***September 2018 Testing Thread***

Thanks chick. Not sure what I think. Normally an indent is really obvious but not this time
LMAO at Helen and Char.
I still don't have sore boobs but tummy is starting to feel a little sore today but I'm still super gassy so might put that down to gas and CM is back to being a good bit for this point only cycle today and I'm super tired today even ended up falling to sleep for about 2 hours but I'm not in a flare or have my usual fibro fatuige signals so it was abit weird to be not able to keep my eyes open
Not sure I can see it Sugarpop but fx for you and testing again on Wednesday xx
So tonight whilst having tea OH asks me if I took the test and I couldn’t lie to him. I told him yes but the one step tests off the internet showed a faint positive so I’m going to wait until AF is due... tried to down play it as much as possible and contain my excitement... I think it worked! Haha I think he will be asking me to test on Thursday now though so it might be an early anniversary surprise x
Best of luck for the bfp as your anniversary surprise, how lovely would that be!

I'd love to record my oh if I'm ever able to tell him we are pregnant. I reckon he will cry, said he keeps having dreams about us having a baby and it's always a girl. He'd be a lush dad, he will worry like mad but it will be cute.

My boobs are still killing! So sore. No other symptoms really, my back is aching a lot but I have a back problem on and off anyway. And I guess we have been walking a lot here (and eating, cheesecake factory - Omfg!!!)

Abyone else 5/6DPO? How yiu feeling?

Said I wouldn't symptom spot but I'm really interested to see how others are feeling including lovely who now have bfps
Fingers crossed sjf he doesn't pry to much so you can still surprise him
Radley I'm a couple of days ahead mainly because it's coming up to 3 3am here lol
Just adding more pics to my testing thread guys. Really unsure!
The TWW is hard. There is something nice about being completely oblivious to when it all happens :lol:
Best of luck for the bfp as your anniversary surprise, how lovely would that be!

I'd love to record my oh if I'm ever able to tell him we are pregnant. I reckon he will cry, said he keeps having dreams about us having a baby and it's always a girl. He'd be a lush dad, he will worry like mad but it will be cute.

My boobs are still killing! So sore. No other symptoms really, my back is aching a lot but I have a back problem on and off anyway. And I guess we have been walking a lot here (and eating, cheesecake factory - Omfg!!!)

Abyone else 5/6DPO? How yiu feeling?

Said I wouldn't symptom spot but I'm really interested to see how others are feeling including lovely who now have bfps

Thanks Radley. Here’s my chart below with what symptoms I had at day 5/6. The only really noticeable difference this cycle around is the metallic taste in my mouth. I don’t remember having that last cycle when we got pregnant... every cycle really is different. It’s so hard not to symptom spot though. Fx for you hun and plenty of baby :dust:
Agh I’m really not sure how many DPO I am now really wish I’d temped maybe 8, or maybe 10. I’m pretty sure I’m not this month though even with how rubbish I’m feeling. I was a bit obsessive yesterday couldn’t stop googling things and I know it’s not worth it though it’s such a waste of time! I just don’t know how to stop! I actually went for a private fertility check up consultation over the weekend (yes I’m a hypochondriac but I had a worry a few years ago & now I defo don’t feel as invincible as I did a few years ago lol). Anyway I asked about the opks getting darker again after ovulation and the consultant didn’t bat an eye lid and seemed to think that was normal. I know that’s only one persons opinion but I was driving myself nuts last week at how confusing the opks are. X
:hug: Maximus :dust: for your next cycle

I feel like i might be coming down with something, had headache all day, feel hot, tired and had some aches and pains. Going to test on OPK again when I get home, as I think I need to dtd tonight because of ewcm I've had today. X

Oh this is not good Emma especially when you need to be in that bedroom tonifht!! Hope you feel better soon hun <3 xx

Thanks, I'll manage it, might even make me feel a bit better lol x

Nothing like a bit of a horizontal dance to cheer you up... great... now I even have a :bd: buddy! Let's hope we both have smiles on our faces and babies in our bellies by tonight Emma! (Not scientifically accurate but hey ho let's run with it!)

Hahaha, it did cheer me up, knew it would! Bd buddy :rotfl: .

So CD11 today, last nights OPK went back to a feint line but then this mornings one was darker than yesterday mornings one i would say. Will test again tonight, hoping my positive and ov aren't far away now. Bit tmi but bd last night and went for a wee not long after, always do this to clean up lol, this morning when I got out of bed, loads of wet run down my legs! Prob overflow after bd 4 out of 5 days lol! X


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I’m 7dpo now. Still have brown tinged CM but that isn’t particularly unusual for me and never has had any meaning either way. I know for me it doesn’t increase my chances of a bfp but I am also, logically, telling myself that it doesn’t negatively affect my chances of a bfp either because it begins too early for implantation or not implantation to have happened.

I think it’s just a reaction to the falling estogen after ovulation rather than lack of progesterone. It used to happen when I was on a pill with varying estrangement levels over the 28 days, soon as I started the section with the progesterone heavy/estrogen light ones, I would get slightly bloody CM. I also try not to worry about only having an 11 day luteal phase as, despite having light bleed g for the first few days if my period, my temps do stay high after ov for about 14 days before they plummet which corresponds with the floodgates opening.

No pregnancy symptoms yet but at 7dpo it’s rather early. Quite tired but camping with a 4 year old can have that effect.
8 dpo for me today still no sign of sore boobs either and no cramps today so I'm certain the pain yesterday was gas lol
Agh I’m really not sure how many DPO I am now really wish I’d temped maybe 8, or maybe 10. I’m pretty sure I’m not this month though even with how rubbish I’m feeling. I was a bit obsessive yesterday couldn’t stop googling things and I know it’s not worth it though it’s such a waste of time! I just don’t know how to stop! I actually went for a private fertility check up consultation over the weekend (yes I’m a hypochondriac but I had a worry a few years ago & now I defo don’t feel as invincible as I did a few years ago lol). Anyway I asked about the opks getting darker again after ovulation and the consultant didn’t bat an eye lid and seemed to think that was normal. I know that’s only one persons opinion but I was driving myself nuts last week at how confusing the opks are. X

Oh Mandy, i drive myself crazy googling things. I swear google is the reason i thought i had definitely conceived last cycle. I am banning myself from google from now on.
When are you going to test? x
Hahaha, it did cheer me up, knew it would! Bd buddy :rotfl: .

So CD11 today, last nights OPK went back to a feint line but then this mornings one was darker than yesterday mornings one i would say. Will test again tonight, hoping my positive and ov aren't far away now. Bit tmi but bd last night and went for a wee not long after, always do this to clean up lol, this morning when I got out of bed, loads of wet run down my legs! Prob overflow after bd 4 out of 5 days lol! X

I have to always go a wee afterwards Emma - i hate that feeling when its all running down your leg! :sick:
I reckon it was from the excessive amount of :bd: but we wont complain :) x
Agh I’m really not sure how many DPO I am now really wish I’d temped maybe 8, or maybe 10. I’m pretty sure I’m not this month though even with how rubbish I’m feeling. I was a bit obsessive yesterday couldn’t stop googling things and I know it’s not worth it though it’s such a waste of time! I just don’t know how to stop! I actually went for a private fertility check up consultation over the weekend (yes I’m a hypochondriac but I had a worry a few years ago & now I defo don’t feel as invincible as I did a few years ago lol). Anyway I asked about the opks getting darker again after ovulation and the consultant didn’t bat an eye lid and seemed to think that was normal. I know that’s only one persons opinion but I was driving myself nuts last week at how confusing the opks are. X

I've spent far too much time googling stuff too! It's not good for the sanity :lol: I'm determined not to google anything this cycle and not test early! Lol. But we all know thats highly unlikely to happen! :wall2: You might be feeling rubbish because you are preggers? Hopefully your wrong and you get your BFP this cycle xx
I've spent far too much time googling stuff too! It's not good for the sanity :lol: I'm determined not to google anything this cycle and not test early! Lol. But we all know thats highly unlikely to happen! :wall2: You might be feeling rubbish because you are preggers? Hopefully your wrong and you get your BFP this cycle xx

Told myself exactly that baby but i know as soon as ovulation happens ill spend all day symptom spotting. It actually drives me INSANE so i don't know why i do it to myself :wall:
Google is evil when it comes to anything health wise you always need to take everything with a pinch of salt I mean of I googled my fibro symptoms you can bet it would tell me I had cancer and was going to die but I really just have fibro
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