Seriously considering going back on the pill....


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2010
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Hi girls. I need a kick up the arse here. Weve been TTC 5 months this month and this morning Im in teary mode and am thinking my body is crap and I might go back on my pill. We already have Petes 2 kids and Im 35 this year and feel old. I keep reading all the BFPs here and then reading all the losses and fertility problems and I feel sad for everyone whos struggling and sorry for me too. Please, snap me out of it :(

Snap out of it Hun, the pill is evil, I'm never going back on it! :)

Thanks lol. It is, but I keep thinking Ill be too old soon as I dont want to be 50 and have a 10 year old ! :(
Just think you are 5 months into getting it out of your system, you are nearly there!! You dont want to go back to square one again do ya? Its wierd coz tested today and its a BFN but strangely it has given me a kick up the backside and made me determined to relax more about ttc and that one day it will happen and I just have to wait my turn.
Dont think that it helps that there has been a few girls who have had losses at the min and we are all feeling for them but we have to stay positive!!
The pill is an evil cow and she totally messes up your body. It's not natural at all.
She messed my body up big time, I wouldn't dare go back to her (I've still got boxes of the pill in the kitchen drawers).

Don't go back on the pill, really.
Why would you want to any way? That would just ruin your chances further.

I know how hard TTC is, and I know how much of a drag it seems too. When that testing day comes and it turns out to be a complete waste of time, then you have to wait another month, it's a lot of hassle and can drive you to insanity.
But you've got to stay positive and at the same time, try to be un-stressed because if you're stressed, I don't see how TTC is possible.

Why not try and make a change this month? Try a form of herbs or vitamins? I'm taking Agnus Castus this month, tastes disgusting but hoping it's going to make a difference. Good luck and I wish you all the best! My mum is 45 and she wants another baby, she's given up hope because she thinks she's too old, but I know for a fact she's still got it in her to be another mummy, she just needs to stop stressing and thinking hopelessly, gets her nowhere and it will do the same to you. xxx
I agree too the pill=EVIL! Hang on in there hun...i know it seems so far away now but keep trying and you will get there :) xxx
Hey cherrybinky

Sorry to hear you're feeling low about TTC. Linxminx just got her BFP at 6 months, 5 months isn't all that long by TTC standards (altho it may feel long due to mental hell!) so please consider keeping going. It's 5 years til you're 40 so the 10 y/o with a 50 y/o mother scenario you mention is aaaaages away!

I don't get the advantage that the pill gives you? Surely staying off it is better? If you get pregnant naturally in, say, the next half a year, isn't that a good thing?

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I agree with the girls! Hang in there! I know it's hard, but stay with us please!?!!!

Im sure you will get you're bfp soon! And by the way, my mother got me when she was 39 and has always said I kept her young!:)
Thanks girls. Ive been for a sleep and feel a bit better. Its my day off and I was feeling a little cranky and weepy. OH is on a sleep tonight so I can watch crap telly and relax with time to myself.
Much appreciate the words of wisdom ;) X
Thanks lol. It is, but I keep thinking Ill be too old soon as I dont want to be 50 and have a 10 year old ! :(

Hey lady......swift kick coming your way from a 40 year old!!!


Seriously though I met a lady at the weekend who is 50 this year and had a suprise 4 years ago when her 'menopause' was in fact a 6 month bump!! She looked very very good on it too!!

Stay away from the've had 5 months clear of it, going back now would put all your plans on hold again. Stay positive and it'll happen hunny x
a very good freind of mine had her first at 39 and she loves being a mummy and i am 35 so you are not xx
I found cycle 5 one of my hardest so far...don't know why, but it was hellish...
I hit a low at about cycle 5 too, not really picked up since either really lol

I think it's natural to feel like you want to give up after all the excitment and hope of the first few cycles starts to fade and then to add insult to injury you start to notice the names in the ttc section start to look unfamiliar once again and you recognise more people in Tri 1 and 2 or even 3 :shock:

Wait until you hit cycle 9 like i am now and seeing girls you joined with actually giving birth :oooo:

You just have to keep going. No choice. You won't give up... i don't believe it for a second ;)
My 39 yr old cousin had a gorgeous lil girl in January :)
Thats inspirational Lander, thanks :) My friends sister had her little boy at 43 and she copes very well so I guess I shouldnt moan :(
nope cos i need to pop 3 out if sam has anything to do with xx so will have to have them in quick sucession!!!! lol xx
LOL yes I was saying and then it all went weird and life turned upside down in the space of 2 hours ;) Perhaps I should go eat my hat/words etc now.

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