Too Close to Home! (peodiphile)

I watched it and yep that bloke was definately a peadophile. Thats why the whole yard turned ugly and it all went a bit mean. All that finding god crap aswell, what an asshole. Why bother keeping them alive? they don't deserve to be kept in prison and given hot meals, a bed and shelter. I also think maybe if they have to be in prison then make them work. Hard labour everyday for the rest of their life. Make them dig holes then fill them in then dig another hole then fill it in. I would say make them do something productive but would anyone really want anything made or touched by a peadophile? :puke:

Did you watch that Waco thing aswell on TV last night? The guy that caused all that was a peadophile.
The thing is that this is not a sickness, this is a sexual preference to these monsters, its the way they are, there is no way to help them overcome it.

The headteacher of my eldest dd's primary school, is serving a life sentance for what he was doing to the kids he was supposed to be caring for, luckily I took my dd out of the school after only a couple of weeks due to a gut feeling about him.

Maybe extreme, but I reckon they need to bring back the death sentance for these monsters, but instead they are just let out to ruin more lives.

The sentance for the victims is a life one, and it should be the same for the abuser!!
I have heard that peodos tend to try to gain employment where children are based, this just makes me sick to the stomach.
kazlin said:
I have heard that peodos tend to try to gain employment where children are based, this just makes me sick to the stomach.

I used to work in a recruitment agency for supply teachers and there is a special check to see if an applicant is on the sex register. Unfortunately a few of them were.
My sisters partner helps out with the swimming lessons at their son's special needs school. He is a member of the PTA and has had a police check but how do they know he is not a peadophile? He is allowed to help the children get dressed and undressed. Also bearing in mind that alot of the children are severely disabled and can't even speak and would have no way of telling anyone if they were being abused I think its disgusting and I would be up in arms if it was my child being cared for in such a way by one of the pupils parents.
glitzyglamgirl said:
I hate the argument that they can be re-rehabilitated and "deserve" a second chance...simply because I believe its a matter of sexuality and something that cant be "cured".

Once a pervert always a pervert.

My stepdad committed lots of crimes... but got away with everyone... Except the last (after me) he hung himself after that one...

But still his family claim he was "innocent" :x
I often say they should find a random island that nobody uses, fence it off, and ship them all over and let them fight their own corner together.
Yeah, like what they did with Austrailia :lol:
That's the worst thing about it. People don't want to believe that a family member or friend could really be a pedo. They see the signs and don't let the thought come forward in their heads. I've seen it, they are so sneaky and often very charming and generous with their friends and family. The horrible truth is that they are everywhere in varying degrees. We should definetly talk to our childeren more. When I was a young girl, I was taught not to trust strangers, I had to slowly figure out for myself that some people my parents trusted with me were also to be very carefully avoided too.
lou said:
My sisters partner helps out with the swimming lessons at their son's special needs school. He is a member of the PTA and has had a police check but how do they know he is not a peadophile? He is allowed to help the children get dressed and undressed. Also bearing in mind that alot of the children are severely disabled and can't even speak and would have no way of telling anyone if they were being abused I think its disgusting and I would be up in arms if it was my child being cared for in such a way by one of the pupils parents.

Is he allowed to help them change on his own? Jessicas nursery teachers arent allowed into the toilet with them on their own, they have to go in, in twos.

Its sickening, the police checks are good but if they arent convicted then you have to rely on them getting caught, if they get caught. And with the disabled its doubly sick as a lot of them cant speak up as you say.
lauramumof2 said:
lou said:
My sisters partner helps out with the swimming lessons at their son's special needs school. He is a member of the PTA and has had a police check but how do they know he is not a peadophile? He is allowed to help the children get dressed and undressed. Also bearing in mind that alot of the children are severely disabled and can't even speak and would have no way of telling anyone if they were being abused I think its disgusting and I would be up in arms if it was my child being cared for in such a way by one of the pupils parents.

Is he allowed to help them change on his own? Jessicas nursery teachers arent allowed into the toilet with them on their own, they have to go in, in twos.

Its sickening, the police checks are good but if they arent convicted then you have to rely on them getting caught, if they get caught. And with the disabled its doubly sick as a lot of them cant speak up as you say.

I'm not sure if he is allowed with them alone. The swimming pool is at the school so I'm sure there are teachers around. He is well trusted and although we as his family know he is safe, (as far as you can know) the parents of the children there don't know him from Adam. Look at that Ian Huntley. He was the bloody caretaker! Looking back at my teachers now from my school days there are a few that were odd. You can see it now as an adult but when you are a kid all adults seems odd and geeky, especially school teachers.
Apologies to all school teachers, friends of school teachers etc who are members of this forum. No offence intended, I'm sure you are not geeky atall :wink:
Shoot the fooking lot of em, :evil:
By the way pedo's not teachers :)
i completely agree with you guys, it makes me mad they get away with such things then get the privelaged of being housed etc!! Grrr!! :shakehead:
Kill em I say, I don't care what anyone thinks of my opinion either. Animals like that don't deserve to live, to be given a second chance. I've never been a believer in death penalty apart from peados. They don't change. Stone them to death with the family being allowed to do it if they wish.
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Kill em I say, I don't care what anyone thinks of my opinion either. Animals like that don't deserve to live, to be given a second chance. I've never been a believer in death penalty apart from peados. They don't change. Stone them to death with the family being allowed to do it if they wish.

Oh no.. Don't kill em.. that'd be a waste... We need humans for medical testing etc... and scientific studies... I think it would be far wiser for them to be used for that purpose... oh but wait... that would be infringing on their human rights... and we're not allowed to do that.. :roll:
If you used them for medical trials then all the Australians and South Africans over here working wouldn't be able to earn any extra cash :wink:
Squiglet said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
Kill em I say, I don't care what anyone thinks of my opinion either. Animals like that don't deserve to live, to be given a second chance. I've never been a believer in death penalty apart from peados. They don't change. Stone them to death with the family being allowed to do it if they wish.

Oh no.. Don't kill em.. that'd be a waste... We need humans for medical testing etc... and scientific studies... I think it would be far wiser for them to be used for that purpose... oh but wait... that would be infringing on their human rights... and we're not allowed to do that.. :roll:
They gave up their rights to be classed as humans when they started doing what they did, torture them slowly, until almost dead and send em to death row, same goes for murderers too, the lot of em want packing off :wave:
I dont know why the death penalty is off here! First I would just castrate those perdos and other rapists and then off with their head! :evil: I dont understand, why to give those people a second chance or anything! And for taxpayiers money!

And I am not going to apologise for my views! :evil:
Carina said:
I dont know why the death penalty is off here! First I would just castrate those perdos and other rapists and then off with their head! :evil: I dont understand, why to give those people a second chance or anything! And for taxpayiers money!

And I am not going to apologise for my views! :evil:
Cut their dicks off and their fingers, then they would have to live with thier concequences and not be able to do it again , and once again slow torture :x
lou said:
Battle royale!! thats it!!
iv seen that film, its really good!

sorry, back on topic...

in thailand they get shot by a firing squad... :think:

if anyone ever touched my little girl i'd cut their dick off. and microwave it and make them watch. :twisted:

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