***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Thanks everyone I'm being cautiously optimistic. This cycle has been very strange. Last month was short for me 27days. This month I'm on CD30 already! Will keep you updated next week and fx for all those still to test.
That’s a positive for me. Nine ever get darker than that for me and mine look same as yours. I then ovulate late the next day after the positive. This cycle I DTD a few times before (including day before positive), rested on positive day, then DTD day after positive.
I haven't used OPKs before so if AF shows up I've got a pack of 7vwaiting for me to use.
My husband just delivered a baby! Ironically he's going on a maternity course on Tuesday to go over it again since training two years ago then one popped up, or should I say out?! today. Little girl, all fine but in the back of the Ambulance which means he has to get the pressure washer put when they get back to Base. I'll get the full story tomorrow as he's on lates. He'll be even more broody now. He had 3 pead jobs yesterday and said they were all really cute x

Not ttc related but it made me happy to hear that a baby had been born all safe and well (my husband may be white as a sheet but never mind). I've not delivered one in two years (surprised) but I have a day in the loop call maternity unit soon to refresh my skills. Exciting!
So am 11dpo today caved and tested and it was BFN. I know it’s still early but can’t help feeling disappointed. If it hasn’t worked this time it’s just more money we have to pay out again for our next round of fertility treatment. I think I also feel a bit discouraged because the last time I was pregnant I got a faint line at 11dpo (ended in MC). The only thing that gives me a little hope still is that I have been tearful this month(although it could be the stress of trying) and from Weds to Fri this week I had cramping and felt for sure AF was coming but no sign yet. I have 31 day cycles on average and so not due AF until the 21st so I know it’s still early. Anyway sorry for depressing post just feeling sorry for myself. Baby dust to everyone xxxx
I tested 12dpo and my lines were super faint. There defo wouldn’t have been anything 11dpo. Can you wait till 13dpo to test again?
It did cross my mind about possible implantation bleeding, but really don't want to get my hopes up, otherwise it will be a massive disappointment when AF arrives!

When I got BFP with my daughter, I never had any implantation bleeding, so not convinced that is what it is. X

Every pregnancy is different! I really hope it's implantation bleeding! Fx!!:cheer:

Thank you Kitana, would be amazing if it was x
I tested 12dpo and my lines were super faint. There defo wouldn’t have been anything 11dpo. Can you wait till 13dpo to test again?

Hi Piglet,

Yes I will wait and just see what happens, will just try and keep optimistic and keep you all up to date. Hope to see some more BFP’s from everyone soon xxx
Creamy CM today, don't usually get this after ov, usually dry on CM front. Also got awful headache this afternoon :( x
Creamy CM today, don't usually get this after ov, usually dry on CM front. Also got awful headache this afternoon :( x

This sounds very promising :x I had headaches beyond belief and I never get headaches.x
Whys this month not giving us many BFP's.
Im due AF tomorrow been spotting a little today ahh.
Sending lots of good luck vibes to everyone x
Evening all :) what have I miss? I need to catch up.

So I'm 10dpo I think, and promised my POAS Angel (chattychar) that I wouldn't test until tomorrow morning. The wait is killing me! I've got a little creamy cm going on, ov pains disappeared for a few days but have now been replaced with AF type pains. Boobs still a tad bit tender, the underneath feels bruised. And I'm stupidly emotional, like I'm crying while I'm watching Luther! What's that about?

I said I wasn't going to test early, but I need to know and be put out my misery one way or another. Fully expect a bfn though, but I have a little bit of hope after getting what looks like an implantation dip... However, had no spotting.

Tomorrow will be the deciding day I suppose, last cycle my temps started declining after 10dpo before AF arrived at 14dpo.

Keep your fingers crossed for me, xxx

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