bad cramping...scared

Hey corrine sorry to hear about your loss xx

Lynette-hope you doing ok and things have passed without any complications. Big hugs xxx
Hi all, well I miscarried in a&e sat on a commode not how I wanted it but it's over now. No need for the operation it passed in abOut 3 hours on gas and air I was having huge waves of cramps so so painful. Doctors were all really nice though really supportive, a nurse stayed with me the whole time i was passing everything, didn't want oh to see me so distressed as he was so scared anyway with our ambulance dash and all the blood. Time to move on now, I feel very strange today ....... Just sort of empty but now I can move on xx
Oh Hun, sorry u had to go through it like that. But glad to hear that the hospital was good with u. Take it easy for a few days :hugs: xx
Oh hun so so sorry you hate such a trauma. Hopefully you can move on soon. xxxx
oh my goodness so sorry to read this lynette, thats what you didnt want! but ive heard it is better for your body if done naturally. sorry my post earlier didnt make sense - think i replied to page one when more posts had gone on. My head feels like someone has blown it up like a balloon today.Us girls need to stick together in tough times. xxxxx
i feel much better now, still cramping but not a smidge on the pain i was in at hospital. I feel good
talking through this i just hope other people might find this helpful as i have found other peoples comments really set my mind at ease
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Oh Lynette just caught up with your thread, so sorry you had a bit of a tramatic one too- those cramps are reallly painful arn't they, I felt like I was in labour with mine too, that lady that stayed with you in A&E sounded lovely, and just what you needed.

So glad your ok and didn't need to D&C too in the end, and now you will be out of that limbo stage and you can recover and move forward hun X
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Words cannot express my sympathy for you huge hugs xxx
hi hun, just catching up on here and so sorry for what you had to go through. Big hugs and I hope you are physically feeling better and you and OH can start to heal now, hugs xxxx
Feeling a bit numb still ladies having lots of hugs from OH bless him he kinda doesnt know what to do xx

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