Rent cut for the overweight,

tbh i dont have a clue but they havent mentioned any other apart from the obese :S Im all for free gym memberships and swimming i would love to go i just think its the way there going about it.

I said this to my oh the other night. It wasn't this subject per se but on the news it said that by 2015 50% of UK adults will be obese. I said "if bloody gym memberships weren't so scandalously priced maybe more people could go". Even council run gyms are a rip off x
I am apparently meant to be 10st for my height of 5ft9. The smallest I have been was size 12 and 14st. I liked being a size 12 which I hope to get to after the birth but I am never going to be 10st..I would look ill!
I am apparently meant to be 10st for my height of 5ft9. The smallest I have been was size 12 and 14st. I liked being a size 12 which I hope to get to after the birth but I am never going to be 10st..I would look ill!

Yea my doctor told me I should be 8st 2 at my heaviest 0.o the mind boggles?! Lol
I am apparently meant to be 10st for my height of 5ft9. The smallest I have been was size 12 and 14st. I liked being a size 12 which I hope to get to after the birth but I am never going to be 10st..I would look ill!

I think it depends on your body shape as well. I'm just under 10st and I'm 5ft 9 and there's no way I 'look ill', even after two children.

Before they start attacking benefits etc the government should lower the cost of fresh fruit and veg (how much cheaper is frozen ready food/meals than fresh?!) , run classes to teach about portion control, healthy food, healthy recipes, exercise that is outside of a gym etc. offer swimming vouchers or pay as you go gym vouchers so you don't have to sign up to a contract. There are so many other ways to actively help rather than punish!
I really disagree with it!
Our local area run classes for parents and parents to be, school kids and the unemployed about healthy living and healthy choices in out local community centres. It's 100% free but not very well advertised :-/
I think sure start were giving pregnant ladies fruit and veg vouchers if they were on benefits or did I dream that? x
the cost of my council gym is about £30 a month and you have to sign in for 12 months. i can't afford that it should be much less and swimming is so expensive too. there are loads of ways they could help. free weekly weigh in diet clubs or something that teach how to eat healthy and loose weight weigh you and offer emotional support when its getting hard (which it does) x
I think sure start were giving pregnant ladies fruit and veg vouchers if they were on benefits or did I dream that? x

They used to give a lump payment of 190 I think. Now it's just if you are on benefits you get 6.20 a week to spend on fruit, veg or milk until baby is 1 then you get 3.10 a week till they are 4 :D x
Gym prices are insane!
I wanted to use the swimming pool during my pregnancy - just the walk around weightless bit to ease my back pain etc.

BUT You now have to become a member of the gym/leaisure center to use it and on incap I can't afford that especially as will only use once a week when hubby can take me!

Hubby is at work from 8am to 6:30pm 5 days a week just to afford rent and food etc. He's ended up having to get a set of weights to use here instead of going to gym as the membershoip prices are insane and lock you into a 12 month contract. I think we used the gym for 2 months when moved here before starting to struggle to afford it and then found we HAD to pay monthly for a year - no matter what. Seriously put us in debt that we've only just managed to claw back from with help of his parents.

That sure start thing is only for income based benafits so all those on disability benafits don't qualify even tho they have/get less money than most!

Why can't it go back to how it was when I was a kid? Fancy swimming - pop along when pool open to public sessions and pay a few £ per each hour you wanted.
Roller skating? Pop along with your skates, pay a small fee and join a session.

Now it's all money grabbing contracts :(
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Not sure if you have these within your areas but a chain of gyms within the Northwest have opened up recently that are not manned and you just pay monthly without signing any contract. They are also open 24 hours a day 7 days a week. These can be cancelled at any time. They are called Pure Gyms and are only £17 a month. Just a thought for the people who mentioned they want to go to a gym but can't afford to sign up to a contract or pay the ridiculous fee of £40 a month!

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My council do a 'leisure saver' scheme where anyone on HB gets reduced prices at the sports centre! Swimming is 1.10 gym 2.50 payg .

Might be worth looking to your council to ask if they do similar. Surprisingly they don't advertise it that well!!! X
Just checked Pure Gyms website and they have a promotional offer on at the moment for certain gyms in certain areas, only £10.99 a month! Can't grumble at that!!

Location wise they seem to be quite spread around the UK too, ranging from Aberdeen all the way down to Plymouth.

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Pure gym is a good gym too I worked there and they are normally fully stocked with equipment but not swimming
will look into it but i don't think there is one near me. my swimming pool you can use as you want but its about a fiver which doesn't sound much but when you have bus fair too it ends up that much i can only do it a couple times a month. i want to take Alice so she will swim and be healthy but its so expensive but yet they say they want us to exercise with our kids :s x
Fair enough but whether it's right or wrong we all have to face the fact that our economy is going down the pan and savings need to be made.
I do think that the benefit system needs a massive overhaul, millions are being given to people who don't deserve or shouldn't be entitled to that money every day.
I eat quite a lot of crap, sweets and rubbish - not because of any emotional problem or psychological issue - I can be a pig and I like crap food. I have a crap diet which I am trying to change.
Now I believe that if I put on soooo much weight that I couldn't work, I don't think tax payers should keep me in maccies! I'm sure there are those who over eat due to psychological reasons but I'm equally sure there are millions who just eat crap for convenience , just like me.

100% agree with this!

Iv put on 3 stone since being pregnant with DS and iv not lost any of it in a year! Mainly because I just didn't bother watching what I eat or excersize enough. My fault totally!! Before this bfp I started running and started to see some of the weight creep off. I literally started by walking and then eventually built up to a slow jog/run and the best bit is it cost nothing!! People in the UK need to start taking responsibility for themselves and yea that includes smokers/addicts etc.

Those who are genuinely disabled are of course a different story!
I could walk and run in public but i just dont want to because im more self concious because of my size its like if you didnt like your stomach and someone wanted you to walk around town in a belly top. And i struggle to do it alone i would find it easier with a professional who could advice me and encourage me. Ive been overweight for all of my adult life its not something that is easy to change, i often do fine for a few weeks then loose motivation or cant afford to keep going (slimming world etc).

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