Hi, Could anyone offer some advice please


Dec 18, 2007
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We found out my wife was pregnant a few weeks ago. The doctor has said she is almost 8 weeks now although we personally think its more like 5.

We had a scan last week as my wife was experiencing some pains. The scan showed absolutely nothing apart from the thickening of the lining of her womb ( I think thats right - I am a man after all! )

We were told to go back again this morning for another scan and this time it showed that the lining was thicker and a sac had appeared as it should.

The sonographer told us that she could not find anything in the sac and that judging by its size it was likely to me a miscarriage as she would expect to see a heartbeat etc..

Then the nurse told us after, that she thought it was too early to expect to see anything in the sac and we were to come back in 10 days time to see whats what..

My wife is now fearing the worse after the sonographers comments but Im ever hopefull. Has anyone else been in this situation. We have been trying for over a year now and what was going to be a very happy Christmas at the end of a terrible year leaves us now feeling somewhat in limbo.

I havent experienced this but didn't want to read and run if you and your wife believe she is only about 5 weeks this may be too early to see a heartbeat but if she was 8 weeks like the doctor believes then a heartbeat should be visable by now. Hopefully you are both right and shes still very early on and you will soon see your little ones heartbeat and all will be well :pray: :hug:
The Doctors dates are from the first day of her last cycle but she is so irratic with some cycles lasting 50 days that we think she can only be around 5 weeks.

Im still hopefull
Sounds like it could very possibly be, the waiting must be awful I hope it goes quickly for you both with good news at the end of it! :hug: :hug:
Hi :wave:

I posted this in another thread but i hope it gives you some kind of comfort and hope xx

kayzee said:
. Hi :wave: Just browsing and saw your post and im sorry you are going through this at the moment its an awful awful thing and a tremendous worry for you :hug: :hug:

I dont know if things will be different for you but i had the exact same thing. I went for a scan when i was 7 weeks (or so i thought) and all they could see was a black hole which was just a sac, i was devastated as having suffered a loss before early on :cry: They told me to go back in 2 weeks for another scan to see if anything had grown or to see if it was a blighted ovum. I was absolutely bricking it every second,everyminute and every hour leading up to that appointment bcause i had convinced myself they wouldnt find anything llike what happened before. So i went back at 9 weeks in tears and when the sonographer did the scan there was my little girl thriving and you could see her heartbeating it was magical.

They did some measurements and i was then only 7 weeks at that point so my dates were 2 weeks out and this was the reason they couldnt see anything 2 weeks before at only 5 weeks.

I know there are some lovely ladies out there who dont get the same result as i did, but there also many that do and go on to have there babies.

Please keep positive as things may well work out for you too hun, chin up and let us know how you get on

Wishing you all the best and hope you get the result your looking for :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks Kayzee,

Just showed my wife your post. were keeping everything crossed.
Good luck and don't give up hope I have heard of this happening to a few people and the baby did appear.
If you and your wife think she is around 5 weeks then the pains she sounds like she was experiencing could be implatation, esp as the womb had thickened and the sac had appeared by the next scan. Dont give up hope :pray:

This also happened to me and as you can see I am now 32 and a half weeks pregnant. I went into hospital with some bleeding and was told that I should be 8 weeks pregnant and because there was no heartbeat yet then it looked likely that I have suffered a blighted ovum. Please tell your wife not to worry as it can have a good outcome :D

We were told that we had an empty sac and to come back ten days later and when we did their was our little girl with her heart beating away.

I really hope that this works out well for you. Good luck! :D
Had another scan today.

She is in hospital now awaiting a procedure tomorrow. not a happy ending this time unfortunately.

thanks all for your replies.
Yes I agree with the others, i think ur dates might be right, that lining thickens to barrier everything off for the babby and then the sac grows but when they scanned her the sac woud have been teeny tiny hence not seeing anything...

So sorry for you both Jon, hope everything goes OK today.

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