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scan wednesday


Active Member
Mar 19, 2007
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Well, today was mad again.Arrived, the midwife scanned me and said that the mass on my cornea had pretty much disintigrated and the sac in my womb had a halo around it so she was no longer worried about an eptopic which is an unspeakable relief to me..........she then siad that although the sac in my womb had grown some, there was still no sac. While she was scanning me I kept seeing a little tiny speck of light in the top corner. After she siad there was nothing in there I decided to ask her and pointed to it.She siad that"it looked like nothing" to her and even if it was something shed be looking for it to be attached to something and it wasnt.Upon looking at it closer however, she started saying ,well...actually....it might be a tiny sac emerging.........and it does look like it might be attached to the gestational sac.......and by the end she was saying it prob. was a small sac, to go home and come back in a week for another scan.I am totally drained.....im still quite far along to not have a conclusive sac she siad, but...staranger things have happened...she also said my uterous had thickened in two days too......I asked her to take my hormones again as if they have plumettted then I will know to prepare myslef for the worst, but as it stands....there is a bit of hope again..........work have been fantastic and have told me to take as much time off as I need.Ive come in today but feel so stressed and drained I think i'll take them up on theoir offer and go home and try to relax, which is now important again if it might be a viable pregnancy......i'll update in a few hours when I get the blood test results.I hope and pray they have doubled again....has anyone else had this kind of experience?
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.

I'd take the time of work if I was you. Its a very stressfull time.

We are all here for you.

I havnt experienced this, but really feel for you, the worst bit is the not knowing. Do try to rest. Thinking of you :hug:
Aw hun keeping everything crossed there is a little bean in there.x
fingers crossed the good news will continue, really hope it works out for you
I have my fingers crossed for you hun, i'll be thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: x
I'll be thinking of you. Try and rest as much as you can, I've got my fingers crossed for you :hug: :hug: :hug:
i will be thinking of you as well just along with everyone else, bless you,
take the time off work, relax and put your feet up..

let us know how you get on :hug:
hope your ok hun, sorry cant help much but will send you hugs and am thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
I have messaged you hun xxxx

Really praying this works out for you, the not knowing is horrible xxx
hope everything goes ok and the week til the next scan doesn't drag too much :hug:
Well hormones have risen from 9680 to 14680 in 2 days.Midwife siad shed hoped theyd double and that this was ann indictaion of a probable non viable pregnancy, but them went on to say that on the other hand hormones were rising steadily still and not declining and sac def growing.She is now convonced there is a yolk sac growing, having looked at the photos again, and siad time would tell. Me and my partner were really down at first...thought that cos they werent doubling hope was lost, but we got onto google (we are now becoming early pregnancy experts!) and looked at some medical sights and came to the following conclusions: hrmones should double every 48-72 hours (so I had another day up my sleave) Hormones can slow down after they reach the 10000 mark and rise more slowly, and in 15 % of pregancies hormones dont rise by double anyway. I rang the midwife at the early pregancy unit and ran these facts [ast her, asking her if id found a couple of loony websites or if these were facts.She confirmed that all of this was true and that I was still in with a chance.....I do wish shed tell us the positives as well as the negatives, as anyone who has been following my story will know that we have been given nothing but worst case scenarios from the start.Whilst we dont want to have false hope, an accurate picture does include the possible good outcomes too doesnt it!!!! Any way, we've decided to be 100 % positive.My Gp rang and siad that they are ultra cautious at the early preg unit and that everything Id said to her she thought was very positive...no bleeding or pain, hormones rising steadily, in the right range, gest sac and yolk developing.........she said to have a nice week and stay optimistic and not let an overly negative midwife bring us down. I think shes right. Being negative isnt going to help but being positive just might. We know theres a chance it could be ok,so im gping to have a lovely weekend in arran with some friends, and deal with wednesday on wednesday.If its bad news, ill deal with it then (am pretty prepared for that after the last week) but in my gut, ive always thought this pregnancy was a keeper, which is whats been bothering me.This time last year (to the day actually) I miscarried my first pregnancy at 5 1/2 weeks and when I was scanned nothing appeared and my hormones were 70! I knew all along it felt weird and fragile and wasnt surprised.This time though, ive felt solid, and its felt...i dunno...right. I dont want to delude myslef, but in my heart I know its imporatnt to be positive to try and make up for the amount of neagtivity and stress ive felt over the last week.Does that make sense?
well, just back from my wednesday scan. The midwife, who I am seriously fed up with now, initially siad that there hadnt been much development .I asked her to blow it up on the screen and she then siad that the yolk sac had developed considerably in the last week and that it was fully grown now but there was still no baby. Then she looked more closely and siad that there was possibly the beginnings of a fetal pole developing in the corner.I aske dher to measure the sac and she siad it had grown a lot in the last week too (6-8 mm) So on balence all very positive and to come back in another 10 days.I asked if we could make it 7 days and she said that was fine.She said that she felt more positive than the week beforwe and that it was 50/50. She siad normally pregnancies that are defoinatley fine thunder along and that ones where there was slow development like my one could go either way.Sometimes they just stop developing quite early on but other times they contibue steadily growing.We just ahve to hop for a clear image of a baby next week. I aske dher about my dates (i'm 7.1 weeks...I know when I ovulated as I did the basal temp tests and pee sticks) and if the dates could be slightly off if the egg took a while to fertilise, travle down the tube and embed...ie if that process took longer than in the average woman, then my days could be 4 days off, she siad that wqas possible.I just feel so bloodly drained.dont know what to think.POsitives are that I havent bled or had any pain and still feel pregnanct and that it def isnt a blighted ovum.Only thing it could be now is a missed miscarriage but if it carries on developing as it has so far itlll be ok. Help someone!!! Has anyone else out there had such a drawn out experience?I dont know what to do about work, as obviously I feel very distracted not knowing if the baby is ok, but im physically ok.....
:cheer: im glad all is looking good for you, i will be thinking of you next week when you go bck.. here is a few hugs to keep u going.. :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :wink:
Thinking of you at this stressful time hun, i really hope you get your good news when you go back :hug: Let us know how you get on :hug: xx
sad news im afraid. I had my scan on wednesday and although the yolk sac had continued to grow there was virtually no progress in the fetal pole, which had barely grown.A missed miscarriage has been diagnosed as Im 8.1 weeks pregnant.We need to decide whether to have a d and c or take the tablets...........hobsons choice......We are not sure what to do.I still have not lost any pregnancy symptoms or bled or had pain, so I dont think sitting this out is really an option as it could be a long time before I lose the baby naturally.on the other hand I always wonder about that miracle...like some of the other stories on the website. We are being strong and determined to get through this, but its a real blow and im very upset. I miscarried a year ago at 5 1/2 weeks too so really am now worried about my future.....I so want a baby and really thought this could be it as it felt so solid...still does........I wondered if anyone else has had a similar experience and what management of the situation they chose

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