******* couldnt even face up to what he'd done.

So my opinion is why kill them, thats only doing them a favour. Like Melanie said, its not gonna undo what they've done to other peoples lives. Lock them up and watch them suffer :x
OK then I'll say it.

I was abused and raped as child, repeatedly for years by my uncle. Killing him wont give me my childhood back, his death wouldnt even begin to give restitution. I'd rather the entire world knew what he was. Make him walk around with a sign round his neck letting everyone know he likes sex with children. Expose him as a danger.
If you fight violence with violence nothing ever changes.
My uncle isnt someone who could be rehabilitated because he doesn't believe what he did was wrong but its untrue to say that all paedophiles are like that. I spoke to some when i was volunteering in Durham jail who genuinely were horrified at what they had done, two of them were asking for voluntary chemical castration once they were paroled.

Its not up to me to say whether my uncle should live or die, my judgement is fallible, I'll leave his life and his soul in the hands of his maker.

My partner was abused as a child and he has the same opinion as you melanie, it is from having first hand experience of how he copes with it that I dont think killing them is what should be done, its not what he wants or you and it should be the victims choice.

The main problem I have is the short amount of time they get in jail for ruining lives. My OH used to lodge with this bloke who was doing it to his sons (who were all below 6 and they think he was grooming the baby :x ) and got 4 years, FOUR bl**dy years?!!!

How is that a fitting punishment? He'll probs get let out earlier for 'good behaviour'. It's ridiculous.
one thing i dont get and they didnt ask on the JK show is: what actually makes them want to sexually abuse a child? do they find them sexy or what? I just dont get how you can do that and look back and think "oopps im so ashamed of myself" what the hell where they thinking before or during it? Because TBH if you cant controle yourself or find children sexy then you need to be killed for every ones safety!!
Melanie said:
nicki said:
You wouldn't be saying that if you had been raped and or abused as a kid. :think:

OK then I'll say it.

I was abused and raped as child, repeatedly for years by my uncle. Killing him wont give me my childhood back, his death wouldnt even begin to give restitution. I'd rather the entire world knew what he was. Make him walk around with a sign round his neck letting everyone know he likes sex with children. Expose him as a danger.
If you fight violence with violence nothing ever changes.
My uncle isnt someone who could be rehabilitated because he doesn't believe what he did was wrong but its untrue to say that all paedophiles are like that. I spoke to some when i was volunteering in Durham jail who genuinely were horrified at what they had done, two of them were asking for voluntary chemical castration once they were paroled.

Its not up to me to say whether my uncle should live or die, my judgement is fallible, I'll leave his life and his soul in the hands of his maker.

sorry about you childhood melanie. Even if exterminating uyour uncle wouldn't bring your childhood back wouldn't it prevent any other child from being raped? Even if your uncle was to have a tattoo on his forehead stating what he was it wouldn't stop him sitting at home watching child porn images or even getting his hands on children via other un convicted child rapists.
The problem with anything like this is obviously what would happen if the wrong person was "exterminated"? it's one thing to say all child sex offeneders should be given the death penalty but mistakes do happen and the wrong people will end up getting killed, it's inevitable.

Chemical castration on the other hand....that is effective but also reversable if by some chance a mistake was made.
Urchin said:
The problem with anything like this is obviously what would happen if the wrong person was "exterminated"? it's one thing to say all child sex offeneders should be given the death penalty but mistakes do happen and the wrong people will end up getting killed, it's inevitable.

Chemical castration on the other hand....that is effective but also reversable if by some chance a mistake was made.

I actually agree with this. Because I was downloading some tunes last year and the comp automatically started downloading 'grannys having s*x' and summat about young boys, of course I cancelled the downloads before they had a chance to start but imagine if i had been away from the comp, these would have been saved to our hard drive, and could have been used as evidence against us? I've made OH delete the programme from our comp now, and we've set up loads of fire walls etc because it us so worrying. Gives me shivers.

The Granny one I could have laughed about, but the other one turned me cold when I read what it was downlaoding :x
prisons not a deterrant, its too cushy inside cos they get all their playstations, tvs and gyms so how the feck are they gonna feel remorse when theyve got all that?

the whole overcrowding of prisons is absolute shite, dig a big hole and put them all in it and set fire to it
As someone who has experienced this kind of abuse, both firsthand and as a witness to my sisters abuse, I agree with Melanie.

I dont think extermination is the answer to anything, and you have to look at the bigger picture and the consequences of allowing certain crimes to be punishable by death. If you start with one crime, it leads on to others and soon we will go back to death sentences for rape and murder aswell.

We abolished the death sentence for very good reasons. As Urchin pointed out, sometimes the wrong people will die, innocent people who have done nothing wrong. And before you say that its worth a few innocent lives to get the guilty ones - well no its not. If your husband or father or brother was wrongfully "exterminated" then you would soon see it differently.

The pain has to stop somewhere.

Yes a child that has been abused potentially has the rest of thier lives messed up, thats a pain no-one should have to live with. Then you have the pain of that childs family, possibly blaming them selves needlessly, or even further reaching - the relationships that fail as an adult because of not being able to trust, of the issues in the abused adults sexual life, of never being able to fully let go and trust someone sexually.

All that is a lot of consequence, caused by the abuser yes, but why add to the pain by taking the risk of killing innocent people?

If someone was killed for the crimes of my abuser, and it turned out to be the wrong guy, who would feel the most guilt for that? Me. For robbing a family of thier son, father, or whatever, for no reason what-so-ever, im not sure I could live with that.

There are men falsely accused of rape all the time, fathers wrongfully accused of abuse by thier manipulative children, it is not a perfect world and that happens.

So I dont agree with exterminating them, not for the abusers sake but for the sake of innocent people, and the conscience of the abused.

There ARE other ways of dealing with it. Chemical castration is one, although not all abusers are doing it for sexual reasons - for some its a power thing and not anything to do with attraction.

The only way I see of sensibly dealing with it is to make it impossible for them to lead normal lives.

Castrate them immediately, give them a jail sentence that is more fitting and not a piddly few years, and on release from jail maybe a special mental health center to brainwash them (the technology has existed for years, it is possible) inot feeling the same disgust and aversion to it as us normal people too. They will then have to live the rest of thier lives knowing what they have done and feel the tight amount of remorse and self disgust to ensure they never ever do it again.

Thats what I'd like to see happening.
glitzyglamgirl said:
As someone who has experienced this kind of abuse, both firsthand and as a witness to my sisters abuse, I agree with Melanie.

I dont think extermination is the answer to anything, and you have to look at the bigger picture and the consequences of allowing certain crimes to be punishable by death. If you start with one crime, it leads on to others and soon we will go back to death sentences for rape and murder aswell.

We abolished the death sentence for very good reasons. As Urchin pointed out, sometimes the wrong people will die, innocent people who have done nothing wrong. And before you say that its worth a few innocent lives to get the guilty ones - well no its not. If your husband or father or brother was wrongfully "exterminated" then you would soon see it differently.

The pain has to stop somewhere.

Yes a child that has been abused potentially has the rest of thier lives messed up, thats a pain no-one should have to live with. Then you have the pain of that childs family, possibly blaming them selves needlessly, or even further reaching - the relationships that fail as an adult because of not being able to trust, of the issues in the abused adults sexual life, of never being able to fully let go and trust someone sexually.

All that is a lot of consequence, caused by the abuser yes, but why add to the pain by taking the risk of killing innocent people?

If someone was killed for the crimes of my abuser, and it turned out to be the wrong guy, who would feel the most guilt for that? Me. For robbing a family of thier son, father, or whatever, for no reason what-so-ever, im not sure I could live with that.

There are men falsely accused of rape all the time, fathers wrongfully accused of abuse by thier manipulative children, it is not a perfect world and that happens.

So I dont agree with exterminating them, not for the abusers sake but for the sake of innocent people, and the conscience of the abused.

There ARE other ways of dealing with it. Chemical castration is one, although not all abusers are doing it for sexual reasons - for some its a power thing and not anything to do with attraction.

The only way I see of sensibly dealing with it is to make it impossible for them to lead normal lives.

Castrate them immediately, give them a jail sentence that is more fitting and not a piddly few years, and on release from jail maybe a special mental health center to brainwash them (the technology has existed for years, it is possible) inot feeling the same disgust and aversion to it as us normal people too. They will then have to live the rest of thier lives knowing what they have done and feel the tight amount of remorse and self disgust to ensure they never ever do it again.

Thats what I'd like to see happening.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I completely agree, and couldn't have said it any better myself.

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