Lara - Skip the GP, he/she is clearly a f***ing tit!!! I got fobbed off with colic for weeks. Then we got addmited to hospital twice its been so bad - GP clearly incompitent!!!
Take her to A&E one day, possibly when shes crying, or not, explain to them she wont eat, and I bet they do somethign about it, a Dr or Pead in the childerens A&E/Ward depending on the hospital will have to see her. Your well past the colic stage... thats rubbish!!
And like Bex, iv ended up a jibbering wreck after 3 months of constant screaming, I mean, if he was not asleep then he was screaming... and because he was in so much pain, he didnt sleep much let me tell you. On the medication and hypoalergenic milk hes a different baby, all smiles and giggles, I cant believe it, its like having a different child, swaped in the supermarket or something...!! Madness.
Please, please, please... get past that GP idiot, who is clearly not qualified to make the tea, and start getting some real answers!!

Things will get better, I promice!! xx