seriously i need an answer x ?


Well-Known Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Ok girls I need an explanation for this, just for fun I decided to pee on an ovulation stick and its come up quite clear positive straight away? what is going on?
Have you done a hpt? Can you post a pic of your opk? I tend to get quite good lines throughout my cycle x
Where are you in your cycle?

I am 5-6 days late but getting BFN's on tests. Just thought I would do this for a laugh, now I'm all confused lol
Have you done a preg test today?
To be honest with you hun, my lines always look like that. Do you normally use opks? Do your lines nearly disappear after ov?
It's not positive unless both lines are the same darkness.
Good luck for your bfp though xx
hun you are driving yourself mad. Go get yourself a FRER or a digi tomorrow and find out once and for all. You are that late you shouldnt even have to use FMU. x
lol I know Lynds! Considering I'm not trying as such, my body isn't half putting me through the mill this last 2 weeks!
Opks are poo as hpts, agree with above, get yourself a frer! x
cosmic i didn't know that about the lines having to be as dark as each other.........see i'm still learning! First time i ever peed on a opk lol
Oh right ok, well to be positive they deffo have to both be as dark as each other, anything less is considered a negative. Some ladies will have those kind of lines throughout the cycle when not positive (I know I do, I never have one line).
Fx for you xx

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