***September 2016 Mummies***

Lander...I hope all is well x

RM...Happy Belated Birthday and lovely scan picture.

Exciting about all the scan dates
That's me home boohoo! Had a great relaxing week but it's good to be home and see my wee cats, they've missed us like crazy and were on top of me in bed all night last night so I've hardly slept! I don't mind though cos I've fair missed them too so was good to get lots of cuddles :-)
This thread is sooo quiet ..... I'm guessing everyone is doing well? I'm feeling totally normal now apart from tender boobs and sore nipples so I'm hoping everything is still ok and it's not just the progesterone supps giving me these symptoms.
Great scan pic Claire and belated happy birthday xx
Got my NHS dating scan tomorrow afternoon and then consultant app on the 14th March.
Hope you're ok Lander?
Bobby I always find people struggle to get blood. It's horrid. Apparently there's lots more blood to be taken... :-/
It's my OH birthday today so we're going out for a meal. He went to a stag do last night and I'd arranged to see my mate. When I told him I'm not drinking over lent (my cover story!!) he wanted to rearrange!! Urghhhh. So a quiet night at my mum's last night which was lovely but made me so mad my mate just wanted to get drunk.
Be glad when I've had the scan so I can tell him why for real... And plan in a night out in 2017!!! Haha. The joys!!
Oooh happy dating scan tomorrow scn!!!
My symptoms are pretty much non existent... Just got warm nipples... Hope all is well in there!! Xx
Hope you're okay lander.

Karen glad you had a lovely holiday. Can't wait for mine in may! My symptoms have lessened a fair bit too with just occasional feeling sick etc but I can remember the same happening at this time last time around. Best of luck for your scan tomorrow. What time is it? Mine is Friday and feeling more nervous about it the closer it's getting!

Haha Aragon one of my friends said something similar to me a couple of weeks ago! Charming! Wondering if that means I'm no fun sober haha!!!
That's rubbish Aragon! I suppose everyone knows that the chat and 'putting the world to rights' just doesn't flow the same with one drunk and one sober!!!! The though of a drunken night even when baby is here is not appealing to me either as I get terrible hangovers and can hardly look after myself the next day never mind having to look after a baby as well!
My scans at 2pm Naomi, will be going straight from work so my mind will be occupied beforehand especially after being off for 10 days my inbox will be full and my staff will be lining up with all their woes and telling tales of what's been going on whilst I've been off .... there's always a crisis when I'm not there! I won't even have enough time to sort anything out really cos I'll have to leave at 12.30pm to get to my scan .... work is an hour away from the hospital.
Where are you off to in May? I'm sure you've said before but I forget lol
Aw that's good, work will keep you nice and distracted til scan time then. Get some good music for the drive to the scan and have a loud sing along to release any stress etc :-) looking forward to seeing your scan pic!

We are off to Menorca :-) first time abroad with millie. Picked a hotel that seems very kiddy friendly which is normally not our cup of tea but a must now we have a toddler in tow! Got to get searching for some loose fitting dresses after the scan as don't think I will fit in any of my other stuff by then!

Anyone have a bump yet? I've just still got bloat!
I've never been to Menorca but have heard really good things about it, I got a couple of nice maternity dresses from red herring in the debenhams sale and they were a god send on holiday, lots of nice floaty dresses around at the mo Naomi so should be able to cover up no problem xx
I'm majorly bloated, look ready to pop any day :shock: dreading trying to get my work uniform on tomorrow!
Yeh will start having a look hopefully on Saturday as long as all goes well.

And my bloat is ridiculous too. Can't get into my black trousers for work anymore and my jeans feel way too tight so I'm pretty much just living in leggings and long tops!

Menorca is lush you will love it naomi!!

Yeah I'm not exactly up for a night out on the tiles any time soon. Thought he would be happy with a cuppa and a catch up but he wanted to trawl the gay bars hahaha. That's always good fun tbh but not in my condition! :rotfl:

I'm definitely bloated and not wearing my jeans as don't want to squash the bean. Lol. Dresses and tights are a god send right now.

Can't wait to see your scan pics! Xx
Morning girls

I have to wear my work blouse open with a tshirt under it. With leggings and at home its jeggings lol.

D thinks Ill be bigger this time round.

Yeh thinking I will be bigger this time around too RM!

I'm organising a hen at beginning of April and it's 1950s theme - scared to order a dress in case I don't fit in it!! Xxx
Its so hard finding out what to wear at this stage, esp future events :lol:

We have a party 11th March.. I am just hoping and praying no one asks why im not drinking. Contemplating taking Jackson as the kids go from the party at 8.30, means we can leave too. Dont want a late one when not drinking etc.

Why dont you get one of those big flowy skirts? Put a big black belt round the top, youll be sucked in all night :lol:

Thankfully my work girls know now, can be fat and pale in comfort now.

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I have no excuse this is my first!!! Ooops. Not sure if getting to 10 weeks last time has meant I get bigger quickly though???
Oooh 50s theme! I love that era for clothes. So glam!
Like RM says a big flowy skirt and belt would look good.
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Hi ladies, not been on for a while, have my scan this week and consultant appt in April. Really nervous for scan not sure why as o wasn't first time round but hoping everything ok. Still have sickness days and not as bad sickness days but I was being sick till week 27 lady time so I just keep going.
Hi babygiz. Good luck for your scan coming up this week - how exciting :)
I'm sure all will be ok. Post your scan pic when you get it :-)
Hi Ladies,
Sorry I temporarily vanished ... I have either been doing uni work or asleep :/.
Just spent 30 mins catching up on everything I have missed. I can't believe the 1st tri is almost over for most of us.
My dating scan is in the morning so my first official one ... very nervous and excited.
How is everyone getting on? are your symptoms all wearing off? x
Good luck for your scans Caroline and Babygiz - can't believe we are all coming towards the end of the first tri now! It felt like it would never get here! The days have been dragging even more since I got my scan date.

Nice tip RM - will have a shop around next weekend and see what I can find :-) I'm going to be telling work a week Monday as long as all is okay and will be such a relief to get it out in the open!!

Sounds like a good plan taking Jackson to the party RM - I have been using millie as an excuse a lot recently haha!!

All is fine, thank you all for your thoughts. Was just the one streak. Have been feeling rough due to a head cold all weekend though, really bad this morning so I've had to call in sick. Sinus pain is going right across my face, ears, throat, teeth, neck, the lot. Can't take decongestant so basics like lemon and honey etc will have to do.

Tbh, this is making me feel more like being sick than weeks 6-9 did. been fine otherwise.

Also, builders are in today, so, hardly peaceful resting up lol
Hey everyone

Sadly I lost my baby, went for scan today and had another missed miscarriage.

I wish you all the best september mummies xxxxx

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