Rent cut for the overweight,

I think they are more saying that disabilities or reasons as to why people can't work that are 'bought on themselves' (term used lightly) such as being overweight, addictions etc. shouldn't be 'encouraged' with money for perhaps nothing in some cases. Also I heard that it is because of the health issues costing NHS that comes with obesity and addictions etc. that they are paying the most out of taxes for this AS WELL AS their benefits. But there are and always will be someone not happy so I don't see how anyone can win really. My mum can't work and needs a hip replacement as well as ulcers need to be dressed every 2 days due to a scar opening up and they have stopped her disability allowance saying she is fit to work unless she goes to a job thingy but they don't have disabled parking and she can't walk far. On the other hand...I see people who are claiming disability for bad backs and yet 'fit kitchens' on the side to get extra money. So taking the work off legit workers making a living and taking their tax money too...but never see them get hassled because they would just hit em or something. No one can win.
If I'm obese because I gorge on junk food, don't exercise and sit on my fat ass all day, should the tax payer be funding my existence? No
If I'm obese because of a disability or other health related reason then yes, I should not only get benefits, I should be given all the help I need to live my life.
If I chose to smoke 1000 a day, take drugs and drink myself into oblivion so I can't work, should the tax payer fund this? Erm no but I do think that more could be done to try to rehabilitate these people and get them back into work and part of society. Don't just take away benefits and leave them hanging, help them! If they don't accept he help, bugger off then. But at least give them a chance.
I also don't think that people who have drink and drug problems should be given cash benefits. They should get these benefits in the form of food and fuel vouchers (although I'm sure they could sell these to buy drugs!) x
I'm overweight because of my health problems... The GP can give me a prescription for discounted Gym use but I can't afford to use it after those sessions are up! I can't commit to a contract with my gym in order to go swimming because who knows when they'll just change or stop my benefits and I'll be stuck with a contract and no income?

I am trying my best to lose weight because I don't want to be overweight and I want to be healthy. How is penalising and attacking the overweight going to fix things?

The problem is its very hard to judge if someone is intentionally overweight to avoid activity or has a problem with emotional overeating (which would require therapy and support to overcome) or for health reasons because it's all inside someone's head. It's not even about what overweight people eat; a lot don't eat crap, but have big portions and a lack of moderation.

Why does alienating people seem to be the way forward for this Government? First the disabled, now the obese... and yet never the banks or the big tax avoiders...
Don't forget that myocardial infarction is because of all the above that you mentioned and then more. Why is that to be different than obesity?
We feel sorry for people with cardiac problems but why it for obesity?
If you seek deep deep there is a reson behind it even on those that they only shove sweeties in their mouth. It may an emotional trauma or sth from their childhood or whatever but that makes it less of a problem than a physical disease? Even their denial to do sth its usually due to low self esteem and the feeling of how worthless they sometimes feel. Been there did that already and it hurts like hell :(
(Sorry cosmic not to argue here)
Fair enough but whether it's right or wrong we all have to face the fact that our economy is going down the pan and savings need to be made.
I do think that the benefit system needs a massive overhaul, millions are being given to people who don't deserve or shouldn't be entitled to that money every day.
I eat quite a lot of crap, sweets and rubbish - not because of any emotional problem or psychological issue - I can be a pig and I like crap food. I have a crap diet which I am trying to change.
Now I believe that if I put on soooo much weight that I couldn't work, I don't think tax payers should keep me in maccies! I'm sure there are those who over eat due to psychological reasons but I'm equally sure there are millions who just eat crap for convenience , just like me.
Saying this, I have just eaten two cadburys caramels while I wrote that :shock: x
I think that summarises a lot though - sit on my fat arse all day, i know you dont mean it aimed at anyone im just pointing out people are quick to assume that they know your lifestyle by your weight, i dont sit on my arse up until Alice i was a plumber fitting central heating all day everyday which is hard work but i was still overweight and now im a sahm, i dont get much time sat down!

Its like any other unhealthy choice we make as people, i dont understand why there targeting one group when there are so many others, and like someone said if you where to talk about any other medical issue people feel symathy with obesity they just think fat *******. And an overweight person is less likely to rob you to get there fatty foods than a drug addict needing there drugs.

If the council dont give them the rent money or council tax money they simpily wont pay there rent or council tax, it wont matter to them it will be the council and landlords that loose out.
Fair enough but whether it's right or wrong we all have to face the fact that our economy is going down the pan and savings need to be made.
I do think that the benefit system needs a massive overhaul, millions are being given to people who don't deserve or shouldn't be entitled to that money every day.
I eat quite a lot of crap, sweets and rubbish - not because of any emotional problem or psychological issue - I can be a pig and I like crap food. I have a crap diet which I am trying to change.
Now I believe that if I put on soooo much weight that I couldn't work, I don't think tax payers should keep me in maccies! I'm sure there are those who over eat due to psychological reasons but I'm equally sure there are millions who just eat crap for convenience , just like me.

it wasnt just people who couldn't work because of there weight they where talking about anyone getting housing or council tax benefit who where obese even if its unrelated to why there out of work or on low income.
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We have to look at these situations in a sensible light though don't we.
We could say that people are heroin addicts because they have psychological issues, we could say that people abuse alcohol because they have psychological issues. For many this may be true but for many it's something they do for other numerous reasons but where does it end?
And yes there are those people who do sit at home on their fat arse all day eating junk food and cannot be bothered to work (I can think of 3 people I know personally who will admit so openly) and yes there will be others who are obese because of x, y and z and can't work because of various reasons too. But where do we draw the line?
What is the answer to this?
I think that summarises a lot though - sit on my fat arse all day, i know you dont mean it aimed at anyone im just pointing out people are quick to assume that they know your lifestyle by your weight, i dont sit on my arse up until Alice i was a plumber fitting central heating all day everyday which is hard work but i was still overweight and now im a sahm, i dont get much time sat down!

Its like any other unhealthy choice we make as people, i dont understand why there targeting one group when there are so many others, and like someone said if you where to talk about any other medical issue people feel symathy with obesity they just think fat *******. And an overweight person is less likely to rob you to get there fatty foods than a drug addict needing there drugs.

If the council dont give them the rent money or council tax money they simpily wont pay there rent or council tax, it wont matter to them it will be the council and landlords that loose out.

That's why I differentiated between those for whom it is a lifestyle choice and those who for other reasons are obese.
I'm not fattist (if that's a word) by the way, nor do I agree with the government plans, just playing devils advocate :) x
Saying this, I have just eaten two cadburys caramels while I wrote that :shock: x

See, that's the thing, you eat crap and sweets and are lucky enough to have a metabolism that can cope with that, which is great but what about all those people with a metabolism like yours who also happen to be on benefits?

They can eat crap all day long and because their bodies process it better, they'll continue to get support, whereas those who do the same and put on weight get penalised by having their benefits cut. How is that fair? How can we as a people penalise only some of those who exhibit a particular poor lifestyle choice?
I always cook gammon for tea but don't end up eating it lol!! I don't like the taste of egg but I like the chips as and when a rarity I have them, I would say I'm deffo 100% not strict vegan but would describe my diet as vegan as I only eat meat like 3x a year as I just don't really like it, and if I eat dairy I have a really bad stomach as I'm lactose intolerant -
As for mc Donald's yep I had one the other night and it was nom! Properly the first bit of meat I've had in 6 ish months I make meat dishes all the time but 9/10 it's not meat it quorn or tofu we even have fake bacon and fake ham and fake gammon lol I just don't like the texture it's Blugh! I buy all the dairy free range and free from range. But what I'm saying is even tho my diet is in shape they will still want me to do more and I don't know what I can do when pregnant - it makes you feel very pressured!
I think that's mwhats bothering me, fair enough if they want to do it for one poor lifestyle choice but what about all the others? The smokers, drinkers, drug takers get benefits but cut to just people who are overweight seems unfair to me. There is a lot of research going into genetic reasons why some people can eat all day and keep thin and another could eat the same and be obese because i have a friend who is trying everything he can to gain weight even eating 5 meals a day and snacks in-between and still struggles to gain. but if he was on the dole he would get money but they would stop mine when i eat a hell of a lot less than him (and do more too) x
Not that i claim the dole but we do get help towards rent and council tax --- i have figured out the answer to it, get a fat doctor!! x
Saying this, I have just eaten two cadburys caramels while I wrote that :shock: x

See, that's the thing, you eat crap and sweets and are lucky enough to have a metabolism that can cope with that, which is great but what about all those people with a metabolism like yours who also happen to be on benefits?

They can eat crap all day long and because their bodies process it better, they'll continue to get support, whereas those who do the same and put on weight get penalised by having their benefits cut. How is that fair? How can we as a people penalise only some of those who exhibit a particular poor lifestyle choice?

Good point, never thought of it like that x
I think that's mwhats bothering me, fair enough if they want to do it for one poor lifestyle choice but what about all the others? The smokers, drinkers, drug takers get benefits but cut to just people who are overweight seems unfair to me. There is a lot of research going into genetic reasons why some people can eat all day and keep thin and another could eat the same and be obese because i have a friend who is trying everything he can to gain weight even eating 5 meals a day and snacks in-between and still struggles to gain. but if he was on the dole he would get money but they would stop mine when i eat a hell of a lot less than him (and do more too) x

Are there no plans to look into people who take drugs etc? Is it just the obese? x
tbh i dont have a clue but they havent mentioned any other apart from the obese :S Im all for free gym memberships and swimming i would love to go i just think its the way there going about it.

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