Reusable Nappies info

Melanie said:
Liss is right Cassi, pretty much all nappy sites will tell you not to use FC on your nappies. It builds up over time and ruins them. You are basically giving your nappies a water proof coating so the wee will stay up next babys skin. On the instructions for my tots bots it says no FC about 8 times lol. To stop them getting hard and scratchy stick them in the dryer on low for 15 mins, ive never ever had a problem with them going hard. Adding white vinegar to the nappies wash will keep them soft and stain proof too and wont affect the absorbancy of them.

I always put them in the dryer on low...but they still went hard... :think: Jakob has never become sore from his nappies, nor do they seem to have formed a waterproof outing as they are still perfectly absorbant....but I do only use a tiny bit anyway....Before they were scratching him and making him red because they were hard :(
The white vinegar and then some of those dryer balls are great for helping with the hardness, I'm just worried that in a couple of months you will find your nappies are less effective and have to buy a whole new set.

I found a pair of dryer balls, just like the JML ones in our local poundland and they do work. Also it could be hard water where you're living that's making your nappies so hard - buy some calgon tablets to use in every wash - makes a big difference to my washing :)

Hope that helps you a little Cassi!
Liss07 said:
The white vinegar and then some of those dryer balls are great for helping with the hardness, I'm just worried that in a couple of months you will find your nappies are less effective and have to buy a whole new set.

I found a pair of dryer balls, just like the JML ones in our local poundland and they do work. Also it could be hard water where you're living that's making your nappies so hard - buy some calgon tablets to use in every wash - makes a big difference to my washing :)

Hope that helps you a little Cassi!

Great I was thinking about them dryer balls but thought they might of been a load of tat but il get some thanks :)......will also get some calgon tablets :D
i have just orderd my first tots bots Fluffle and a bamboozle cant wait to try them out i have heard they are great

ps Liss07 come chat some more :D
they were my first choice but the lady is real busy at the mo and shut the shop for now :(

i have 6 nappies and 1 wrap :lol:
dionne said:
they were my first choice but the lady is real busy at the mo and shut the shop for now :(

i have 6 nappies and 1 wrap :lol:

doh have you searched weenotions on ebay? :D
My friends baby has really chunky thighs Dionne and she gets on well the the motherease wraps as well as Bummis wraps. I havent used either myself but Laura reckons they are great.
There's two different ladies at Weenotions, the one who does the nappies is on maternity leave from doing customs (if that's what you meant by busy) but you can still get wraps as that's handled by her Mum I think.

I know there was someone else on another board who got themselves a lovely wrap from there.

I'll try but I've joined far too many boards than is good for me recently ;)
Sorry to ask another daft question......are reusable nappies compatible with each other?
For instance, we have bought a load of Bambino nappies and wraps but our friends have offered us lots too, I don't know which brands but does it really matter?

Thank you
Generally you can mix and match brands with a few exceptions.

Bambino Mio are prefolds aren't they? As they aren't self-fastening like 'shaped' nappy you need a closer fitting wrap like Cotton Bottoms or Whisper wraps.

What brands do you have?
Lisa, its the lady that does the wraps. my friend is in the middle of getting her order done and asked if she had any blue wraps or how long it would be to make one she said she is far to busy and has so many orders at the mo she has closed the shop for now.

il have to give the others a go. or get my son crawling to burn some lbs :lol:
Aww no Dionne, that's a shame as I really wanted to order one myself too, but the shop is still open so it's a little misleading.
From the trial packs Ive had all in size 1 the blue spot wraps from tots bots are massive compared to a size 1 in bambino mio, they are exceptionally tiny. Tots bots blue dot is more roomy & would definately fit a size 2.

The motherease rikki wrap has a very nice cotton feel to it and just seems to have a nicer overall build. The XS is the same size as a size 1 tots bots star wrap which also feel plasticy in comparision (although cute!)

Ive also just ordered some rainbow bamboozles in size 2. I already have a full size 2 kit but *ahem* you know how it goes :oops:
Ladies using fleece liners...

When you get a semi soft poo (you know the triangular kind!) is it easy for the poo to come away from the liner or does it require assistance?

I think the fleece liners sound nicer but I don't want to put myself through unnecessary poo trauma!
i just blast all poos with the shower then into the washing machine
I really want to order some Bamboozles (thanks to Minxy!!) but i'm not sure about sizes....Katy is 15lb 9oz & quite slim.......should I get the smaller ones??
I'd go straight for the size 2. The velcro makes them adjustable and she's really not that far off anyway :D

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