Reflux Support Thread

daftscotslass said:
I'm tempted to go and get Becky weighed today... how often do you guys go? I need to ask about our prescription too - we are going to be away on holiday when it's due so I won't have enough. Do you think I can put it in early?

im sure docs would let you have the gaviscon early, i putthe prescription in when ive got 2 boxes left
laracomps said:
Jade&Evie said:
laracomps said:
finally a feed even though it wasn't due. She then settled a bit before I got her to sleep.

Are you sure it's not a growth spurt?! Evie has gone from taking 4 bottles to taking 6 in the last few days- because she wasn't due a feed the other day I couldn't work out what was wrong until she drained a 6oz bottle! :roll:
pretty sure. It's a different cry plus she's on 6-7 bottles already. We've got a doc app this morn for more gaviscon I'm gonna get him to check her over.

:pray: Good Luck x
BeckyJ said:
yeh last week, she was 10lb 11oz which i guess isnt big for her age?

I think that's about average for a 2 month old?

Connie is nearly 4 months and she's only 13.5 lbs. Yet she's 50th percentile (average)...
laracomps said:
Jade&Evie said:
laracomps said:
finally a feed even though it wasn't due. She then settled a bit before I got her to sleep.

Are you sure it's not a growth spurt?! Evie has gone from taking 4 bottles to taking 6 in the last few days- because she wasn't due a feed the other day I couldn't work out what was wrong until she drained a 6oz bottle! :roll:
pretty sure. It's a different cry plus she's on 6-7 bottles already. We've got a doc app this morn for more gaviscon I'm gonna get him to check her over.

Hun, that sounds WRONG and how Connie was when lactose intolerant. It sounds to me as though Phoebe has a fundamental problem with the milk - particularly as she seemed better before you switched her food. Won't you let me send you this Nutramagen to try? It's nutritionally complete but not made from cow's milk! (£30 a tin to buy!)

Alternatively do you want me to send you a tin of SMA LF to try?

Happy to help :hug:
my GP was all too ready to prescribe SMA LF but I was adament that it was reflux not lactose intolerance (I knew what Bex had with Connie and it was nothing like that). TBH I think the GPs 'prefer' lactose intolerance to reflux because it's easier to prescribe LF milk than reflux meds.

FWIW my HV told me that the docs probably wouldn't prescribe the milk or at the most would prescribe half but mine was happy to prescribe it all.
Do you want to have a guess at what the doctor reckons it is? Colic... Colic my bum hole. She isn't drawing her legs up to her chest and doesn't have a problem pooing.

So I've now been told to put infacol in her milk again. :wall: He reckons its classic colic especially as it starts 1.5 hours ish after feeding?!

I am sick to death of taking her to and fro the doctors. I always get asked if there's something i'm worried it is - NO I"M NOT, I just want my baby to stop crying in pain.

Thanks for the milk offer again Bex - But I now feel like I've got to give it a few days on the infacol just to prove them wrong. Its pretty rare for a baby to have colic at over 4 months I thought.

Of coures she was all smiles for the doctor, we got back she had a feed, only wanted 4oz then cried for half hour before commencing to gag and choke on a bit of sick that didn't escape her mouth (I could see it at the back).

I just feel like I'm not going to get any answers from a GP. I then get paranoid that there's nothing wrong with her and its me reading too much into the way she is. Despite Mum and Toby confirming its not normal.

I might not be around much the next few days, we're at a wedding today (wish me luck) and off to see my work tomorrow and in Basingstoke till Monday (another reason why its prob not much good sending me milk till next week as I won't be here :doh: )

Thanks all for listening to my droning.
Lara- i'd be tempted to take her to the hospital and skip your GP if you're not happy with he service.

:hug: :hug: :hug: poor phoebe :(

:D have a nice day x
laracomps said:
Do you want to have a guess at what the doctor reckons it is? Colic... Colic my bum hole. She isn't drawing her legs up to her chest and doesn't have a problem pooing.

So I've now been told to put infacol in her milk again. :wall: He reckons its classic colic especially as it starts 1.5 hours ish after feeding?!

I am sick to death of taking her to and fro the doctors. I always get asked if there's something i'm worried it is - NO I"M NOT, I just want my baby to stop crying in pain.

Thanks for the milk offer again Bex - But I now feel like I've got to give it a few days on the infacol just to prove them wrong. Its pretty rare for a baby to have colic at over 4 months I thought.

Of coures she was all smiles for the doctor, we got back she had a feed, only wanted 4oz then cried for half hour before commencing to gag and choke on a bit of sick that didn't escape her mouth (I could see it at the back).

I just feel like I'm not going to get any answers from a GP. I then get paranoid that there's nothing wrong with her and its me reading too much into the way she is. Despite Mum and Toby confirming its not normal.

I might not be around much the next few days, we're at a wedding today (wish me luck) and off to see my work tomorrow and in Basingstoke till Monday (another reason why its prob not much good sending me milk till next week as I won't be here :doh: )

Thanks all for listening to my droning.

Lara, you CAN'T go on like this. Seriously. You'll end up with PND like me!!!!!! Get it sorted NOW.

PM me your address and I'll send you the milk. At least then you'll have it in front of you if things get desperate (I reached crsis point with Connie's reflux last Friday and just snapped)...
Lara - Skip the GP, he/she is clearly a fucking tit!!! I got fobbed off with colic for weeks. Then we got addmited to hospital twice its been so bad - GP clearly incompitent!!!

Take her to A&E one day, possibly when shes crying, or not, explain to them she wont eat, and I bet they do somethign about it, a Dr or Pead in the childerens A&E/Ward depending on the hospital will have to see her. Your well past the colic stage... thats rubbish!!

And like Bex, iv ended up a jibbering wreck after 3 months of constant screaming, I mean, if he was not asleep then he was screaming... and because he was in so much pain, he didnt sleep much let me tell you. On the medication and hypoalergenic milk hes a different baby, all smiles and giggles, I cant believe it, its like having a different child, swaped in the supermarket or something...!! Madness.

Please, please, please... get past that GP idiot, who is clearly not qualified to make the tea, and start getting some real answers!! :hug: Things will get better, I promice!! xx
HertsMummy said:
Lara - Skip the GP, he/she is clearly a f***ing tit!!! I got fobbed off with colic for weeks. Then we got addmited to hospital twice its been so bad - GP clearly incompitent!!!

Take her to A&E one day, possibly when shes crying, or not, explain to them she wont eat, and I bet they do somethign about it, a Dr or Pead in the childerens A&E/Ward depending on the hospital will have to see her. Your well past the colic stage... thats rubbish!!

And like Bex, iv ended up a jibbering wreck after 3 months of constant screaming, I mean, if he was not asleep then he was screaming... and because he was in so much pain, he didnt sleep much let me tell you. On the medication and hypoalergenic milk hes a different baby, all smiles and giggles, I cant believe it, its like having a different child, swaped in the supermarket or something...!! Madness.

Please, please, please... get past that GP idiot, who is clearly not qualified to make the tea, and start getting some real answers!! :hug: Things will get better, I promice!! xx

Couldn't have said it better myself hun xxxx
Lara- you knw what I think :wink:

HV called this morning- is coming over in an hour to weigh evie (although i think she's making sure I am ok :roll: )... will let you know how we get on but i'm off to tidy my hovel now! :wave:
Jade&Evie said:
Lara- you knw what I think :wink:

HV called this morning- is coming over in an hour to weigh evie (although i think she's making sure I am ok :roll: )... will let you know how we get on but i'm off to tidy my hovel now! :wave:

Gah! My HV is crap at coming to see me!!!!!!
Thanks girls. She was a bit better yesterday, I think its because of all the distraction of the wedding! We did have some screaming - luckily no one noticed because it was so loud and THANKFULLY it was just before the speeches phew.

I actually felt a bit normal for the first time yesterday in months, it made me realise how I'm so not myself at the minute.

Anyhoo, I've switched back to Dr Browns again, but now we are back to her getting so distracted during her feeds (common with reflux according to the good GP) that I'm struggling to get her to have 5oz. Then I worry she's not having enough milk, 30oz a day isn't much is it? She must be nearing 15lb now.

Incidently she had no infacol in her milk yesterday because mummy and daddy forgot it, hard to get back into the swing of using it. I honestly think the problem is more connected with how much milk she has, she screams pulls away from the bottle then wants more then screams again.

I'm gonna see how she is over the weekend and take things from there early next week. Its such a shame they couldnt bring the paed app forward. 2 weeks in a babies life is a long time.

Bex I text you about the milk, hope you got it.

Hope everyone is ok today, and you all have a good weekend. Might be on if Toby lets me have some laptop time :)

:D glad she was better yesterday- my HV has just pulled up outside so I will update you all when she's gone :twisted:
30oz!!?!?!?!? Shit, are u joking...

I get anything from 20-24 in Corey and hes over 14lb. I thought I was doing ok :( Eakkk!!! I worry enuff as it is. Still, hes not losing so... :think:

Glad yesturday was better.. but dont leave it. Just rmbr that screaming is your baby in pain. You dont want that. Poor mite deserves to he happy all the time :)

Hope all LO's are good eaters and keep downers today!!! :hug:
HertsMummy said:
30oz!!?!?!?!? sh*t, are u joking...

I get anything from 20-24 in Corey and hes over 14lb. I thought I was doing ok :( Eakkk!!! I worry enuff as it is. Still, hes not losing so... :think:

Glad yesturday was better.. but dont leave it. Just rmbr that screaming is your baby in pain. You dont want that. Poor mite deserves to he happy all the time :)

Hope all LO's are good eaters and keep downers today!!! :hug:

Connie only takes about 20-24oz a day too and she's about 14lb :shock:
Maybe her milk intake is ok then. Its the hv that worried me saying she should be having 2.5oz per lb of her weight a day, i think this would be nearer 36oz ish. So i was worried she isn't having enough. I guess they are just different. Trying something different today tt bottles but only letting her have 6oz rather than 7. Think it might be helping but i also feel like i'm just clutching at straws now. Stuck in traffic on m25 so writing this on my phone lol. Sorry if i worried you herts, thats the last thing i'd want to do! Hugs to all.
laracomps said:
she should be having 2.5oz per lb of her weight a day,

like everything else it's a guideline and some will have more and some will have less. You can't force them to drink more- they just puke it all over you! :roll:

She's gaining fine which is the most important thing.

How has she been today? x
leland is down to about 20oz but his older and now on 3 very good size meals a day ! oh and his weight gain as slowed right down , his only 19lb now !

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