*~*~*~* September Testing Thread - 8 BFPs!! *~*~*~*

Hi ladies!!.........am I right in thinking the dates you are choosing are the days you hope to get your BFP?? If so, can I play! I'll be testing on the 3rd so long as AF doesn't appear!!!

Yep! It's the date we plan to test, added you :D fingers crossed xx
Hello ladies :hugs: please put me down for the 8th of September. I'm still waiting on two more high temps to confirm O (which would be a first for CD21, the last two cycles I've O on CD28 - I'm in my third month post BC so anything is possible lol)
:dust: to each and every one of you

So sorry about your MC MrsLK2017 :hugs: my heart goes out to you hun
I don't know what just happened but I'm worried. I'm on my third cycle post BC, I've O the previous cycles on D28 (42 day cycle) and this cycle I suspected an early O on D21 with an elevated temp on D22 (today), I noticed some EWCM although scant and thought that DH and I should at least give it another go in case I'm O later like the previous two cycles. TMI ALERT........during BD there was bright red blood and quite a bit...I felt my cervix and it was low, soft and heck knows if it was open or closed...two nights ago it was high open and soft. I don't know if it's AF (but I didn't even O if it is her???) or what....what do you ladies think?? Have any of you experienced this before?
Note: I did feel cramps today but I thought it was normal because of O....I feel soooo depressed about this.
Hmm I wouldn't know what to think either!

Were your cycles long before bc?
I don't know what my cycles were like before BC, I started when I was 15 because of my skin...the last two cycles were both 42 days, I O on D28 with a 14 day LP...I thought that this cycle I might have O early, on D21...but now I'm not sure what the heck is going on. Guess I'll just have to wait to see if my temps dipped tomorrow morning :( and if this is somehow AF without O...a wacky cycle...I'm so freaking depressed now.
I guess it could take a little while for your cycles to settle after so long on bc.. :(
Hopefully it's not af xx
Hi everyone. Wishing you all luck for September testing. I'm not out for August yet but put me down fpr 26th sept as no doubt I will be on to month 9 trying.
Hi everyone. Wishing you all luck for September testing. I'm not out for August yet but put me down fpr 26th sept as no doubt I will be on to month 9 trying.

Added, but hopefully you won't need Sept xx
I'll probably just be stalking this thread really but put me down for the 12th just for fun. Due to the post op bleeding and my trip away it's an all or nothing one shot!! So I'm focusing on looking after myself and trying to relax a bit. I'm in a much better place at the moment so hoping it will continue.
I'll probably just be stalking this thread really but put me down for the 12th just for fun. Due to the post op bleeding and my trip away it's an all or nothing one shot!! So I'm focusing on looking after myself and trying to relax a bit. I'm in a much better place at the moment so hoping it will continue.

Added :D hope you're doing ok post-op xx
Thanks Millie. I'm doing really well. So much better than I expected. I genuinely think OH had a more stressful day than I did!! Other than the post op bleeding there has been no issues. Didn't even take any painkillers when I got home.

Hope things are ok with you.
Good to hear :D
Hopefully the bleeding settles down soon for you xx

I'm on and off.. I guess I'll be ok fully again at somepoint!!
Probably just hormones causing chaos with my moods right now!
Can I have the 3rd please? Lets make September a good month for keeping the witch away with Bfps for many!! x x
I'm hoping September is a good month. My birthday is in there so have an excuse to be extra nice to myself. Really shattered today. Not sure why. Maybe just the last week catching up with me.
Equally likely to be mainly stalking. Lol.Joined in July thread and have stalked you all through August while we got back to DTD after a long 36 day cycle. Pretty convinced that was due to an early loss as clockwork 28/29 days usually. So here we go into month no. 4 TTC everything crossed except my legs! Please can I have the 1st? Although if I can bear it and AF doesn't show I will try and hold out longer this time before testing. Also after long cycle last month not 100% sure on dates x
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