***September 2016 Mummies***

Aragon...bet that sounded amazing!!!

Naomi...glad the pain has eased off x

I have always been a person with little to no energy I have had problems all my life but now omg I am soooo tired it hard to even get out of bed these days, hope this shifts soon...

hope the rest of you all are well!!
I loved putting my doppler on when baby was bigger to, hear and feel every kick its a bit loud somtimes.

What was the heart rate. Some believe u can predict gender. Out of all the tales the heartbeat was only thing that says boy. Everything was girl.

Aww glad you found the HB Aragon, it's amazing isn't it? You've just reminded me I haven't used my doppler in about 2 weeks so might get it out this afternoon x
Hi ladies hope everyone is ok. Wifi a bit hit or miss here in Feurteventura.
Got my harmony results last night. Low risk (<1:10,000) I'm so relieved and feel I can get a bit ore excited now.
Oh and we're having a boy!!
OMG scn I am soooooo excited for you that is wonderful news on the test and congratulations on it being a wee boy so happy for you both, enjoy the rest of your hols x
Wow Karen that's amazing news!!!!!!!! I'm so chuffed for you!!!!! So exciting that you're having a baby boy and even better than its come back low risk. Nearly at the end of tri 1 too now. Hope you're having a lovely holiday and enjoying the sun! Xxxx
Great news SCN - congratulations! Xx

Im not sure what the HB was as it's an angelsounds one and doesn't display.. May have to count now! It truly was amazing xx
I've lost 4lbs since getting pregnant??? Never actually been sick and eating coco pops like they're going out of fashion!! What's going on? Feel like I am bloated too and a bump is appearing....
Wonder if my weight loss is due to no alcohol!! Eeeek
I really want a Doppler, this three week wait until scan day just seems so long. I hate not knowing what's going on inside.
My OH said that there's no need for me to worry because he'd read that after seeing the heartbeat, the risk of miscarriage is only 5%. I didn't quite believe him and googled it but it seems to be true. Then I was just proud that he's known something that i didn't!

I've lost 10lbs so far from being sick and not keeping anything down. I'm feeling a lot better though. I don't look any different but I do feel a bit rounder and it's all a bit firmer xxx
I lost loads through sickness first time.

This time god knows, Ill find out when I get booked in and worry then. As long as Im about the same as I was last time at 12w Ill be happy. Because I was heavier back then, so it gives me a bit of room.

I didn't get weighed at booking in like I did last time, she asked me my weight though so I said a few lbs less than I was so if I ended up losing more, it wouldn't look so bad! I remember getting weighed quite a lot last time, maybe they're not too fussed with your second xxx
I lost 12 lbs since finding out but that was due to eating lots of crap before being pregnant I quit smokes and ate junk now eating healthy = weight loss. Seeing my BMI is high I don't want to gain if I can help it, it is better for baby and me if I don't.

As the MC rates I heard about the 5% too, but if your a older mom like me it stays around 16% chance and doesn't drop I asked the MW does it drop after me seeing or hearing heart beat and she said No was bummed but trying not to think about it...
My weight has stayed about the same so far. I've been feeling sick but eating regularly to ease it so it's all levelled out really! Wanted to lose a bit if I could as can't afford to put much on.

One week and two days til scan .... getting more nervous as the days go on! Xxx
Hi girls

Scan day today.

All went well, measuring 8+5. Nice strong heart beat.

Seen little baby givin me a birthday wave.



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Wow that's a great scan pic RM. How exciting xx
Aw lovely news, and happy birthday!! What a lovely present :-) enjoy your meal etc xxx
I had my booking in yesterday, midwife was lovely! My veins were shocking and she couldn't get blood, another midwife tried and nothing so I had to go to the bloods department, my arms look like a pin cushion! Scan booked for the 23rd March, seems ages away, I'll be 13+1 but hopefully it will fly by....! X
Tiny line of blood in my cm earlier but there's been a lot of stretching last few days and we dtd last night, not too worried as that's all there was and I'm almost 12 weeks now but will keep an eye on it.
I'm sure it's nothing to worry about hun. Lots of people seem to get a bit after dtd. Xxx

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