Reusable Nappies info

I think all of them are generally the same sort of material i just have a roll that i got off kittykins i think? Dont think it matters if you get a make or just a roll of 'non brand'
YEY I'm now getting so reusable nappies

I thought about getting them when I was pregnant but neil put me off as by saying he wouldn't change her nappy if I did, so I got disposibles, but he's only changed about 10 so far!!! so decided to get some proper ones.

I've decided to get some prefolds type, and flushable liners

I've order 12 prefolds (not many I know) just to see how I get on then will get some more.
Only 2 wraps at the mo as lily will sort of fit in both sizes but wanted to see which fits best befroe getting more so just got a size 1 and a size 2.
and getting all the extras needed.

don't know if this is already answered but will ask anyway, do reusables need changing more often then disposibles lily has about 5 changes aday (1 with each feed) maybe a couple more when she poops.

Also I gather reusables fit better then disposibles and keep poo in better, this is my main reason for wanting reuables as no matter how little poos she does it always leeks out of disposibles (tried different makes too) and gets on her vests and clothes.

xSuzx said:
YEY I'm now getting so reusable nappies

I thought about getting them when I was pregnant but neil put me off as by saying he wouldn't change her nappy if I did, so I got disposibles, but he's only changed about 10 so far!!! so decided to get some proper ones.

I've decided to get some prefolds type, and flushable liners

I've order 12 prefolds (not many I know) just to see how I get on then will get some more.
Only 2 wraps at the mo as lily will sort of fit in both sizes but wanted to see which fits best befroe getting more so just got a size 1 and a size 2.
and getting all the extras needed.

don't know if this is already answered but will ask anyway, do reusables need changing more often then disposibles lily has about 5 changes aday (1 with each feed) maybe a couple more when she poops.

Also I gather reusables fit better then disposibles and keep poo in better, this is my main reason for wanting reuables as no matter how little poos she does it always leeks out of disposibles (tried different makes too) and gets on her vests and clothes.


The reusables are generally quite good at preventing leaks but any leaks will/should be caught by the wrap anyway :)..

Which prefolds have you got the bambino mio ones?

Generally reusables do need changing more often than disposables as they dont absorb it as much so it stays on the skin longer and gets uncomfortable for baby quicker than a disposable, hence the theory that reusable nappy babies potty train quicker than disposable nappy babies :). Id say you change enough anyway but the boy i used to look after in nursery that has reusables had 4 changes between 8am-6pm as apose to 3 for the disposables and then obviously his morning and night nappys at home, plus more for poo's. So id say add 1 change on maybe? or just see how she goes with the same changes you do now you can feel if the nappies are feeling too wet or not and then decide if the extra change is needed.

Cas x
I got some junior joy prefolds, they're quite cheap but have read some good things about them, and if they're not any good I can always get a different type.

Got all my nappy stuff today,

They were only ready to wear at about 5pm so tried lily in one but put her in a disposible for bed till we are both properly used to them.

Just wondered those of you that have girls how do you fold their prefolds, I know how to fold them but wondered which way you used, As lily does quite a few runny poops (sorry tmi but thats breastfeeding poops for you) I thought the fan fold would be best, but also know girls need more padding in the middle of there nappies.

Would I be best just folding it the way for girls or using the fan type fold with and put in a booster.

I just use the girl fold but if her poo is a bit liquid I would go with the fan fold for now :D

welcome to the wonderful world of cloth
Hi Guys

Wondering if I can get your advice. I have the Little Lambs kit for 7lb to 20lb and tried using this on Gabriella (she was 7lb 2oz when born) but they drown her and also leaked all over the place. I am keeping her in disposables for now as they are just huge and bulky and don't look comfortable but I am hoping she will be in them soon.

Has anyone had any experience with Little Lambs? What weight were your babies when you used them?

Thanks for your help :D
Sorry Tina no experience with Little Lambs but 7-20lbs does seem a wide age range for one wrap.

My first were cotton bottoms 7-10lbs. Stanley was 7lb 2oz born too and these were great but too small now.

They're always for sale on Ebay and are pretty cheap too. Maybe invest in a couple until she fits the little lamb ones? :)
Ladies, what do you do at night???? :sleep:

Stanley and I are using pre-folds with a range of wraps (tots bots etc). We change them every 3 hours or so, since I find they do leak pretty easily. Maybe S is a big wee-er and they're are always sopping through.

Anyway......although he's not sleeping through the night (I should be so lucky :) ), he'll sometimes go 6 hours or so, and in that time he wee's through his nappy, sleepsuit, cot sheet etc. Poor fella!

He's back in disposables at night for now, but what's your advice? I'm not sure a booster would even touch the sides.......
hi minxy

like you i change lily every 3 hours, I don't use a booster.

At night she sleeps right through instead of using a booster I fold a size 1 prefold and put that in her size 2 prefold nappy (fan folded) and wrap, does look abit bulky but so far we've had no leaks.

I use a motherease nappy for night time as it is thinner, but loads of room to pad out if you see what i mean
I use a terry booster and i microfibre booster then a fleece liner

I have used prefolds aswell
to all you mums out there who are contemplating using cloth napiies, try and get in touch with you local council first to see if they do any incentive schemes for cloth nappies. they usually do discounted trial packs or give you a voucher towards buying the nappies.
here is the trial pack i get from my council, it costs £15 but only £10 if your on benefits ( it costs about £50 altogether usually):

* mother-ease 'one size' nappy
* rainbow bots size 2 nappy
* wonderoo pocket nappy and terry insert
* junior joy cotton prefold
* mother-ease rikki wrap
* tots bots fleece wrap
* Nappy nippa
* Flushable Bio-Degradable Liners
* ‘Stinki Minki’ Wet Nappy Bag
* fleece liner

to find out if there is one near you, here is a link:
it finds incentive schemes, and nappy shops near you.
Sorry to be a pain, but I'm slightly confused................if you have to change the nappy when it's wet, am I going to end up with about 8 reusables at the end of the day that I have to wash?

Have got a tots bots bamboozle trial pack and really want to use reusables, but I'm worried that I'll have to buy loads and loads as I don't have a tumble dryer etc.


Thanks in advance for any answers/advice.
Ju said:
Sorry to be a pain, but I'm slightly confused................if you have to change the nappy when it's wet, am I going to end up with about 8 reusables at the end of the day that I have to wash?

Have got a tots bots bamboozle trial pack and really want to use reusables, but I'm worried that I'll have to buy loads and loads as I don't have a tumble dryer etc.


Thanks in advance for any answers/advice.

I usually change Seren every 3 hours, so have about 4/5 dirty nappies. I will change her straight away though if she has had a poo. I have a tumble drier but it has been broken for the last few months. I do a wash once/twice a week but then I do have a bad nappy addiction so have quite a few. If you are happy to do a wash every other day, every 2 days then 15 nappies is ample. As the drying worries you I would suggest a nappy made from microfibre, i.e. tots bots fluffle. These dry very quickly. Two hours in a warm room does the trick.
jakob is so chubby im already going to have to buy size 2's :rotfl:
Hi Cloth-heads :wave:

Just wanted to say i've found this thread really helpful. It's taken me several sittings to get all the way through 19 pages, but have picked up loads of useful info along the way.
I'd already decided to use cloth, but reading this has helped me learn more about the different types.
So, I have decided to probably use little lambs as they seem really good value. I'm hoping to scrape enough money together from somewhere to get both sizes while still on special offer. i can get everythig from birth to potty for £200. Then all i'll need is some nice wipes, and i also like the sound of the tea tree oil wipe solution so will hoepfully get a good stock of this.

oooh, can't wait to cuddle my lovely fat bottomed clothy bum baby!!!! :D
I think I've decided I like the pre folds as opposed to all in ones so is this right I'll need.....

20 prefolds
8 wraps
paper liners
fleece boosters
nappy soak

BTW, are the paper liners soft like baby wipes or could they be scratchy on the bum?
fyi im putting my 21 little lambs size 1's on ebay to replace them with size 2's if anyone is interested im gonna chuck some wraps in too....

Jakob is too big for them now is he 14lbs!!! According to charts he is the weight of a 4 month old :rotfl: bless his chubbs

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