***September 2016 Mummies***

Uggghhh just eaten my body weight in ice cream and I think I'm going to puke :-( it tasted so good and you know when you're watching tv and just keep eating coz you get into a bit of a rhythm with it?

Got the Sunday night blues tonight too.

How is everyone doing? Anyone got a scan this week? Xxx
I have, so as the days go on the more excited I get, but then I shit myself briefly.

Itll be scan day and my birthday so I hope all goes ok.

I ate a full tub of vanilla was proper milky ice cream and vrushed mini eggs, then I had ice cream and tinned fruit. Took me back.

Ah I do love a good bit of vanilla ice cream :-)

What day is your scan RM? I was exactly the same before mine - a mix of sick to my stomach with nerves and real excitement. I'm sure all will be fine though hun xxx
Its thursday in the afternoon. Got a hair and nail appointment in the morning to take my mind off then Ill drop jackson at his grans and OH and I will nip to the clinic and then its birthday meal and celebration meal.

Yeah I just think cause Ive not spewed my ringer something MUST be up lol.

My last 2 pregnancies I was quite sick, even after I MC I was sick a few days after. I guess I expected it early this time too.

Nah each pregnancy is totally different - last time I was sick pretty much every day til week 18 but this time around I've only been sick 7 times.

My friend was totally fine with her first and then with her second she ended up in hospital because she was so sick.

That'll be lovely having a nice meal after it :-) looking forward to seeing your scan pic xxx
Thanks hunni. Yeaj I guess so. Its just ive never knew anything else barr vomming I think.

I deffo think theres still time though. Ive had a few foamy saliva incidents and 1 actual morning of bile. So not bad going. I was sick the whole way last time. Waking up gagging it was horrid.

Hopefully it stays away for us. I seem to be eating alot more this time, prob whats keeping sickness at bay they say if you eat regular it helps lol.

Yehh I'm doing the same. When I start feeling sick I eat something and it seems to ease it generally. Fx we both have nice easy pregnancies - who knows I may even get the 'glow' this time around haha! Xxx
There's definitely still time for the sickness to arrive Claire- don't jinx it lol! X
Had a serious migraine this morning to the point I couldnt see out my left eye.

I think I may go for an eye test this week, rule out that.

Hi girls hope your all well

Hope your feeling better soon Kat and Russell x

ok word is out we told everyone this weekend since my OH is in another country this weekend suited us both plus we figured since we seen heart beat at 9 week scan would be ok to go ahead everyone is happy for us glad that is out in the open now 'phew'
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Bet you're relieved it's out sansk! I can't wait to announce it.

Naomi I like your idea about mother's day. I can't see my mum on sunday so I'm going to buy a grandma mother's day card and put a picture of the scan inside for when I see her on monday night . Hope all goes well at the scan so this can work!
Got weird period type pains going on this eve.... not painful or anything and not that strong but noticeable. Panicking a bit!! :-/
Naomi I had some pains last night too. Not too bad but stronger than normal. Hopefullt it's just stretching pains.
Hope you're ok xx
Omg omg omg i just heard the babies heartbeat on the doppler my OH's sister brought at the weekend!!!!! Arghhhhh I'm so excited!!!!!!
After my mmc in September I was so scared but I am literally dancing on air right now!!! :yay:
Awww how cute!


Ive not been brave enough to try mine as Im still a bit early. Ill try after my scan and I know everything is ok.

Thanks RM! It's amazing you can hear arteries and the placenta etc but the babe is like a little steam train!
So excited for my scan now. Roll on Monday 7th lol
Naomi I had some pains last night too. Not too bad but stronger than normal. Hopefullt it's just stretching pains.
Hope you're ok xx

Thanks lovely - they eased after a while so hoping it was stretching! Just want to get to the scan day now!

Eek how exciting about the doppler ! Tempted to try mine this weekend and see if I can find it!
Aww how lovely Aragon, my sister has lent me hers but I've not used it yet, I think I'll wait another week and then try! Xx

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