Reusable Nappies info

Thats why they have them ones in size hun, the idea is you get size 1's untill they are 5/6 months or untill they are too small...then you can sell them again (good resale rates) or keep them and buy size 2's to last till potty.

If you just buy the bigger ones for the whole time to save money in the sized ones they will be very bulky hun.

Cas x
Thanks, I just kept looking at the size 2 thinking, I'm gonna have to have a really large newborn to fit into that!!!!
Ok, I'll order the size 1 in the fluffle and a wrap to test when bambino arrives.
I've listed a few different types of nappies you guys have mentioned and if possible, would like your valued opinion on the best ones for newborn day/night and when they get older.

bambino mio
tots bots
wee notions
happy heinys and wonderalls
minki pockets
Little lambs

It's a bit of a mad cotton jungle out there and you all seem very clued in on the info stuff. :clap:

Bev x x
I have a few motherease ones that i tend to use on a night as i can pack them really well

Weenotions wraps are good i only have one at the minute the rest are motherease with 1 tots bot

i use all sorts during the day but i love my Geobel one best ... amboo.html
These are not bulky at all if i was gonna use on a newborn i would deff use these and they are so soft as well
Wonderoos - These seem highly rated by Kina and Beanie im sure they will post when they see this, they are meant to be really good.
kushies - In my opinion boring...not really much choice in designs, the wipe clean style plasticy cover dosnt do it for me either. But the easy option in any way.
bambino mio - prefolds so not shaped, it is like a terry sqaure and you have to fold it yourself but good, i have some of these that i will be using along side my little lambs (little lambs are just like tots bots but cheaper ;) )
tots bots - very nice and soft i have some rainbow tots bots and they seem a good size...just like the little lambs i have except softer (because the little lambs were used) always expect hardening in time.
wee notions - sooo cute these guys are great they make them quickly and get them to you quickly you can even design you're own! I have some wraps and they are gorgeous!
Magic-alls - dont have any of these so cant comment but i beileve again kina and beanie may have.
happy heinys and wonderalls - same as above
minkins - same as above
minki pockets - lovely thick and cute! best nighttime nappy from what i have heard, i have a couple and the feel to them is lovely. Would be too bulky for a daytime nappy in my opinion.
Little lambs - these are my primary nappies w/ aplix. Nice good size and have had good reveiws from them...however they do harden but i guess it depends how you will be washing them, tumble drier is meant to keep them soft, just dont put it on too hot or any nappy will be likely to shrink.
kittykins - I have bought alot of the above nappies and accesories from these, free delivery (used to be anyway) quick and reliable and they sell most of the above so you have a wide range.

Hope this helps, obviously im not using mine yet so my comments are on what i have heard and what i can see from the massive selection i now have lol! Id say get a big bunch of nappies choose wether you want pre folds or shaped (id recommend shaped) so i.e i have 21 little lambs size 1 and then just get a whole mix of funky dont need to match the same brand wraps with nappies, except im not sure how easy certain wraps will fit with prefolds, again im sure beanie will know that one as she has both or i can have a look later with my prefolds inside one of my other wraps and let you know :-)

I have tots bots fleece wraps, wee notions wraps, baby mio wraps, popo wraps, starbunz wraps and some others...and i have little lamb nappies and then some extra nappies (you wouldnt really need as many as i have lol) but i also have a few rainbow tots, baby mio prefolds, nature baby and weenotions lol.

Im an addict hehe ..

You shouldnt need to spend any more than £200 really and definatly use ebay for some because i got my little lambs for £50 for 21 of them and some wraps! I have spent about £300 but thats just because i have gone overboard with wraps and other types of nappies lol..But they have a really good resale value so you're not really losing much. And most councils now have real nappy schemes and they will give you like £30 cashback if you buy real nappies.

Hope this helps
cas x
Thanks for the advice, I've ordered a size 1 fluffle to see what it's like and I got a couple of cotton bottom wraps for newborn also, they're soo cute!!
Think I'll try little lambs too, they really do look like the fluffles.

Now it's time to shop :dance: brace yourself bank account!! :cheer: :cheer:

Bev x x
Ive got a headache! :shock:

What are the basic basics i.e wrap, bucket, liners

I intend to use disposable for trips out but reusable for at home. Basically looking for one which you put on with a liner to catch number 2's that gets flushed and you soak the nappy bit in bucket before washing. Oh and pwitty wraps (we called them nappies and rubbers in my day :rotfl: )

Someone talk to me in blonde please :?
Minime said:
Ive got a headache! :shock:

What are the basic basics i.e wrap, bucket, liners

I intend to use disposable for trips out but reusable for at home. Basically looking for one which you put on with a liner to catch number 2's that gets flushed and you soak the nappy bit in bucket before washing. Oh and pwitty wraps (we called them nappies and rubbers in my day :rotfl: )

Someone talk to me in blonde please :?

I guess if you want easy easy then go for kushies all in ones, you dont need a seperate wrap for this and you dont need to go shopping online as you can get them in mothercare and babys r us...however would be cheaper getting them on ebay...Then just buy some disposable liners you can also get these in boots/mothercare and thats you sorted! When you change baby chuck them in you're little bucket and put in wash every 2 days or can soak them, or you can just put some lavender oil in bucket to disguise smells as i beileve some people have said that soaking isnt that nice? However i have bought some mio bambino nappy soak which i will use and if it is abit smelly il use the lavender oil option...or there is a mix kina posted up somewhere on this thread.

If however you are not too fond on the kushies then all you need is some plain nappies like the little lambs and about 4 wraps...If you are only going to use reusables at home id say maybe 10 nappies? depending on how much you will be washing and 3 wraps as you dont need to change wraps everytime you change nappy unless nappy leaks which is rare.

Hope this helps
Cassie x
Just had a bit of a spree :oops: Bought lots of pockets :oops: 2 Minkis, 4 Swaddlebees, 2 Fuzzis and lots of boosters. Ella's looking too bulky in her tots at the moment, prefer her shape with a pocket but hers are getting small so we needed some fresh new ones :cheer: Hoping they'll be here before my holiday :pray:
Kina i have one of these and love it, not bulky at all and you can get thin boosters to go in during the day as they don't have a middle bit with them (you know what i mean :D )
[url=" ... amboo.html[/url]

really need to get him some more of these, his tots bots seem to have shrunk loads :?

**EDIT** you'll have to copy and paste i can't get link to work :?
Has anyone used ella's house nappies and what do you think? Saw them on kittykins website and they seem to get really good reviews on absorbancy, drying times, and not being bulky.
I recieved a size 1 fluffle and even it seems quite large and bulky for a newborn, has anyone used these for a newborn? Also if you fold down the size 1 for small babies there are no poppers in the middle to hold the cloth between the babies legs, only around the waist. Do you use a nippa until they get bigger?
Sorry to blabble on and on. :doh:

Bev x x
Where can I get a nappy pail?

Please don't say internet, don't want to pay for p+p, and Mothercare only had Winnie the bloody Pooh ones the other day (have a Disney phobia :) )

I'd have thought they were easy to find but having trouble. Any ideas?
is there a babies r us near you, that where I got mine. or try pound shops :D
you can get them in john lewis, babies r us (sonetimes) mothercare (sometimes) and boots
Thanks Cassi, will try John Lewis in Solihull today! :)
nappy aside, I really like the kimono, it would be nice with jeans. I would wear it too, a mother and daughter set.
hey nappy addicts anonymous :lol:

Sorry if im going to make people repeat themselves. i set on getting cloth nappies for the LO (altough not decided on shaped or prefold yet :? ) however i am being drawn toward tots bots/ little lambs.
Ok so my question is: how many nappies will i need (from birth to potty/or at each stage)?
Can i just buy something like 20 tots bots size 2 and use them from birth to potty (with a nippa)? or would they be too big for a newborn?

would this be enough from birth to potty: ... dZViewItem

Or am i better to get set A & D from here for £250: ... r=products
little*red said:
hey nappy addicts anonymous :lol:

Sorry if im going to make people repeat themselves. i set on getting cloth nappies for the LO (altough not decided on shaped or prefold yet :? ) however i am being drawn toward tots bots/ little lambs.
Ok so my question is: how many nappies will i need (from birth to potty/or at each stage)?
Can i just buy something like 20 tots bots size 2 and use them from birth to potty (with a nippa)? or would they be too big for a newborn?

would this be enough from birth to potty: ... dZViewItem

Or am i better to get set A & D from here for £250: ... r=products

All these questions are answered in the thread but IMO i wouldnt get the size 2 for a newborn cause they will be very bulky .. I have little lambs size 1, i wouldnt get both packs straight away just get the size 1 and then when baby grows out of them then get the next size up, they have a good resale value so either keep them for next baby or sell size 1's and use money for size 2's.

what me and some others on here do is just buy the nappies you want say about 20, i have 20 little lambs, some bambino mios, a few tots bots and a few others (i got the others before i got the 20 little lambs for a bargain) hence so many. And then i just buy all sorts of wraps and some pocket nappies for night time use because they are extra absorbent cause you can stuff them as much as you like. I have tots bots fleece wraps, wee wonder wraps, happy heinys etc etc all sorts of funky patterns and colours!! But if you dont mind just plain wraps then it works out cheaper ;) You will need about 6 wraps id say with washing every other day... but i have loads! :cheer:

:wave: Hey there,

I usually use fleece liners in Finn's nappy,but I thought about trying out some disposable ones,ones that are able to flush away,and are environmentally friendly - any recommendations??Idon't want to be blocking the loo up! :)

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