Although they are all preg symptoms I used to get those symptoms on a certain brand of pill so maybe it's disagreeing with you.
Also i was exactly the same last week and had to do HPT which was neg. But i found that i felt like that because when my period came it was much heavier than i've ever experienced. So on the upside it might be PMT hun.
HPT's now esp. clearblue can be used 5days b4 period is due but you have to test on the first wee of the day.
I went back on the pill for 2 months but had to stop taking it because it made me feel so crappy. The main problem I had was migraines. I had one 2 months on the trot on my last day of bleeding and I had to call Jarrod home from work with the last one because I was on the floor and I couldn't lift my head up. Not a good way to be when you have a baby to look after.
I'm going to speak to the doctore about getting a different pill cos those ones were making me feel terrible - the headaches were getting progressively worse x
oh i had them before i got pregnant with eva! i came off cos of headaches and then we decided to TTC. they were really bad for me! ooh a penny just dropped - meet you in your other thread!!
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