She's been admitted :(

They have said because she settles when picked up and cries when put down she is playing up!

She said reflux babies arch their back and don't feed well.

She does that but they haven't seen it.
This woman is not in over the weekend so I'm going to tell my concerns to the next doctor on shift and hope they take a different view.

The junior doc was all for me quitting the breastfeeding and trying a different milk straight away.


Curious.. How did you pick her up? Was she still laying in her back in your arms or did you have her upright? X

She only settled for a few seconds, it was hardly like she had magically stopped crying or anything. I am honestly deranged now. How they can rule something out without even asking if she did those things? She has lots of symptoms of reflux.

I have tried cutting out dairy but I didn't see enough of an improvement to be convinced that it helped tbh.
They have said because she settles when picked up and cries when put down she is playing up!

She said reflux babies arch their back and don't feed well.

She does that but they haven't seen it.
This woman is not in over the weekend so I'm going to tell my concerns to the next doctor on shift and hope they take a different view.

The junior doc was all for me quitting the breastfeeding and trying a different milk straight away.


:hugs: - sorry they're not listening. If is reflux switching to formula is the worst thing, breastmilk is lighter on the stomach and so better for them.

maybe shes settling when picked up cos your holding her in a differnt position.

stick to your guns, remind them what the consultant said about why he admitted her. im tempted to say refuse to leave till you have an answer. xxx
Thank you for all your kind wishes. It means a lot.
Been with visitors so just catching up hun

Don't know what hospital you're at but jeez I wouldn't have much faith to have one doctor admitting you straight away they were so worried, making comments about her eyesight and then changing their mind about her diagnosis and calling her clingy

She's 7 weeks old she's not exactly going to be self sufficient is she

I'd def stick it out for another doctor. Of all else fails show them your posts from here that should convince them xx
That is just so frustrating !! Can't imagine how stressed out you are.

I just hope you manage to sort it soon Xxxxxxxxxxxx
Bloody hell! What a joke! Hope they take you seriously and give you a proper plan soon. X
Really frustrating for you, I hope they don't try to Palm you off as it's the weekend.
Best of luck xx
How is her weight gain going??

I think you just need to keep going and proving a point to them till they start to listen. Im so sorry that youre having thes problems xxxxxxx
I am so sorry you are going through this! That doctor sounds awful? Just wondering how long you cut out dairy for? It takes about three weeks total to get out of your system and then Tilly's system so you won't notice a change right away. If I were you I would cut it out again for a month. The docs told me to cut it out for a month and then reintroduce it. I didnt think anything changed, but a few days after reintroducing dairy she has a rash and is cranky right after eating again. Worth a try! Good luck! :hugs:
Must be so awful for you. All you want is to protect your little one and put the trust in the doctors to get her better- then you get this. I agree with others that I would insist on all the tests for intolerance. Really hope it gets sorted
OMG this is awful, I hope they start listening to you soon and investigate properly, big hugs, thinking of you both. Xx
I've only just got on here as have been busy but omag!!!!!!!!! I'm so sorry your having such a hard time!!!!!!! you need to see a different dr as the one your seeing sound like a right tit imo!!!!!! how is tilly now??? and you??? hugs to you both xxx
Tilly is just the same, I asked for some Gaviscon as she has been vomming loads and soaked us both and they refused. So my little girl is covered in sick, her hair is drenched and I'm soaked and they won't give us anything.

Raaaaaaaarrrrrrr. And the nurse earlier was so helpful as well
What's their reason for not giving her anything?
They didn't say, just that the doc said she can't have it. I can only assume because the consultant said she doesn't have reflux.

I'm really pissed off :wall:
Awh hun how frustrating hope u get some better answers then that xxxx
So sorry u r going thru this! Just wanted to send positive vibes and hope things get sorted soon xxx
Oh Torino, I've just seen this, what a time your having, I can only think the docs won't give you the gaviscon as they want to see the full symptoms and issues your having while she is with them and trying to prevent it. Otherwise it's just cruel for you and her.

I really hope the other doctor is better tomorow, be honest, tell her truefully how you feel, they have to listen to you as your the ones that know your child the best.

Hope they get some proper answers for you soon and you can get home and start normal life XX

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