laracomps said:Tip of the day. Don't lift a reflux baby above your head (she likes to fly lol) I ended up with sick in my hair, in my eyes, on my nose, in my ears and down my chest![]()

laracomps said:Tip of the day. Don't lift a reflux baby above your head (she likes to fly lol) I ended up with sick in my hair, in my eyes, on my nose, in my ears and down my chest![]()
laracomps said:Tip of the day. Don't lift a reflux baby above your head (she likes to fly lol) I ended up with sick in my hair, in my eyes, on my nose, in my ears and down my chest![]()
laracomps said:Tip of the day. Don't lift a reflux baby above your head (she likes to fly lol) I ended up with sick in my hair, in my eyes, on my nose, in my ears and down my chest![]()
Becs said:Thanks Debecca,
He's already on infant Gaviscon and has been for a few weeks now. It seems to help but then sometime like at the moment he just thrashes about and really isn't happy feeding. I have to trick him into feeding when he is very slepy to get anywhere near the amount he is supposed to be on in. He barely takes 700mls a day and soon is supposed to be taking about 900mlsHe's no where near sleeping through the night.
HertsMummy said:Try not to worry to much, I worry myself sick about how much food he gets.
HV said for his weight he should be having 30-37oz a day.
This last week iv got 20oz in him max a day, and thats with a 6oz feed at like 5am, when hes been sleeping for 10hours solid. Apart from that its like 3oz a time
Pead up'ed our doses of Ranitidine today, and said it does look like a CMP intolerance too, so stear clear of milk products. Have you noticed the amount of milk products in Food!? I mean, how am I meant to avoid it, poor soc can eat vegies and fruit, and thats it... not so bad I guess, but... Urghhh, just another thing to be careful of eh!!
FIngers crossed with the up'ed doses of ranitidine again he will eat more, I dont know how much more they can up it tho, seems like im filling him up with drugs, no wonder he wont drink milk LOL
HertsMummy said:And the Domperidone emptys the stomach faster, so she may be more hungry because of that too!! Either way, drinking milk is good. Have you got plans to go back and see a Pead/an appt to see a pead? As if shes screaming in pain from the acid, then theres other things they can give her (Domperidone wont really help acid).
Iv totally stoped counting now, hes still on the 25th line, and i try not to even look at the bottles, but thers always abit left and I make 5 5oz bottles... so I know hes not getting alotbut hey...
Pead up'd the dose of ranitidine and domperidone, so hopefully these will help him, and he will go back to eating more.
Becs said:Hello again ladies,
Was hoping for a little guidance. I have an appointment with the Peadiatrician soon and wanted to make sure I get the best out of it. Austin has been on Gaviscon for his silent reflux for weeks but I don't think it does very much to sooth him. Every feed he still arches his back and pulls off the bottle in pain (not teat related). He goes very tense and is unwiling to feed unless he is practically half asleep. All of this means he take sin an enourmous amount of wind to add to his discomfort. It's very upsetting and never a day passes smoothly. It is nearly three weeks since my doc refered us to the peadiatrician and I still haven't had my appoinment despite chasing. Honestly if I wasn't as hard working and commited to getting enough into him each day he would be in A&E in a flash with dry nappies and loosing weight.
Basically I want to get the most out of this appointment as I know how hard it will be to get a new one. Please could someone explain what the different medications are and what they do/ how they are administered. Obviously he is on gaviscon but I am not sure what other options there are and want to know what I am talking about when I am there. Also any experiences you have of using these meds would be useful.
Hope you can help.
Many thanks,
Becs x x
laracomps said:Hertsmummy, I was gonna tell you but forgot lol. Phoebe's milk intake has gone back down again now. I think she def associates feeding with pain, that day she had loads of milk and was screaming all day has resulted in the past few days only drinking up to 5oz again. I'm not worried, she seems happy enough, she has 5oz every 3 hours. So I'd estimate we are on 25oz now.
Toby is on at me to start weaning as he thinks it will be funbut i'm not convinced it will help.
She's been on Domperidone since Tuesday, not really sure its made a difference. Had 1 refluxy, choking, screaming episode today on the way back from the supermarket, thank goodness we were almost home. Loads better than ALL day tho.
Hope your day has been ok everyone xx
debecca said:laracomps said:Hertsmummy, I was gonna tell you but forgot lol. Phoebe's milk intake has gone back down again now. I think she def associates feeding with pain, that day she had loads of milk and was screaming all day has resulted in the past few days only drinking up to 5oz again. I'm not worried, she seems happy enough, she has 5oz every 3 hours. So I'd estimate we are on 25oz now.
Toby is on at me to start weaning as he thinks it will be funbut i'm not convinced it will help.
She's been on Domperidone since Tuesday, not really sure its made a difference. Had 1 refluxy, choking, screaming episode today on the way back from the supermarket, thank goodness we were almost home. Loads better than ALL day tho.
Hope your day has been ok everyone xx
I'm backing Toby up here (sorry) but Connie has been LOADS better since we started weaning! Also, we're only on 5-6oz 5 times a day (sometimes less) though I know Phoebe is older than Flod. Flod is obviously now on tea and breakfast as well though. Apple and banana puree was a HIT! But we're off the bland baby rice now we've realised there are more exciting FINGS to be had.