Reusable wipes-help please


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2010
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Seeing as I wanna use reusable nappies the next obvious step for me is reusable wipes so lots of help needed please. I've seen some cheap fleece throws in Instore, would these do well as wipes? What solution recipes are there? When they've been used and used and used and can't be used anymore are they more biodegradable than regular wipes? Do you just wash them in machine with washing stuff and then soak them in the solution? Would storing them in a Tupperware box keep them damp for trips out? x
I don't have facebook hon x
Let me copy and paste the info.

When I started with fluff I had no intention of 'making life harder' with reusable wipes.....then when Sid was born and went into fluff full time I realised the disposable wipes were actually making life harder!
When you change any nappy - fluff or 'sposie' - you tend to chuck the dirty wipe in the nappy. With a sposie the lot goes in the bin/nappy bag.....with a cloth nappy you have the job of removing them to dispose of before putting your fluff in the pail.....or maybe like me you forget and the next time you see the wipes is as you're pulling your lovely clean fluff out of the washer.... :s
So it's obvious. A soft fleece wipe goes in the dirty nappy once it's gently cleaned your babes cheeks and goes through your regular fluffy wash. No need to dry them un less you want to, just pop back in your fresh solution (I make a new batch when I wash ie every other day) and you're off! Or have your solution in a spray bottle and add to dry wipes if you prefer.

I use 1 wipe for a wet change and 2 max for even the most nuclear of poos....I was using 6 on Hebe's impressive 'efforts'! :O

You can make your own with regular fleece if you like. - I have various patterned fleeces just to brighten things up.
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Oooooh so you actually sell them already done and ready to go? x
Yeah you can get them on ebay and various nappy sites :)
So closer to the time I'd be able to buy the starter kit from you? x
Have you got an ebay shop Mervs Mum? :) Really interested in re-usable wipes. Xxx
You can add me on Facebook - all the details are on there :) either click on the link above or PM me and I'll give you my details.
They are cool aren't they! x any blue/boyish fleeces in the lot you've ordered? I wouldve been really boring and just done white!
They are cool aren't they! x any blue/boyish fleeces in the lot you've ordered? I wouldve been really boring and just done white!

I've ordered some new fleeces and there are some gorgeous boy-ish ones coming!!

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