***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Ovia is continuously telling me that Clearblue OPK are better, the digital....is it true? I maybe consider the idea to buy it :blush:

I've been toying with the idea of the clearblue opk too, but then the refill sticks are expensive i think. So while i enjoy playing with a new toy, i think it would be a waste of money for me as the cheapies work well for me so far. But yes i have heard they are good, apparently you use them in the moring? I'd probably still be using the cheapies in the day too! :lol:
Morning ladies, coffee so sorry that you are going through this best to get checked by gp though & find out what is going on. Crumble I hate the wait too! Wish AF would hurry up so I can start opks again! I have ordered a thermometer hopefully it should arrive soon I didn’t want to get into temping but it feels like perhaps the most accurate way to pin point ovulation. I’m going to do some research around it this weekend but what are the rules? Does it have to be the same time every day?

There aren't that many rules to to really. As crumble said, it needs to be the same time every morning, i set an alarm for 5am take my temp then go back to sleep. Do it as soon as you wake, before you get out of bed, i have the thermometer within arms reach and my phone so i can log it on my app. And also if you chose to temp orally then you should follow this method the whole cycle. Apparently, vaginal is more accurate but i can't face faffing about down there at 5am! lol. So i temp orally, as long as you follow the same method you will still see your rise and fall in temps which is the most important bit :D Good luck xx
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Woke up with some major left side ov pains this morning, and an outbreak in spots the last two days. Looking forward to doing todays opks! Lol :poas:
I'm on a plane now but will OPK test when I arrive at my room. Had some lotiony/creamy CM this morning and cramps, so confident that ov is imminent now after a very close to positive OPK last night. X
Ovia is continuously telling me that Clearblue OPK are better, the digital....is it true? I maybe consider the idea to buy it :blush:

That damn paid advertising from CB on Ovia annoyed me all the time popping up haha. I have heard they’re good but just very expensive. In my opinion, I don’t see how you can’t get the same results temping and doing the cheap OPKs, they’re cheap and cheerful so you don’t feel guilty on multiple testing. Xx
I am a terrible sleeper and wake every few hours. When I do, I just glance at my watch and if it’s between 2am and 4 am I do my temp then when half asleep. Most thermometers save last reading so you can then recall it and input into an app when you get up the next day. I ALWAYS wake at least once between those times so that’s what works for me. If you have different waking times then you might need to set and alarm.
After a few months you’ll settle into a way that works for you. I always get a clear thermal shift even if the day by day temps can seem very up and down.
If cheap opk’s work for you then I’d stick to them. Some people they do t work so well on. If that was the case, I would think about getting a new gadget.
i don’t really feel that Ovia put that much emphasis on opks so I’m not sure I’d buy what they’re advertising.

My temperature plunged to the cover line this morning and I feel like AF is on her way. 5th failed cycle after the mc. If I don’t get pregnant on the next one then I won’t be pregnant for my EDD.

I’ve taken myself into a separate office today. They let me set one up because I’m the only non-pregnant person in my office and sometimes I just can’t pretend to be happy with all the baby talk that goes on.

Feeling really upset today. OH was brilliant this morning but I just feel like we’re getting nowhere and with 40 looming I feel like I’m running out of time.
Stay positive Vespa. Bloody pregnant woman - need to be locked up if they look too ‘glowy’
i don’t really feel that Ovia put that much emphasis on opks so I’m not sure I’d buy what they’re advertising.

My temperature plunged to the cover line this morning and I feel like AF is on her way. 5th failed cycle after the mc. If I don’t get pregnant on the next one then I won’t be pregnant for my EDD.

I’ve taken myself into a separate office today. They let me set one up because I’m the only non-pregnant person in my office and sometimes I just can’t pretend to be happy with all the baby talk that goes on.

Feeling really upset today. OH was brilliant this morning but I just feel like we’re getting nowhere and with 40 looming I feel like I’m running out of time.

It's not below the baseline though so you're still with a chance. Keep positive hun xxx
Just left dr did a urine test they told me it was negative right away then said well wait I see a faint line there so they took blood and told me to call them Monday
Fingers crossed coffee
Vespa it's awesome that work have let you have an office away from all the hcg hormones floating around your normal office sending you huge hugs keep positive your not out until the red lady sings
Oh coffee! I hope the bloods show that you are pregnant!! At least they saw the line!
I caved and tested I'm 11dpo but either line eye is strong or there is the tiniest little squinter of a line. Pics taken within the time limit.


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The third one I think I can see something.....can’t believe you caved!! I’m determined not to but it’s killing me esp as the brown CM seems to have stopped today.......
I know I just couldn't hold out any more and yea I think I see something but I think I just have line eye gonna wait till Sunday to test again don't want to do my frer yet
Oh coffee! I hope the bloods show that you are pregnant!! At least they saw the line!

Yes at least they saw the line. She was very very very quick to say negative then told me to always wait a week until after AF should get there then test. She said when you test so early you get false positves... idk I did 3 tests....then she said yes its negative..oh well there is a faint line...let me do your blood
Faulse positives aren't a thing you get a positive and your pregnant the faulse positives are chemicals what on earth is your doctor talking about
Well to be fair I didnt see the dr it was the receptionist and clinical staff that took the test. Dr isnt in today so I couldn't get the ultrasound anyways to check for ecoptic anyways. Maybe she is saying that instead of chemical pregnancy? Idk. I was almost in tears at the frankness and her just repeating over an over its negative...didnt seem to out thought about the 3 positives that I had. Then when she finally say a faint line she changed her tune. I have lot of bleeding but only when I pee so it's not a regular period so I don't know what any of this means and I still dont have any answers. The fact that the line is faint doesnt make me feel too good however the blood test should show something or at least that I was at some point?

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