Reflux Support Thread

laracomps said:
Tip of the day. Don't lift a reflux baby above your head (she likes to fly lol) I ended up with sick in my hair, in my eyes, on my nose, in my ears and down my chest :puke: :rotfl:

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
laracomps said:
Tip of the day. Don't lift a reflux baby above your head (she likes to fly lol) I ended up with sick in my hair, in my eyes, on my nose, in my ears and down my chest :puke: :rotfl:

Oh Dear Lara!!! :hug: Poor thing!!

Becs - sounds very much like acid reflux to me. When feeding (on the rare occasion it happends) does LO arch his back at all!? Does he get the hiccups? Choke at all, on what appears to be nothing, or minimal posset?

My DS has silent (acid) reflux, I have tried, TT, Advent, Boots and DB bottles, nothing made a difference to him, becuase it was the acid creaping up when he was feeding, then after feeding he had a burning feeling, heartburn and integestion!!! :( Poor thing!!

Has anyone mentioned/suggested this to you!?
laracomps said:
Tip of the day. Don't lift a reflux baby above your head (she likes to fly lol) I ended up with sick in my hair, in my eyes, on my nose, in my ears and down my chest :puke: :rotfl:

Tip 2 - don't fly baby over the dog either. Poor thing just lay there with sick running into her eyes :rotfl:
Well Phoebe seems to have settled again :pray: :pray: The gaviscon has done miracles for her sicking, I wish I'd taken her ages ago to be honest, but I am not going to go down that route. She kept getting soaked all down her top in what I thought was dribble, but turns out it was actually clear sick. I should have realised really as it smelt acidy :oops: Poor little thing.

I got her weighed yesterday, she is normally on about the 50% centile (or ever so slightly above), last time I got her weighed was 3 weeks ago. She has been on Gaviscon for half of that time, and now my little porker has moved up to the 75% centile!! Must be all that milk she's now drinking. She's 15lb 8oz lol. Didn't see that coming! She's so long tho everyone still tells me she's tiny.

We're off to the paed on monday.

I am feeling worse in myself, I have also booked a Docs app for me on Monday.

Hope everyone is having an OK time at the mo and is not covered in sick :)
:hug: :hug:
Connie is on TT size 3 teats :shock: she's obviously a bit of a biffdrinker.

Since she's been on the Gaviscon she's now having 6-7oz 3 times a day and then 4-5oz the other two feeds (5.30pm - some baby rice too and 7.30pm) so we're probably getting just under 30oz in her a day, which is WAY better.

She started at 75th percentile, and has been bang on the 50th percentile since Week 1 - HV calls her Little MIss Average as she's never veered off the line in the slightest. I have a sneaking suspicion she may now be above that line though she seems SO much better on the Gaviscon. I'm going to up her to 2 sachets now.

She's also started sleeping through the night 7.30pm - 6.30am and sometimes longer and wakes up with a huge grin on her face rather than screaming in pain. She still gets screaming fits ("colic" - doctor) during the day and gets screamy and uncomfy and vomitty during feeds but nothing like she was, I'm hoping that upping the dose of Gaviscon should make her even better still.

:hug: to everyone with refluxy babies :hug: :hug: :hug:

Becs, WELCOME - it does sound to me like Austin has developed issues with feeding which is very common with reflux babies. They get to an age where they're more aware and they begin to realise that feeding = pain. That's what Connie was like anyway and she ate just enough to ward off starvation and then screamed every time she saw the bottle.

I would actually recommend feeding LESS often (contrary to other advice) and trying infant Gaviscon (it certainly won't do any harm). Also, is he particularly windy at the bottom end? Could he be lactose intolerant or something? Changing Flod's milk to SMA LF (Little Flod :cheer: ) really helped our feeding issues.
Thanks Debecca,

He's already on infant Gaviscon and has been for a few weeks now. It seems to help but then sometime like at the moment he just thrashes about and really isn't happy feeding. I have to trick him into feeding when he is very slepy to get anywhere near the amount he is supposed to be on in. He barely takes 700mls a day and soon is supposed to be taking about 900mls :roll: He's no where near sleeping through the night. The most sleep I think I have ever had in a row is 4hrs since he came home. No one else can feed him as they just cannot get enough into him and I end up with a baby who won't sleep or eat because they are not settling due to hunger then he gets overtired. I'm having a terrible morning to be honest, I just can't stop crying (probably new baby in my tummy letting me know they are there) I just so badly want a little more sleep at night while I am in the first trimester. I haven't heard back about when the pediatrician can squeeze him in and it's been two weeks since I saw the doc to bring it forward. Yes he is very windy from the lower region. I guess I have to wait for the pediatrician before I can look at chaning formula (he's on prescription formula because he was prem) also for any diagnosis of anything else that might be contributing. Thank God he is such a hapy little boy most of the time. I think I would feel like a total faliure by now if he wasn't so giggly.

Sorry to rant. Just feeling poo today am sure it will pass.

P.S - I love that little picture of Connie - she's so pretty!
Becs said:
Thanks Debecca,

He's already on infant Gaviscon and has been for a few weeks now. It seems to help but then sometime like at the moment he just thrashes about and really isn't happy feeding. I have to trick him into feeding when he is very slepy to get anywhere near the amount he is supposed to be on in. He barely takes 700mls a day and soon is supposed to be taking about 900mls :roll: He's no where near sleeping through the night.

I think you MAY be being a bit unrealistic with the amount you want him to take possibly? Now Connie's on Gaviscon she's on about 800ml a day but before that it was more like 600ml - and she was still doing just fine weight and development wise. I suspect Austin shouldn't be on 900ml yet because of his corrected (premmie) age? Not sure though. Who told you he should be on 900ml?? Please don't panic about the night sleeping either... Connie literally only started to do it LAST WEEK!!!!! (And in terms of corrected age, Austin will be 'younger' than her)....

:hug: :hug: :hug: hope you feel better soon :hug: :hug: :hug:
Prem babies have a more mature digestive system than their corrected age, which is why they are supposed to be weaned from actual age, but I suspect you are right and I shouldn't be so worried about if he is taking what it says on the side of the box if he is gaining weight - which he is.

Thanks for the reassurance Debecca. I'm sure I'll be getting more sleep soon. Funnily enough Austin has just started taking more food in the last two days. Perhaps he has picked up on my concerns or maybe the gaviscon has taken three weeks to set in. Either way, I'm not complaining. :D

Try not to worry to much, I worry myself sick about how much food he gets.

HV said for his weight he should be having 30-37oz a day.

This last week iv got 20oz in him max a day, and thats with a 6oz feed at like 5am, when hes been sleeping for 10hours solid. Apart from that its like 3oz a time :(

Pead up'ed our doses of Ranitidine today, and said it does look like a CMP intolerance too, so stear clear of milk products. Have you noticed the amount of milk products in Food!? I mean, how am I meant to avoid it, poor soc can eat vegies and fruit, and thats it... not so bad I guess, but... Urghhh, just another thing to be careful of eh!!

FIngers crossed with the up'ed doses of ranitidine again he will eat more, I dont know how much more they can up it tho, seems like im filling him up with drugs, no wonder he wont drink milk LOL
HertsMummy said:
Try not to worry to much, I worry myself sick about how much food he gets.

HV said for his weight he should be having 30-37oz a day.

This last week iv got 20oz in him max a day, and thats with a 6oz feed at like 5am, when hes been sleeping for 10hours solid. Apart from that its like 3oz a time :(

Pead up'ed our doses of Ranitidine today, and said it does look like a CMP intolerance too, so stear clear of milk products. Have you noticed the amount of milk products in Food!? I mean, how am I meant to avoid it, poor soc can eat vegies and fruit, and thats it... not so bad I guess, but... Urghhh, just another thing to be careful of eh!!

FIngers crossed with the up'ed doses of ranitidine again he will eat more, I dont know how much more they can up it tho, seems like im filling him up with drugs, no wonder he wont drink milk LOL

:hug: :hug: :hug: Hang in there sweety and thanks for the vote of confidence x x x
Me again :roll:

HertsMummy, i'm so sorry to hear about the CMP as well. My friends little girl had it but is now almost 3 and has grown out of it completely :hug:

I've had a bad and good day at the same time. Phoebe's been screaming in pain again, I should have realised it was her reflux, but because she's been so good the past few days it didn't even enter my head! I just put it down to teething, I should have bloody realised when she was a bit sick and wouldn't let me lay her down. Just had another episode of it with grunting / straining noises as well and more curdled sick, she stinks of acid. Now I feel so bad that I didn't realise this morning. I know its not my fault (well it kind of is) but I just can't help feeling that way sometimes.

It is good in another sense as I've been feeling so paranoid that she's 'just had a cold' and I'd made it all up because she improved so dramatically, that now I know it is and always was reflux. Does that make any sense?! But now I feel guilty for feeling relieved :wall:

She's only had Domperimide for 1 and a half days, so fingers crossed that starts to kick in soon as well. The only thing I can spot thats different today as she had loads of milk this morning - starving cos she slept through with no dream feed last night. BAHHHH. I'm gonna limit her to 6oz again and just feed her more often.

Hugs to all :hug: :hug:
And the Domperidone emptys the stomach faster, so she may be more hungry because of that too!! Either way, drinking milk is good. Have you got plans to go back and see a Pead/an appt to see a pead? As if shes screaming in pain from the acid, then theres other things they can give her (Domperidone wont really help acid).

Iv totally stoped counting now, hes still on the 25th line, and i try not to even look at the bottles, but thers always abit left and I make 5 5oz bottles... so I know hes not getting alot :( but hey...

Pead up'd the dose of ranitidine and domperidone, so hopefully these will help him, and he will go back to eating more.
HertsMummy said:
And the Domperidone emptys the stomach faster, so she may be more hungry because of that too!! Either way, drinking milk is good. Have you got plans to go back and see a Pead/an appt to see a pead? As if shes screaming in pain from the acid, then theres other things they can give her (Domperidone wont really help acid).

Iv totally stoped counting now, hes still on the 25th line, and i try not to even look at the bottles, but thers always abit left and I make 5 5oz bottles... so I know hes not getting alot :( but hey...

Pead up'd the dose of ranitidine and domperidone, so hopefully these will help him, and he will go back to eating more.

Yeah but in 2 months time. Only because they all think I'm paranoid, or else they weren't going to give a follow up!! I just wish all these sodding doctors could see her like it, I feel like bloody camcordering it. Either that or bashing my head up the wall lol. She was all smiles again for the paed. Typical isn't it.

She was so much better over the weekend, so feeding little and often it will be. That was a question I was going to ask about the Domperidone - I assume it makes them hungry beasts? Its probably my fault she had too much this morning, because she only had 4 bottles yesterday, so i thought if she's only on 4 bottles now she ought to have more. Wrong again. She seems happy enough. If its not broke and all that...

Phoebs was drinking 5 bottles of less than 5oz a few weeks back too. Now more often its 6oz, this morning she had 7! Hence the onslaught.

Poor babies. Don't ya just wish you could go through it for them? I really hope your LO is better on more meds, its bad enough with Phoebe and she's not got it as bad :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hello again ladies,

Was hoping for a little guidance. I have an appointment with the Peadiatrician soon and wanted to make sure I get the best out of it. Austin has been on Gaviscon for his silent reflux for weeks but I don't think it does very much to sooth him. Every feed he still arches his back and pulls off the bottle in pain (not teat related). He goes very tense and is unwiling to feed unless he is practically half asleep. All of this means he take sin an enourmous amount of wind to add to his discomfort. It's very upsetting and never a day passes smoothly. It is nearly three weeks since my doc refered us to the peadiatrician and I still haven't had my appoinment despite chasing. Honestly if I wasn't as hard working and commited to getting enough into him each day he would be in A&E in a flash with dry nappies and loosing weight.

Basically I want to get the most out of this appointment as I know how hard it will be to get a new one. Please could someone explain what the different medications are and what they do/ how they are administered. Obviously he is on gaviscon but I am not sure what other options there are and want to know what I am talking about when I am there. Also any experiences you have of using these meds would be useful.

Hope you can help.

Many thanks,
Becs x x
Becs said:
Hello again ladies,

Was hoping for a little guidance. I have an appointment with the Peadiatrician soon and wanted to make sure I get the best out of it. Austin has been on Gaviscon for his silent reflux for weeks but I don't think it does very much to sooth him. Every feed he still arches his back and pulls off the bottle in pain (not teat related). He goes very tense and is unwiling to feed unless he is practically half asleep. All of this means he take sin an enourmous amount of wind to add to his discomfort. It's very upsetting and never a day passes smoothly. It is nearly three weeks since my doc refered us to the peadiatrician and I still haven't had my appoinment despite chasing. Honestly if I wasn't as hard working and commited to getting enough into him each day he would be in A&E in a flash with dry nappies and loosing weight.

Basically I want to get the most out of this appointment as I know how hard it will be to get a new one. Please could someone explain what the different medications are and what they do/ how they are administered. Obviously he is on gaviscon but I am not sure what other options there are and want to know what I am talking about when I am there. Also any experiences you have of using these meds would be useful.

Hope you can help.

Many thanks,
Becs x x

3 weeks and not even got an app yet?! That's awful, I thought it was bad enough even having to wait 3 weeks for Phoebe to see one.

If you are that concerned, I'd be tempted to take him up to A&E one day - that way at least you'd know he would get seen by a paed even if you had to exagerate his symptoms slightly - just say he hasn't fed all day.

Phoebe has been put on something called Domperidone which helps to empty the stomach quicker and strengthen the muscle at the top of her tummy. As far as I am aware this can take a few weeks to work properly. She has to have 1ml of it 3 times a day - I am to up this to 4 times a day if I see no difference. It is administered with a syringe, but I find her dummy dispenser better as by the time she's sucked it its gone! She dribbles it out with a syringe.

There is also something to neutralise the acid called Zantac I think? Or Ranatidine. I think Hertsmummy will know more about this as Phoebe wasn't given it. To be honest I think Phoebe would have benefited more from this than the Domperidone as she screams in pain when the acid comes up even a few hours after a feed. Thursday was reallllly bad.

Anyhoo fingers crossed she's getting better now she is finally on meds for it.

Seriously if you haven't even got an Appointment yet I'd take him to the hosp. Preferably whilst screaming! Phoebe always smiles at the bloody doctors when she sees them, so they've never seen her mid screaming fit :roll: Hence why I think they just think I'm being a paranoid mother!

There's a small amount of info here

Let us know how you get on hun. I'm sure some others might have some more helpful info too xx
Thank you Laracomps that's a great help. I might go to A&E next week. I have not managed to get anywhere near enough into him the last couple of days so if this continues hes just going to loose weight. :roll:

I know what you mean, Austin is all smiles for doctors and HV's too, it really doesn't back us up does it :lol:

Hopefully I will hear about this appointment soon and won't need to do anything drastic.

Sounds like you are going through a hard time too :hug: :hug: I heard this all clears up and goes away - fingers crossed that's true!!
I would go to A&E if I was you hun. Thats the only place we've been helped.

Laracomps is correct the domperidone emptys the stomach faster (Please note this drug has never been proven to work, so we dont know if it helps) Corey is on 2.5ml 4 times a day, and I notice no difference really!!

Ranitidine (Zantac) is an acid nutraliser, it neutralises about 80% of the acid produced. There is another drug Omperazole which shuts down the acid making thingys (Damn, im technical today) so theres NO acid produced. This is usually only tried if Ranitidine is uneffective. The only problem with this is, it comes in tablet form... I havent a clue how im going to fanny around getting half a tablet in him... or we'd be on that one. As it is were on the max dose of Ranititdine for his weight 1.4ml 3 times day. (3 times wat they origionally prescribed) And only now is it helping.

I found Gav didnt help us either.

There are also prescription only milks, they are hypoallergenic milks that have the Cows Milk Protien broken down, incase of an intoerance within your LO, they are also lactose free etc. Does LO have any eczma? Wheeze at all? or have a cronic dry cough? These milks are called - Neutramigen, Neocate, and pepti junior (these are the only ones the trust here will prescribe). Any other questions please dont feel silly asking, iv been thru it all, tried everything, if it can help someone else from going round the houses it will make it all a little more worth while.

How many oz does LO take of milk, and whats weight?

Hertsmummy, I was gonna tell you but forgot lol. Phoebe's milk intake has gone back down again now. I think she def associates feeding with pain, that day she had loads of milk and was screaming all day has resulted in the past few days only drinking up to 5oz again. I'm not worried, she seems happy enough, she has 5oz every 3 hours. So I'd estimate we are on 25oz now.

Toby is on at me to start weaning as he thinks it will be fun :roll: but i'm not convinced it will help.

She's been on Domperidone since Tuesday, not really sure its made a difference. Had 1 refluxy, choking, screaming episode today on the way back from the supermarket, thank goodness we were almost home. Loads better than ALL day tho.

Hope your day has been ok everyone xx
laracomps said:
Hertsmummy, I was gonna tell you but forgot lol. Phoebe's milk intake has gone back down again now. I think she def associates feeding with pain, that day she had loads of milk and was screaming all day has resulted in the past few days only drinking up to 5oz again. I'm not worried, she seems happy enough, she has 5oz every 3 hours. So I'd estimate we are on 25oz now.

Toby is on at me to start weaning as he thinks it will be fun :roll: but i'm not convinced it will help.

She's been on Domperidone since Tuesday, not really sure its made a difference. Had 1 refluxy, choking, screaming episode today on the way back from the supermarket, thank goodness we were almost home. Loads better than ALL day tho.

Hope your day has been ok everyone xx

I'm backing Toby up here (sorry) but Connie has been LOADS better since we started weaning! Also, we're only on 5-6oz 5 times a day (sometimes less) though I know Phoebe is older than Flod. Flod is obviously now on tea and breakfast as well though. Apple and banana puree was a HIT! But we're off the bland baby rice now we've realised there are more exciting FINGS to be had.
debecca said:
laracomps said:
Hertsmummy, I was gonna tell you but forgot lol. Phoebe's milk intake has gone back down again now. I think she def associates feeding with pain, that day she had loads of milk and was screaming all day has resulted in the past few days only drinking up to 5oz again. I'm not worried, she seems happy enough, she has 5oz every 3 hours. So I'd estimate we are on 25oz now.

Toby is on at me to start weaning as he thinks it will be fun :roll: but i'm not convinced it will help.

She's been on Domperidone since Tuesday, not really sure its made a difference. Had 1 refluxy, choking, screaming episode today on the way back from the supermarket, thank goodness we were almost home. Loads better than ALL day tho.

Hope your day has been ok everyone xx

I'm backing Toby up here (sorry) but Connie has been LOADS better since we started weaning! Also, we're only on 5-6oz 5 times a day (sometimes less) though I know Phoebe is older than Flod. Flod is obviously now on tea and breakfast as well though. Apple and banana puree was a HIT! But we're off the bland baby rice now we've realised there are more exciting FINGS to be had.

I am considering it. I find all this guideline stuff so hard. When the mass weaning debate was going on, I said I'd wean Phoebe early if I had to for medical reasons - so why am I finding it so hard to make a choice?

I just feel like if she got any allergies it would be my fault, when rationally I know she probably would have got them anyway :wall:

She's got to the point where she is desperate to try stuff now, I am quite surprised really as a few weeks back she couldn't care less. I'm going to make some purees later, so that if and when I decide to do it early, I'll have some ready.

Whenever we do start weaning I'm going to do it on a Saturday so Toby will be here for the first 2 days. Next Saturday she will be 22 weeks. So 4 weeks before she is 6 months (Can you believe she's 5 months old next week?!).

Out of interest, did weaning help the other babies on this thread?

PS Toby will love you saying he's right. He thinks he always is lol xx

ETA: Milk intake is even less today, hence why I'm starting to consider the weaning. 4oz a feed today, then she clamps her mouth shut and screams when she sees the bottle :(

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