***September 2016 Mummies***

I am constantly running to the loo to Pee not sure if it is baby causing it or the cysts but it is getting ridiculous at this stage it is like every 10/15 minutes lol ekkkk also I am sooooo tired apart from that all is good....Have not received 1st scan yet but met midwife on thursday and hoping for a scan date in post soon....where/when do we get the bounty pack I thought is was at booking in app but forgot to ask....Also what is up with the pregnancy notes you would need a forklift to carry them. they are bigger than a file block what is up with that as if a bump isn't enough to carry about for 9 months lol
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Woo, glad we're back up and running. I feel exhausted today and really sick too. Having a snuggle on the settee with my 2 year old.

Haha I know Sansk, I looked all over yesterday for a plastic folder big enough to keep my notes in and had no luck!

I think some hospitals have stopped doing the bounty packs, because they've cut any ties with bounty due to a number of complaints about experiences in the hospital after babies have been born. (Some of the bounty reps behaved unprofessionally and bullied new mums into handing details over and having their newborns expensive photos taken) maybe just ask the midwife at your next appointment if they still provide bounty packs? I know I didnt get one at my booking appointment either x
Lovely scan pic xx glad all is well xx
They had run out if bounty packs at my booking appointment so I never got one either!!
Rhelen....oh that is awful they would not be talking me into anything but that is horrible....scn I hope the harmony test went well today and thanx girls I will ask at next appointment about the packs if you don't ask you don't get :) x

PB, Aragon thanx girls x

I can't help looking at the scan picture every so often am smitten, it is to cute lol
Great scan pic too scn - must have missed that!

I had my 1st MW appointment yesterday. I wanted her to listen for the HB but she said to be patient and wait for my scan. Arghhhhh. I had a mmc in September so I really want to know all is ok. My OH's sister is visiting at the weekend and bringing her doppler. I'll be 10 weeks. Do you reckon I should let her try and find the HB? She reckons she's good at it.... But worried in case we can't and it's too early Xx
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I remember my sister sending me a video of her Doppler finding a HB at 9 weeks so you should be able to, I wouldn't be worried if you can't though, apparently it's quite difficult.

I can't stop waking up in the night desperate for a wee, when I get to the loo, there is no flow :-( just a trickle. It's driving me insane, anyone else had this?

I go to pee more at night, I pee whilst chilling in bed, then before I actually sleep, then wake about 4, then bursting again at 7 its ridiculous!!

Im alright during the day.. I do drink more at night though probably.

I did try and reduce my fluid last night which helped as I got to 5:30am haha. I'm generally ok during the day, just at night. I've not had any sickness though really so I'm not going to moan about needing a wee!

Time is starting to speed up now, can't wait to reach 12 weeks xx
Im the same, Ive not had any sickness. I think like 3 all in. Im not taking it for granted though.

I spewed morning noon and night last time.

Atleast so far its been ok.

Im actually waking with a sore belly as if its ready to burst :lol: I know its only gonna get worse.

Hi girls!!

I just got my hospital scan date in the post for 7th march I will be 12+3 then :)
Oo exciting! Hope I get mine through soon otherwise I'm worried hubby won't be able to get the time off!

Time is still going so slowly!! Desperate to get to the dating scan point now. It's getting harder and harder not telling people! Was out with friends last night and said I was on antibiotics so drove. Not sure if they suspected stuff or not! Xxx
I have my first midwife appointment next week and then my scan on the 7th of March :) I can't wait!

I'm still suffering from terrible sickness - just trying my hardest to keep my fluids up by eating ice poles, watermelon, small sips of water etc. My Mum also had really bad morning sickness so I was expecting it but it doesn't half make you exhausted. Luckily my work is incredibly understanding towards pregnancy!

I've been confined to the sofa for the past two weeks :(

It'll all be worth it in the end though :D
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Aww deeatk hope it subsides soon. Great news your work are so understanding!

Is anyone showing yet? This morning I noticed s tiny bump (7+6)..i didn't have anythibg first time until about 18 weeks! We've not told anyone.. Waiting for dating scan but that's 4 weeks away.. Might prove hard!
Eek got my scan date through! 4th March so will be 12weeks according to LMP but might be closer to 11 and a half weeks going by early scan (unless I get moved forward again)

Feeling nervous but excited at the same time! 2 weeks today!!
Arrrrrrr early scan at half 1 I'm so scared xx
I got my scan date through today too! I'm soooo excited! It's Monday 7th March at 10.30am. Can not wait!!!

How did you get on Kat? Xx

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