Council Rent Increase

kellie80................How long have you been with your HA? We only joined last year, but was promised the rent would only go up by inflation plus £2. This is fixed for 5 years and then they can raise it how they like. I guess we can expect it to go up £20 a month each year then.[/quote]

I've been with them for 8 years and thats the only thing you can be sure to get of them is a rent increase :twisted:
Rachel21 said:
lou said:
I don't know enough about it really to comment, I just thought it was dirt cheap to be on the council. I live near one of the biggest council estates in England and it is a mixture of privately owned and council owned property. When you then consider you could be paying a shed load of money each month on a mortgage just to live next door to someone who is getting their roof over their head for a hell of alot less makes being on the council a cheap ride and to be perfectly honest a tad unfair. But I suppose its swings and roundabouts. :)

Most private houses in council estates have been brought from the council at very discounted rates. Hench there been a housing shortage in this country. To low income families the council rent isnt dirt cheap and £10 a week can be the difference between getting by or not. Im sure alot of people in council housing would much rather own their own homes but its not possible for some.

And theres alot of people who think the world owes them a living :roll:
lou said:
Misslarue said:
lou said:
Isn't renting a property from the council really cheap to begin with though? :think:

Not at this rate.
Its definitely not really cheap. Its obviously cheaper than a private let as its run by a non profit housing association.

kellie80................How long have you been with your HA? We only joined last year, but was promised the rent would only go up by inflation plus £2. This is fixed for 5 years and then they can raise it how they like. I guess we can expect it to go up £20 a month each year then.

I don't know enough about it really to comment, I just thought it was dirt cheap to be on the council. I live near one of the biggest council estates in England and it is a mixture of privately owned and council owned property. When you then consider you could be paying a shed load of money each month on a mortgage just to live next door to someone who is getting their roof over their head for a hell of alot less makes being on the council a cheap ride and to be perfectly honest a tad unfair. But I suppose its swings and roundabouts. :)

ID LOVE to buy my own place but cant afford it
both me and my partner work damn hard I work full time 5 days a week doing the very important job of caring for children
And James works 12 our shifts caring for this nation as a MOd policeman we get paid a hell of a lot less the someone sitting behind a bloody desk playing round with a computer then swaning back to there 4 bed homes.
NO OFFENSE to those who do this job this job you work hard too :hug:
but the pay dose not reflect the job ie someone in a CARE and PROTECT job earns c*** money
but dont earn enough to buy and the rent / council tax around are ares is damn high too :x
we would not be getting an easy ride by living in a council house
we have looked into council house but where not priority BECAUSE we work :x :x :x # so cant get one
stuck between a rock and a hard place
some of us who do work hard and would love dearly not to have to use benifits or goverment housing HAVE NO CHOICE.
i DO not want to ask for help and do not expect an easy ride
id give my right arm to afford m own place
I i HATE asking for help BUT I HAVE No choice
If i could get on the list for a council house then id take it
as i need a roof over my head and renting will leave us with very little money left.
lou said:
Rachel21 said:
lou said:
I don't know enough about it really to comment, I just thought it was dirt cheap to be on the council. I live near one of the biggest council estates in England and it is a mixture of privately owned and council owned property. When you then consider you could be paying a shed load of money each month on a mortgage just to live next door to someone who is getting their roof over their head for a hell of alot less makes being on the council a cheap ride and to be perfectly honest a tad unfair. But I suppose its swings and roundabouts. :)

Most private houses in council estates have been brought from the council at very discounted rates. Hench there been a housing shortage in this country. To low income families the council rent isnt dirt cheap and £10 a week can be the difference between getting by or not. Im sure alot of people in council housing would much rather own their own homes but its not possible for some.

And theres alot of people who think the world owes them a living :roll:

This comment has made me really peed off. When my oh and i moved into council accommodation, i was a newly qualified nurse, and my oh a IT technician, all be it a junior one. we both worked and work extremely hard, pay our council tax and rent. I don't believe the world owes me a living, far from it, but some people just dont have the money to privately rent. I cant believe how archaeic this comment is, how people are still being labled because of where they live!
I would love nothing more than to move my family to a house that i have chosen and bought myself, but the crappy wage I receive for doing the job that I do means that I cant. I seriously think some people need to think about how hurtful comments like that can be. :roll:
lou said:
Misslarue said:
lou said:
Isn't renting a property from the council really cheap to begin with though? :think:

Not at this rate.
Its definitely not really cheap. Its obviously cheaper than a private let as its run by a non profit housing association.

kellie80................How long have you been with your HA? We only joined last year, but was promised the rent would only go up by inflation plus £2. This is fixed for 5 years and then they can raise it how they like. I guess we can expect it to go up £20 a month each year then.

I don't know enough about it really to comment, I just thought it was dirt cheap to be on the council. I live near one of the biggest council estates in England and it is a mixture of privately owned and council owned property. When you then consider you could be paying a shed load of money each month on a mortgage just to live next door to someone who is getting their roof over their head for a hell of alot less makes being on the council a cheap ride and to be perfectly honest a tad unfair. But I suppose its swings and roundabouts. :)
And to add, I think the comment above, highlighted in red....says it all
EllieG said:
lou said:
Rachel21 said:
lou said:
I don't know enough about it really to comment, I just thought it was dirt cheap to be on the council. I live near one of the biggest council estates in England and it is a mixture of privately owned and council owned property. When you then consider you could be paying a shed load of money each month on a mortgage just to live next door to someone who is getting their roof over their head for a hell of alot less makes being on the council a cheap ride and to be perfectly honest a tad unfair. But I suppose its swings and roundabouts. :)

Most private houses in council estates have been brought from the council at very discounted rates. Hench there been a housing shortage in this country. To low income families the council rent isnt dirt cheap and £10 a week can be the difference between getting by or not. Im sure alot of people in council housing would much rather own their own homes but its not possible for some.

And theres alot of people who think the world owes them a living :roll:

This comment has made me really peed off. When my oh and i moved into council accommodation, i was a newly qualified nurse, and my oh a IT technician, all be it a junior one. we both worked and work extremely hard, pay our council tax and rent. I don't believe the world owes me a living, far from it, but some people just dont have the money to privately rent. I cant believe how archaeic this comment is, how people are still being labled because of where they live!
I would love nothing more than to move my family to a house that i have chosen and bought myself, but the crappy wage I receive for doing the job that I do means that I cant. I seriously think some people need to think about how hurtful comments like that can be. :roll:

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
sorry i hate the fact that this may end in an argument :cry: with some people but it had to be said :shakehead: and i agree totaly and support what youve wrote :hug: :hug: i know how hard it is
ive sat hear spitting chips over this comment too :shakehead: :cry: :x
(Oh and i know it technicians get paid c*** money too my comment was to those on a rediculous high wages )
lol sarah :hug: :hug:
Thanks, I rarely reply to posts that are going to turn into an argument but this really did make me feel cross. I hate people being labled and unfairly judged.
i think the thing is whether you live in rented accom or you own home the bills go up every year and everyone finds it a struggle to meet them, and people that do own their own homes dont have an easy ride either and usually have more increses in bills than rented accom do, well this is the case where i live anyway, my parents and husbands brother and sister live in rented accom and my bills have gone up alot quicker than theirs and i still have no more money coming in so i think there ar fors and against on both sides. :hug:
I know what you mean mary, sorry, I think the conversation had gone off track a bit. It is hard, especially at the moment, wheen the cost of everything down to the very basics like bread and milk, keep going up, and wages dont seem to be rising to reflect these price increases. Dont think many people find it eaasy whether they rent from the private or public sector.
Yes Mary no offence was made :hug: to those who can afford to buy as yes i know it can be astruggle too my parents own there house but could only do so buy using a 24 year mortgage and work themselves into the ground to pay the bills each month We hardly saw are Dad as he worked so damn hard to keep the roof over our heads.

but renting can be just as expensive ... reaid=0465
the average cost in my area. and those who rent still have to pay the same rates of council tax as those who own thier homes
i rented a one bed basement flat in sevenoaks and paid the same council tax as those who owned the house next door as the buliding was huge on a high band road.
we still have to pay electricity gas water and food bills ect so its bloody hard all round
we will struggle renting at the above prices when you add the cost of council tax in my area its very high:(
Ladies, ladies :hug: :hug: :hug:

I don't think offence is meant to anyone by anyone and I don't think Lou's comment was meant to sound as harsh as it did.

However, Yes I do agree that it's hard to pay bills at the moment be it you live in a council house, privately rented house or owned property.

I don't think anyone is ever better off. We struggle enormously on the wages that we have as Oxford is an extremely expensive place to live too.
Just out of interest Geordie Lass when you say your comment was made to those on a ridiculous high wage, how much do you class that to be?
I'm sorry but myself and my DH were talking the other night that we think that we would be better off in a council house, claiming income support & getting council tax allowance than in the situation which we are in by working our ar**s off :(
EllieG said:
lou said:
Rachel21 said:
lou said:
I don't know enough about it really to comment, I just thought it was dirt cheap to be on the council. I live near one of the biggest council estates in England and it is a mixture of privately owned and council owned property. When you then consider you could be paying a shed load of money each month on a mortgage just to live next door to someone who is getting their roof over their head for a hell of alot less makes being on the council a cheap ride and to be perfectly honest a tad unfair. But I suppose its swings and roundabouts. :)

Most private houses in council estates have been brought from the council at very discounted rates. Hench there been a housing shortage in this country. To low income families the council rent isnt dirt cheap and £10 a week can be the difference between getting by or not. Im sure alot of people in council housing would much rather own their own homes but its not possible for some.

And theres alot of people who think the world owes them a living :roll:

This comment has made me really peed off. When my oh and i moved into council accommodation, i was a newly qualified nurse, and my oh a IT technician, all be it a junior one. we both worked and work extremely hard, pay our council tax and rent. I don't believe the world owes me a living, far from it, but some people just dont have the money to privately rent. I cant believe how archaeic this comment is, how people are still being labled because of where they live!
I would love nothing more than to move my family to a house that i have chosen and bought myself, but the crappy wage I receive for doing the job that I do means that I cant. I seriously think some people need to think about how hurtful comments like that can be. :roll:

I have to agree with you 100% EllieG :clap: :clap: I'm an Admin assistant and my OH has recently been promoted from a IT technician to a Technical Analyst and even still it just isn't possible for us to move from our council flat into our own place.
lou said:
Rachel21 said:
lou said:
I don't know enough about it really to comment, I just thought it was dirt cheap to be on the council. I live near one of the biggest council estates in England and it is a mixture of privately owned and council owned property. When you then consider you could be paying a shed load of money each month on a mortgage just to live next door to someone who is getting their roof over their head for a hell of alot less makes being on the council a cheap ride and to be perfectly honest a tad unfair. But I suppose its swings and roundabouts. :)

Most private houses in council estates have been brought from the council at very discounted rates. Hench there been a housing shortage in this country. To low income families the council rent isnt dirt cheap and £10 a week can be the difference between getting by or not. Im sure alot of people in council housing would much rather own their own homes but its not possible for some.

And theres alot of people who think the world owes them a living :roll:

Wow that is a really unfair comment Lou :shock: We live in a country with a welfare system to help people who cant afford to but their own homes. Yes there are people who take the p*ss and expect something foe nothing but there are more people who work hard to do the best for their families. Not every council tenant is a lazy sponger :roll:
kirlykird said:
Just out of interest Geordie Lass when you say your comment was made to those on a ridiculous high wage, how much do you class that to be?
I'm sorry but myself and my DH were talking the other night that we think that we would be better off in a council house, claiming income support & getting council tax allowance than in the situation which we are in by working our ar**s off :(

I wonder that too?
My OH is on a very good wage for his age but he has worked his ass off to get there. He leaves the house and 7am and isn't home untill 7pm, He commutes by train 2 hours a day and then has to walk half hour in whatever the weather to his work. He worked hard at school to get all his grades and that is the career path he chose, he doesn't complain one bit and he deserves the wage his on!
Princess_Puddles said:
kirlykird said:
Just out of interest Geordie Lass when you say your comment was made to those on a ridiculous high wage, how much do you class that to be?
I'm sorry but myself and my DH were talking the other night that we think that we would be better off in a council house, claiming income support & getting council tax allowance than in the situation which we are in by working our ar**s off :(

I wonder that too?
My OH is on a very good wage for his age but he has worked his ass off to get there. He leaves the house and 7am and isn't home untill 7pm, He commutes by train 2 hours a day and then has to walk half hour in whatever the weather to his work. He worked hard at school to get all his grades and that is the career path he chose, he doesn't complain one bit and he deserves the wage his on!

I am not saying those on a high wage DO NOT deserve the money they earn
god ive opened a can of worms :( :( :( :( :(
i mean that wages across the border are not set out to reflect the job
ie nurses ,policeman, firemen, Paramedics
child carers those who work to help the elderly
ALL seem to do a VERY impostant vital job but get paid very little for it
AGIAN i will state as i DID say that those who work in the London IT world do work hard for there money
Ive seen them coming out of the trains station at some stupid time at night so I KNOW you work hard. :hug:
But you must admite wages do not reflect the job
what dose a Nurse earn for working till she or he collapes they work disgusting hours and they do not get lovely wades of money as a bonuses at XMAS (im not saying that you do personaly)
but do police officers or Nursery nurses get the money they get?? we work damn hard to

there not given out to reflect the work done its just unfair

I really hope ive put this in a clear and understandable way :think: :think:
i do not want to upset or anger anyone and mabye this debates going of in the wrong direction
ie to heated to really see whats ment with out taking offence (me included)
im sorry if ive upset anyone but i stand by what ive wrote if not how ive wrote it
i will clarrfy any point that can not be understood
geordie lass said:
kirlykird said:
Just out of interest Geordie Lass when you say your comment was made to those on a ridiculous high wage, how much do you class that to be?
I'm sorry but myself and my DH were talking the other night that we think that we would be better off in a council house, claiming income support & getting council tax allowance than in the situation which we are in by working our ar**s off :(

I wonder that too?
My OH is on a very good wage for his age but he has worked his ass off to get there. He leaves the house and 7am and isn't home untill 7pm, He commutes by train 2 hours a day and then has to walk half hour in whatever the weather to his work. He worked hard at school to get all his grades and that is the career path he chose, he doesn't complain one bit and he deserves the wage his on!

I am not saying those on a high wage DO NOT deserve the money they earn
god ive opened a can of worms :( :( :( :( :(
i mean that wages across the border are not set out to reflect the job
ie nurses ,policeman, firemen, Paramedics
child carers those who work to help the elderly
ALL seem to do a VERY impostant vital job but get paid very little for it
AGIAN i will state as i DID say that those who work in the London IT world do work hard for there money
Ive seen them coming out of the trains station at some stupid time at night so I KNOW you work hard. :hug:
But you must admite wages do not reflect the job
what dose a Nurse earn for working till she or he collapes they work disgusting hours and they do not get lovely wades of money as a bonuses at XMAS (im not saying that you do personaly)
but do police officers or Nursery nurses get the money they get?? we work damn hard to

there not given out to reflect the work done its just unfair[/quote:29ji1ubm]

I do understand what you mean but them people choose them jobs, they know how much they will be earning, what they will be doing, it's something they want to do and feel passionate about so I feel that they cannot complain. But that is a personal opinion
I do understand what you mean but you can't say that people should be allocated salaries due to the nature of work, sadly that is an idealist world which in theory would be fantastic but because someone doesn't have a passion for nursing or policing doesn't mean that they shouldn't earn what they do.

My DH works for a TV company as a sound engineer, does a job that he is passionate about, works 12 hour days & commutes 50 miles twice a day to be able to do this and earn the wage that he does. Yes he may be on a good wage, he may even fall into 'the ridiculous range' but because he does he has to pay 40% super tax which more or less nearly halves his wage. We have to pay £1400 per month for our house, £185 council tax and pay for childcare etc & if we are lucky, we just about scrape by each month because of the bills & taxes that we have to pay! When Lou commented that living in council accomadation is cheap, I think this is what she is looking at, they don't expect you to pay this amount each month! I am very aware that where you live is very expensive, as are many areas in the country especially Oxford but if it was to the point that I felt that I couldn't afford to live here instead of saying that I had to get myself on a council housing list & complaining that I couldn't afford to live there I would relocate.

My DH was living in Putney before he moved in with me & although we would have loved to have stayed there, we couldn't afford to live there so we uped and moved to somewhere that he could commute to daily & was affordable for us. Yes he may travel 100 miles a day to get to and from work but needs must.

As stated above I don't believe that because he doesn't want to be a nurse or a police man that he shouldn't earn the wage that he does, no he doesn't throw his arse around a hospital ward all day he sits at a desk fiddling with a computer & gadgety tings & he loves it. I'm the one who throws myself around a hospital ward each day but that's because I enjoy it, I don't think he deserves to earn less than me because he doesn't have the same career choice as me.

I don't mean any malice byu this comment just pointing out the other side of the coin too :hug:
Just wanted to say that those of us who rent privately also feel the pinch. Our rent will probably be raised in a few months. Why? The borough we live in is charging the landlord for double glazing... so he will probably pass that expense on to us.

And there is a baby on the way.

But life could be much, much worse and I count my blessings every day.
There are alot of people who think the world owes them a living!

I'm not apologising for what I said because its true, if you have taken it to heart then you need to ask yourself why? I have worked my arse off for everything I have, I feel I've made a decent contribution to society as a tax payer during my working years. My conscience is clear :D

If I've touched a nerve thats your problem Im afraid :|

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