September - time to consider flu jabs!!!

having mine tomorrow at GPs. They actually mentioned it to me when I turned up for my midwife appointment!
My work are offering this to all employees, unfortunately it's Wednesday which is when I have my booking appointment, but I'll ask the midwife and work say I can have it done on another day. Sounds like the midwife will advise I do though....never bothered in the past as I've inky ever heard of healthy/low risk people having it and then getting really poorly! X
The midwife has offered this to me, but I've heard the side effects are pretty awful?
That's what I heard too Mayflower, but if they recommend it I guess its for the best !? x
I had mine last Thursday, didn't have any side effects apart from a sore arm for a couple of days x
Mine's all booked for 31st oct :-) having it onsite at work with our private healthcare so don't even have to leave the office for the pleasure :-)
I went to see midwife today and i got booked in and had my whooping cough and my flu jab at the same time, got to say my arm is a bit achy, but glad ive had them done :) xx
I had my flu jab yest, really quick and painless (i was holding my breath waiting to feel the trickle of it going in...when she said "Done!") Couldnt believe it! :o)
I love seeing all you ladies having flu jabs! :D
Is worth the dead arm! ;) x
Flu jab for me yesterday. I've had it for past 4 years anyway due to work offering it and would pay for it myself in future if needed. Have never had flu in my life but suspect it's an experience I don't want. Plus with visting elderly grandparents quite a bit don't wanna be passing it on either.

Had whooping cough jab too yesterday. Arm is a bit swollen now but, like the midwife pointed out, don't know which jab to blame it on.
Had mine yesterday!

Will book Whooping cough jab once I reach 28 weeks.

Getting mine done with whooping cough on Saturday with Lilyanna, wish we could have the nasal spray like they do lol!
My surgery is holding two flu jab clinics on Saturday mornings, but I can't make either of them. I've just called up to book in for another time, they won't let me, the only time I get can get it done is if I go to the walk in clinic!? I am on holiday one one of the Saturdays and working on the other.
Br aware ladies with toddlers who are getting nasal spray, its live vaccine so you can catch it. I was advised to have my jab first and wait 10-14 days to give nasal spray to the child
Knopk that's funny as both me and Harry had ours on Saturday and nothing was mentioned.
I went into my surgery as I was booked in to have both at the same time and it was confirmed by a doctor they shouldnt be given at the same time. Nasal spray contains live virus and there is so called "shedding" so us preggos are at risk as our immune system is supressed. Nurses might not know this
I am booked in to have my whooping cough, and flu jab on the same day!

Have been coldy on and off for 6 weeks, so figure that I just need to get them out of the way
Had my flu jab on Friday, and it's probably coincidental but literally 30 mins later I started feeling full of cold- two days later I have an absolutely stinking cold :-(((

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