***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Morning ladies,

I couldn’t wait any longer and decided to tell my OH the good news before our anniversary trip. He knew I’d be testing so I thought I’d best tell him haha... so I was super excited to tell him but he saw the test that said ‘pregnant 1-2 weeks’ and said ‘no you’re not’... he said he’s not getting excited yet (because of our previous MC) and he will only believe it more when I go past the stage I did last time (5weeks+1day) so another 8 days to go before I get a bit of excitement out of him haha. I really wanted a ‘wow’ and amazed reaction but I understand he’s just protecting himself and trying to protect me from any disappointment in case we MC again... I know he is excited and I’m sure he will talk about it over the weekend. X

I couldn't believe you waited as long as you did, i had to wait like 12 hours to tell my oh and even that was driving me insane :lol:

I see what your partner is saying, but sometimes you need them to be positive :roll: and give you reassurance, as it does make us feel a bit more anxious, well it did me anyway, as my oh wanted to see it in words before he properly believed it. Men :lol:

Congratulations again and hopefully this one is your sticky bean <3
Morning ladies,

I couldn’t wait any longer and decided to tell my OH the good news before our anniversary trip. He knew I’d be testing so I thought I’d best tell him haha... so I was super excited to tell him but he saw the test that said ‘pregnant 1-2 weeks’ and said ‘no you’re not’... he said he’s not getting excited yet (because of our previous MC) and he will only believe it more when I go past the stage I did last time (5weeks+1day) so another 8 days to go before I get a bit of excitement out of him haha. I really wanted a ‘wow’ and amazed reaction but I understand he’s just protecting himself and trying to protect me from any disappointment in case we MC again... I know he is excited and I’m sure he will talk about it over the weekend. X

I couldn't believe you waited as long as you did, i had to wait like 12 hours to tell my oh and even that was driving me insane :lol:

I see what your partner is saying, but sometimes you need them to be positive :roll: and give you reassurance, as it does make us feel a bit more anxious, well it did me anyway, as my oh wanted to see it in words before he properly believed it. Men :lol:

Congratulations again and hopefully this one is your sticky bean <3

Men indeed! Haha. Our MC affected him more than he thought it would do so I do understand but like you said, I could do with some positivity so for now, you ladies are my positivity so thanks! In our relationship I’ve always been the optimist and he is the pessimist, it balances us out well. The only time he was optimistic was when we were waiting to find out about our MC and he did so much research that he said he wouldn’t believe we were having a MC until a doctor/nurse confirmed it... I really needed him to be my rock and be positive then and he really was bless him.

We are always counting down to something, cycle days, days past ovulation, days until we can test and now I’m counting down the days until I’m past the date I was last time I was pregnant haha... it’s all a waiting game! For now I’m just going to enjoy it and try to stop counting (but knowing me I won’t be able to!)

Glad to hear from you anyway IVW and I hope all is well with you? X
I so hope it is like symptom wise I should be totally convinced this is my month but emotional wise I'm not convinced I'm just not feeling it so I'm half like omg this is it and the other half of me is like no girl your in this for the long haul you got 80 opks last month your gonna be using them up before it happens[/QUOTE]

.....or you can post them all to me! I’m not ‘Feeling’ it this month either.
I so hope it is like symptom wise I should be totally convinced this is my month but emotional wise I'm not convinced I'm just not feeling it so I'm half like omg this is it and the other half of me is like no girl your in this for the long haul you got 80 opks last month your gonna be using them up before it happens

.....or you can post them all to me! I’m not ‘Feeling’ it this month either.[/QUOTE]

:hug: and :dust: to you too
Whoops.....just saw you are going for no 2 straightway (after you are hopefully &#8216;with child&#8217; this month)
Congrats Coffee on your BFP! Don't worry too much about the bleeding. It might be that cervix was a bit irritated from the BDing! A lot of women bleed early on.

Congrats Sugarpop!!! I'm very happy for you since I have followed your thread for 2 years now. :cheer: :bfp: Hope you have a happy 9 months and that I can join you soon!

Hope you and your hubby can relax soon, SJF! Good to see the digi picked it up, they aren't that sensitive which means your body is producing more and more HCG.

I've just had a glob of creamy/watery cm, I had that 2 days in a row with my previous pregnancy so am hoping it's a good sign again this time!:cheer:
Opks throwing a spanner in the works this morning, don't normally test at 10am but glad I have. Lord know what's going on, don't usually ov til around the CD14 or later. Cm is a mix of watery but with a little creamy colour to it. BD'd CD 7 and 9 will jump Oh tonight and for however long I get +opks!

Going for a run now, will check in later. Hope everyone is OK? Xxx

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100% it's is, it's dried even darker! How odd, I wonder if the evening primrose oil/vitamin E has spur the follicles on? It's the only thing that's been different this cycle x

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Ooooh so excited for you baby.3!

Sjf, congrats on the digi, even more exciting for you now!

CD13 today. Well I'm a bit lost now, OPK this morning was a fairly decent line like last nights, BUT this morning I had a small amount of lotion/watery creamy like CM, which I'm sure I've only ever had after ov?! So it could possibly be that my close to positive OPKs in morning and afternoon of CD11 and pains I had during the night of CD11/early hours CD12 mean that I have ov! Really don't know, will carry on with OPK testing and see what happens. X
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Think my positive didn't stick and I will need to be put down for testing another date. Appears to be AF coming this morning or a chemical. Not real sure what to do here do I need to call a dr or just let it pass.
Ooooh so excited for you baby.3!

Sjf, congrats on the digi, even more exciting for you now!

CD13 today. Well I'm a bit lost now, OPK this morning was a fairly decent line like last nights, BUT this morning I had a small amount of lotion/watery creamy like CM, which I'm sure I've only ever had after ov?! So it could possibly be that my close to positive OPKs in morning and afternoon of CD11 and pains I had during the night of CD11/early hours CD12 mean that I have ov! X
I suspected as much! Yay, so what does that put you at dpo? Keep doing the OPKs just in case but I think all signs point to you having already Ov'd. You must have Judy had a quick surge this cycle. Good luck xx

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Oh coffee I'm so sorry. You could ring the doctors but I suspect they will tell you to just let it pass. You might find you bleed for longer/heavier and it might be a little more uncomfortable. Sending you lots of hugs, so sorry it didn't stick this time :( xxx
Think my positive didn't stick and I will need to be put down for testing another date. Appears to be AF coming this morning or a chemical. Not real sure what to do here do I need to call a dr or just let it pass.

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For future reference I will wait well past the date my AF should start....this is heartbreaking. 3 tests all conforming positive to just have this happen. Two good things I can go back to drinking regular coffee and at least it is possible to get a positive.
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Will catch up properly later as at work but can&#8217;t concentrate or keep my eyes from watering! What is wrong with me! But my app is saying af due mon/tues however I&#8217;m adamant that I ovulated on CD 13/14 so I reckon I&#8217;m about 12dpo. And I&#8217;d love to think now I&#8217;m not that many dpo as So I could stilll get a positive test but I need to face the fact that I need to listen to my body and my body is giving me major af symptoms right now. I&#8217;d be early (I should have been due tomorrow if my last cycle hadn&#8217;t of been longer for some reason) so not early if that makes sense. It would be weird to revert to my original spot on 4 week to the day cycle after last cycle wasn&#8217;t. I feel so crap that I&#8217;m expecting af to make an appearance today . So frustrated!!!! And we did it SO much around ovulation!!!!
First day you see red blood is cd 1.

I&#8217;m sorry it didn&#8217;t stick :hugs:
Thank you. Will enter data now so I know when to start trying again.

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