Reusable Nappies info

cassi how did you get on with your little lamb nappies?
Im going to order the birth to potty pack tommorrow (it only £200 just now).
Whats your opnion of them? :D
I think they are great they are just like tots bots :D...But Jakob juist grew out of them much sooner than I expected hence chucking them on fleabay :D
All-in-One nappies- what are the review on these. they seem such an easy option.????
Question about Rainbow bots....

Do you use a wrap with them? I'm confused because why make nappies in pwitty colours only to stick a wrap over them? Not too keen on the wrap designs either but I gather they're compatible with other brands i.e. rainbow bots nappy with a motherease wrap?

Ive ordered my trial pack from local council but must admit I find it all completely mind boggling!
Minime said:
Ive ordered my trial pack from local council but must admit I find it all completely mind boggling!

i agree hun.

how much did your trial pack cost? i dont think there is anything like that round here :?
dionne said:
how much did your trial pack cost? i dont think there is anything like that round here :?

Hey dionne :wave:
here is the trial pack i got from my council, it costs £15 but only £10 if your on benefits ( it costs about £50 altogether usually):


to find out if there is one near you, here is a link:
it finds council incentive schemes, and nappy shops etc near you.

Also when i got the trial pack i had a woman come up and explain the whole cloth nappy thing. I totally bombarded her with questions,and its so much easier to get a grasp of the whole thing when they actually have the item in front of you (an all the different types of nappies), i'd say it was definitly worth asking your local council if they have anything like that. :D
thats fab!!!! loads of links came up.

its costing me a bit at the mo allthough i am getting a few second hand i need to get differnt kinds then when i find the best il kit Harley out.
My local council offers....

'Shaped' nappy starter pack - £25.38
* 6 'tot bot' shaped nappies
* 2 pre-fold nappies
* 4 covers
* 1 roll x 100 liners
* 1 mesh laundry bags

'Pre-fold' nappy starter pack - £19.13
* 12 pre-fold nappies
* 4 covers
* 1 roll x 100 liners
* 1 mesh laundry bag

I ordered the shaped one.
Ive also ordered 3 rainbow bots and the little lambs trial pack which arrived this morning and is soooooooooooo cute! :D
wow what a great thread!
i have 10 re usable nappies coming to me from a friend. i have just got to get the plastiv wraps to go over them and the liners.
where does everyone recommend getting the wraps from and what sort and prices arethey? :)
If you just want wraps on their own try ebay Budge, I got 2 fleece tots bots wraps for £3. There's also but she's on maternity leave at the mo so not the usual amount of choice (She makes custom wraps)

What type of nappy are you getting?

Ive just got my 3 rainbow bots and aqua star wrap :)
im thinking about using reusuables, can anyone give me info on washing them cos i dont have a clue! also jack wees quite a lot, do u find reusables as absorbant as disposables? think i will still use disposables when im out
I got the full kit of size 2 little lambs this morning and I'm chuffed to bits with it! Bought it on ebay from little lambs as they have a 30 day money back guarantee and the kits that get sent back they put on ebay. Paid £76 and got 20 nappies, 10 wraps, bucket, boosters and fleece liners and they're all new. Nappies have been pre washed, the rest are still in wrappers so they dont look like they have been used at all. :D
just orded my little lamb trial pack! so excited!!! think i might be joining you guys!!! :D
Q & A

Budge ebay is good but I also use, weenotions, kittykins, minky, modern baby forr wraps. You are looking at anything between £5-£12 for wraps. obviously 12 been really smart ones...
The average is usually about £6 or 7.

Minieme- Yes rainbow bots you do still need to use a wrap they are exactly the same as the white tots bots but obviously, coulored....I dont see the point too much myself but they are cute lol...

im thinking about using reusuables, can anyone give me info on washing them cos i dont have a clue! also jack wees quite a lot, do u find reusables as absorbant as disposables? think i will still use disposables when im out

I wash mine on a 60 cotton wash with my normal non bio, fabric conditioner and some bambino mio nappy wash, Reusables will never be as absorbant, hence you should change them about every 2-3 hours instead of getting away with 3-4 with disposables. But you can buy boosters that you put it, its just a thick peice of fabric that absorbs more. You can also buy pocket nappies which are bulky so good for night time which you stuff with prefolds, or muslins, or fabric specially made for pockets, and you can put as much as you want in them (its a little slot at the top) Jakob wee's quite alot too...and while im ordering my new nappies i have to use disposables and im finding I get alot of poo leaks from disposables!

ps: I dry them on a delicate low heat cycle. with a nice 'summer breeze' dryer sheet. Keeps them lovely and soft, also if they are abit hard you can add a teaspoon of white vingar into the wash too, but I find the bambino mio stuff works well :)
my little lamb trail pack came today!! i havnt had time to wash it yet but i put jack in it and he looked so cute! my mum thinks im crazy for using reusuables but after doing my research i think they are such a good idea! cant wait to try out 2mos!!!
I had to join so that I can post here lol,

Cassi - please don't use fabric conditioner or dryer sheets with your nappies anymore! They make nappies less absorbant, slowly turning them waterproof (which you obviously won't want to happen).

Dionne - My three year old DS is called Harley, I was rather surprised to see someone else with a son named the same hehe. AIOs dry slower than twp part nappies, they also need boosting as they aren't generally as absorbant - I'd try out pockets if I were you as they work like an AIO but you can separate them for washing and drying and stuff them as much as you need to (ie if you have a heavy wetter, my Harley was!).

Phew... I hope I haven't annoyed everyone now :oops:
Liss07 said:
I had to join so that I can post here lol,

Cassi - please don't use fabric conditioner or dryer sheets with your nappies anymore! They make nappies less absorbant, slowly turning them waterproof (which you obviously won't want to happen).

Dionne - My three year old DS is called Harley, I was rather surprised to see someone else with a son named the same hehe. AIOs dry slower than twp part nappies, they also need boosting as they aren't generally as absorbant - I'd try out pockets if I were you as they work like an AIO but you can separate them for washing and drying and stuff them as much as you need to (ie if you have a heavy wetter, my Harley was!).

Phew... I hope I haven't annoyed everyone now :oops:

Hiya, the dryer sheets dont really do anything except keep everything fresh and before I was using FC (i use comfort delicate) the nappies got really hard and far it hasnt caused a problem for me... :D :)
Liss is right Cassi, pretty much all nappy sites will tell you not to use FC on your nappies. It builds up over time and ruins them. You are basically giving your nappies a water proof coating so the wee will stay up next babys skin. On the instructions for my tots bots it says no FC about 8 times lol. To stop them getting hard and scratchy stick them in the dryer on low for 15 mins, ive never ever had a problem with them going hard. Adding white vinegar to the nappies wash will keep them soft and stain proof too and wont affect the absorbancy of them.

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