***September 2016 Mummies***

Great news your scan dates are through :-)
Hope all went well Kat.
Well I'm all packed for my holidays tomorrow, off to Feurteventura for a week in the sun, really looking forward to it.
Don't know if I'll have wifi to log on and check in with you all but if not ... have a great week ladies xx
All went well seen and heard babies heartbeat so relieved xxx
Ahh happy for you Kat. That relief is amazing!
Kat...bet that was wonderful hearing your little ones heartbeat:)

scn....lucky girl enjoy your holidays :)

Aragon....that makes 3 of us so far for the 7th of march mines is at 10am and it so happens to be my dad's Birthday will be nice showing him a picture for his BD...

naomi...hehe exciting you are few days before us regarding scans!!
Thanks ladies! Two weeks today - eek! Will be in time then to tell my mum on mothers day :-)

Karen have a lovely relaxing holiday! I'm off to menorca on may and can't wait!

Kat glad all went well hun :-)
that makes 3 of us so far for the 7th of march mines is at 10am

Me 4, mine is also 7th March, 9am, will be 13+2

Day after Mother's Day and day before DH's Birthday here :)
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My nhs 12wk scan isnt until the 14th of march. Seems to be taking ages to come around. I'm 8+2 now, and have a bit of a "bump" but this early on its probably just bloat lol.
Aww naomi that's a lovely mothers day present! I told my mum on mothers day for my first.. Was so special!
Yes perfect timing really! My parents are going to be so excited because they adore my daughter :-) just hoping it's all good news at the scan! Xxx
Hey ladies, just catching up as haven't been on this thread in a while. Glad to hear everyone is well and lovely to see scans. Have updated front page for newbies, welcome!

Had my 12 week scan on Thursday and it was fab, posted a pic in separate thread. I've been moved forward to my original date of 25th Aug but obvs still a chance I could be a Sept mummy so will hover between the 2 x
Awww lovely what a perfect mothersday pressie x

FP...I just seen your scan pic, so precious x
Exciting that you've been moved ahead :-) your scan pic was fab too!! Can't wait to see more of our scan pics :-)

My boobs have got a lot less painful last two days and I was starting to worry but luckily I looked back at my posts when I was pg with my daughter and that happened at this point last time too. Still feeling quite sick.

How are the ladies doing who were very sick? Luckily I've only been physically sick about 6/7 times. Xxx
Can anyone recommend something for the sickness being sick three four times a day now xxx
My sister swore by Lucozade when she was preg, when I feel a bit sicky I've had some and it's sorted me right out.

I've not had any physical sickness but had the feeling of being hungover style sick and the sea bands have helped. They are about £6 off amazon xx
I've found ginger biscuits, eating little and often and sea bands have all helped me xxc

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