I tested after AF was to be here so that I wouldn't be too early testing. Also last Thursday I had one wipe of blood which Inassumed to be implantation bleeding because it never happened again. Now I am having some blood when I wipe but test still showing a faint positive line. I'm confused and will just wait it out.
I know it is definitely easier said than done (trust me I'm the world's biggest worrier) but try not to think the worst yet. This hapoened to me when I was pregnant with my youngest son (hes now nearly 7!!). I actually went to a&e as I started to bleed and had cramps maybe a week after finding out I was pregnant. The hospital did a pregnancy test and told me I wasn't pregnant as it was negative. Well you can imagine my devastation, I went into my bag and pulled out my positive test, showed them it and through tears and sobs said "well how have I got this then?" Only because my test was a definate positive, they did a blood test which came back confirming I had the pregnancy hormone present so I had to go back every couple of days to get the bloods 're done to make sure they were increasing enough. (All the time bleeding still) because the hormone levels were increasing properly they sent me for an early internal scan which showed and confirmed my baby was doing fine with a heartbeat as well. It also showed an area next to him which was where the blood was coming from so had to have a few more scans after that to make sure that area hasn't incresed and my baby was still there.
Needless to say after lots of bleeding on and off (throughout the whole pregnancy) my son was a little fighter and like I say, he's very nearly 7 years old now.
Not every bleed ends with the worst happening and sometimes it's nice to read a reassuring positive story from someone who has been there. I hope all turns out well for you, take it easy and TRY not to worry x