rant about housing and rent....


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
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errrrr... if your on housing benefit it is bloomin obvious that you cant afford to pay your rent yourself.. right?????

so... i see this advert, for "a 3 bed house £130pw,(average in my area) housing benfit accepted,children and pets welcome, no smokers".... i get £120pw paid by hb..
they want 1 months rent in advance £520 and the same for a bond................. £1040 to move in.
all or nearly all are like this but i just think if i cant afford to pay all my rent myself (hence hb) how the hell do i manage to get £1040 to move in..... :rotfl: :rotfl: gotta laugh or ill cry xxx
thats pants, can you not get help via a social fund or anything??
we have something called the rent/bond scheme. but you have to have an appointment to make sure your eligable which i know i am but have an appointment for march 12th to go on the list, they pay it for you and you pay them back which is a good idea but when you find somewhere you have to make an appointment and go through a process b4 getting it by which time your chosen house may gave gone and you can only apply once youve found somewhere......and have to do the same everytime xx
omg talk about working arse over backwards thats a good idea but a daft way to work it, you need to find a really good landlord who is willing to accept you and also who is willing to wait for you!
really hope you find somewere good luck :hug: :hug:
i know tell me about it.. when i heard about it i as like "genius" but then when i found out i thought "my bloody house will have gone 3 times over by then" lol

and thank you.... ill keep tryin haha x
*Rainbow* said:
Rent is annoying the hell out of me atm too.. my rent is 520 a month.. currently th council are giving me 360 for my housing benefit.. how the HELL am i meant to make up th difference?! trying to find a new place.. no council here.. just gentoo which dont have a list to wait on.. just apply for houses.. so im never going to get one of those.. im pregnant.. i live in a damp flat.. which i cannot afford by any means.. and i really have NO clue what im going to do.. its just so unfair.. so i deffo sympathise with you doll

x x

awww thats crappie.... :hug: :hug: youve got a good reason to winge.. im still at my parents house and its lovely its just i now want my own space. we have council here but they are in set areas and im on the list its just id rather not live there tbh... i have nothin against council houses its just the estates in my area have rather a bad reputation and i want to stay as close to family as poss as im a single parent and get lonely :cry: :rotfl: ...

its just bloody hard aint it, they say you should be abled live on £45 a week!!!!! id like to see them blood try.. a**holes x

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