Reflux Support Thread

Sounds like it is time for some food... IF you really want to persist with the bottles only, then get her weighed, go back in a weeks time, and have her weighed again, and again in a weeks time. After two weeks, it will be clear if shes gaining substantial enough weight - without putting her at risk if you get me, as its only two weeks...

Corey was weened at 14weeks we started on baby rice, and crushed up rusk. I could not believe how much he can fit in - like a whole rusk, mixed with two oz of milk, and practically a whole jar of puree... scoffed the lot. I am still only giving him one meal a day, and its a fruit puree mixed with rice/rusk. As I really dont want him associating that with bad things now too.

hes 18+3 weeks now, so when hes 20 weeks ima move upto two meals, a breakfast of porrudge and fruit, and a dinner, of... something savory.. id love to follow it with yogurt, to get calcium in him, but with the suspected CMP intolerance I have to avoid everything - you know C&G Spag bol had milk in it?! EVERYTHING does... I dont know what im going to be able to feed him!! :wall: Still, worry about that later.

On that note tho, yogurts are a good way of getting vitamins and calcium into LO's without haveing to force the bottle on them!!

Today corey has had 4 of his 5 bottles already, and scoffed all 6oz each time!! so thats 24oz already - cant believe it. Mabey he will sleep well tonight.

Seems like iv drivvled on there abit, i hope theres soemthing usefull in all that!! :rotfl:
Go Corey! Sounds like he's having a good day today. Funny how they have good and bad days isn't it.

Phoebe has fallen asleep in her highchair watching me make purees! I couldn't get any of the AK ice cube trays that I wanted, so she has Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato 'heart' shapes instead :rotfl: Better than a part of a males' anatomy my friend gave her baby LOL

I am getting her weighed either way on Weds. Last time she was weighed was 2 weeks ago, the first week she had quite a bit of milk, this week not nearly so much so I'm not so sure it will give the full picture. I'm going to mention weaning to the HV tho, she is pretty crap and early weaning is her suggestion to all problems, so I'm sure she'll be all for it!

So, looks like we may start next week...

ETA Just checked our savoury emergency jars that we've bought. We have a mixture of Plum and Hipp Organic ones. Not all of them have milk products in the plum one is beef and french bean, and Hipp one is Beef hotpot I think - None of our Plum pots have milk in, and about half and half of the Hipp ones do. Might be worth a look. Hipp are on offer in Tesco, and Plum are on offer in Sainsburys :)
laracomps said:
Phoebe has fallen asleep in her highchair watching me make purees! I couldn't get any of the AK ice cube trays that I wanted, so she has Butternut Squash and Sweet Potato 'heart' shapes instead :rotfl: Better than a part of a males' anatomy my friend gave her baby LOL
HA HA HA!! I have some of them too, but... Iv never used them for ice, never mind LO's dinners!!

laracomps said:
ETA Just checked our savoury emergency jars that we've bought. We have a mixture of Plum and Hipp Organic ones. Not all of them have milk products in the plum one is beef and french bean, and Hipp one is Beef hotpot I think - None of our Plum pots have milk in, and about half and half of the Hipp ones do. Might be worth a look. Hipp are on offer in Tesco, and Plum are on offer in Sainsburys :)

Oooh, thank you, I do have a sainsburys close by, maby i'll take a wander down there tomorrow depending on weather. I have a few Hipp ones, I like the idea of them... Really hes going to be stuck with whatever we had the day/week before really, as im just going to blend the extra and freeze it, or thats the idea anyway... we'll see how long it lasts!! :doh: lol
anyone else at passed 7 month and now totally peed off with being puked on :rotfl: as poor hubby is home at mo his getting majorly annoyed at how many jeans he keeps going through , specially if leland pukes after eating , and its orange ! :puke: when will it get better :cry: his still puking , got to be at least 10 times a day , not always explosive tho thank god
Oooh, Im sorry Gem!! Gennerally puking is not Coreys problem any more - its the acid!! BUT having said that he throws up (more than a possett) a good 6-7 times a day, but I dnt tend to worry as its not alot. Touch wood, hes never brought up food. That stuff stains!!! Id freak out if it hit my cream carpet!!

My Pead said 8-9 Months and thats when they really tighten the muscle at the top of the stomach!! Sooooo :pray: not to long to go!! :hug:
i dunno , acid doesnt seem to both him , altho today he did major puke ( where both he and hubby needed cleaning lol) and he was screaming through his bottle / food so maybe it does ? its just he loves being on his tummy , and if the acid bothered him that much surely he wouldnt ????

his screaming though meal times at mo , ive no idea if this is related to reflux but its driving me to tears and i dread every meal time at mo , he wants to feed him self proper food but proper food makes him gag and throw up and i just cant win , wish i didnt have to feed him at all at mo :cry: :wall: ( dont worry i am lol )
and thinking bout it , dunno if its got worse since on follow on milk , should i change it ? his on HIPP , he was on hipp stage 1 before . should i try cow and gate ? his never tried this at all ( part from 2 week comfort which made him worse but he was only 2 weeks old)
Gennerally speaking if the acid was bothering him he would arch his back during feeds - bottles this is. And scream/cry during it, you can tell he wants it, but is pulling away. Corey ate small amounts of C&G Comfort without making a peep for the 1st 9 weeks, he cryed all the time, but fed ok til then. Id of thought by 7 months if acid bothered him it would have shown by now... but I dont know.

I have no experiance of them sreaming through food... Corey has never done this, and has a very severe form of GORD... I was under the impression that it was the milk going down in a constant flow that alowed acid to sneak up past the week muscle, and the milk splashign about that made the acid producers produce more acid (lol), just agrivating the whole thing.

It is possible that when he did major puke that there was acid in it - as there would be in ours, and that could have burnt his throat - especially if its fragile because of reflux anyway, meaning that it hurts him to swallow now??

Failing that, teeth? Jabs? Change in routine? Argh, babies are so complex!!
Gem & Leland said:
and thinking bout it , dunno if its got worse since on follow on milk , should i change it ? his on HIPP , he was on hipp stage 1 before . should i try cow and gate ? his never tried this at all ( part from 2 week comfort which made him worse but he was only 2 weeks old)

Hello Honey,

Sorry to read you are still having a mare. Not sure if you have tried it but I have been recommended Carobel (thickener) for reflux. You can use it with Gaviscon - although probably only one sachet. It doesn't make them constipated if anything it has the reverse affect so good to have gaviscon too. Other ladies swear by it on another reflux page I look at. Am going to try it next week. Will let you know how I get on.

Started giving Austin a little baby rice at 11am and 5pm and he loves it. Just using as a filler at the moment but if he continues to take his milk well will start to wean him gently. He slept through from 23.15 to 7am for the first timelast night (had to wake him for breakfast) so perhaps it has made a difference. Am trying ranitadine at the mo' but haven't notice huge change yet - a little better I think but very sightly.

I read that at 7 - 9 months the muscles in the stomach strengthen and reflux deminishes or dissapears. Looks like that should be your little one soon :pray: :pray: :pray:

Becs x x :hug:
Becs, what dose of ranitidine? It made no difference to COrey until his dose was trippled and as high as possible for his weight. Chances are your dose can be up'd so dont worry if it dont work now... it may do!! :hug:
herts mummy , leland arches his back constantly , through feedsing / playing anything its very frustrating but means i cant tell if his acid is worse then normal !

hey becs :hug:
lets hope so hey , i mean his now 6 months corrected so somethings gotta give soon ! tbh his being a pain in the arse the last couple of days feeding or not :wall:
HertsMummy said:
Becs, what dose of ranitidine? It made no difference to COrey until his dose was trippled and as high as possible for his weight. Chances are your dose can be up'd so dont worry if it dont work now... it may do!! :hug:

He weighs 12Ibs 2ozs and is on 0.2mls 3 times a day. I'm not sure how the doses are worked out could you fill me in?


What a little tinker, is he teething or something? I heard that 6 months can be a tricky time. You sounds so tired sweety what with everything you have going on I don't blame you.

Lots of hugs and stuff from me and Austin :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Ahh, at that weight Corey was on 1.2ml 3 times a day. And it was only at this dose we started to see improvement. Corey has GORD, a severe form aparantly poor sod. Now he weighs more were up to like 1.4ml 3 times a day, and will keep up'ing it as he gets bigger, litterally if he puts on 6oz and meds dont go up, I know about it, and he stops eating again!!

So there is alot of flexibility - dont worry if its not working now :hug: theres something they can do (up the dose)!! The doses are worked out on severity - I forget the mesurements, they were odd like - 2-4mg per kg. Then transfured into ml etc etc.

Have you got another Pead appt any time soon Becs? How long has LO been on the meds?
Gem & Leland said:
anyone else at passed 7 month and now totally peed off with being puked on :rotfl: as poor hubby is home at mo his getting majorly annoyed at how many jeans he keeps going through , specially if leland pukes after eating , and its orange ! :puke: when will it get better :cry: his still puking , got to be at least 10 times a day , not always explosive tho thank god

Oooo me me ... I'm sick of it... :rotfl: Scuz the pun.. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Gem I'm surprised at you... We make sure lil miss avoids orange and green foods on really sicky days. :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Lilmiss got given lansoprazole and I am going to cautiously say... its working :cheer: Its not a miracle but its the first time in 7 months her puking has been reduced to single figures... she only puked 6 times today... I'm so happy. She's not in pain... She just pukes all the time...although she sounds a lot like Leland in the way she is affected.

Only problem is lansoprazole comes in tablet form that cannot be given in food or milk and has to be half an hour before these... :roll: makes giving it a logistical nightmare.
I declined that in favour of upping the ranitidine to the absolute MAX!! And its worked... I dont know how u arse about with those tablets, the very thought of it sends me into a panic!! Im very impressed :)

Glad its working to btw.

Domperidone is meant to stem sickness, but theres no medical research to prove this, and tbh I dont think Corey would throw up any more if I stoped giving it!!
HertsMummy said:
Ahh, at that weight Corey was on 1.2ml 3 times a day. And it was only at this dose we started to see improvement. Corey has GORD, a severe form aparantly poor sod. Now he weighs more were up to like 1.4ml 3 times a day, and will keep up'ing it as he gets bigger, litterally if he puts on 6oz and meds dont go up, I know about it, and he stops eating again!!

So there is alot of flexibility - dont worry if its not working now :hug: theres something they can do (up the dose)!! The doses are worked out on severity - I forget the mesurements, they were odd like - 2-4mg per kg. Then transfured into ml etc etc.

Have you got another Pead appt any time soon Becs? How long has LO been on the meds?

Thanks for your help HertsMummy, I have the Pead tomorrow so will push to up the dose. He's been on it a week and I thought I saw an improvement the first day but since I actually think he's worse. He's having a little baby rice which doesn't seem to make him take less milk but does help him sleep through the night. I was hoping this would help his weight gain which is very slow at the moment.

Will let you know how the appointment goes x x x
I think the difference with lil miss was that we weren't allowed any meds until she reached 6 months old... where they bombarded her with the highest level of meds... we had ranitidine to the max for her weight for 30 days and it did about as much good as a chocolate fireguard :( I was really disheartened.

I hate faffing around with the meds but considering at first they wouldn't believe me, then told me to wean, then gave me a med that didn't work and we had to wait 3 days to get from the chemist... Its not actually that much faffing looking at the big picture.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
So glad to have found this section today and am ever so glad this is a sticky.

Our little angel has silent reflux and has been put on Ranitidine 0.5 ml 3 times a day. We are on day 2 today and am wondering how soon can we see him out of pain? It is heartbreaking seeing him arch his back, go red in the face and struggle through the night/day with hardly any proper sleep. :(
Within two weeks you should notice a difference. DOnt feel disheartend if you dont. My DS didnt until the Meds were trippled. So theres things that can be done. I hope it sorts LO out sooner rather than later.
I think Macey has silent reflux, since i bottle fed her exclusively this is what has been happening:

She will start drinking, get about an ounce down and then start going red and squirming, arching her back, etc so i will try and burp her, she will fight me when i am burping her, sometimes we get a burp so i will try and feed her again sometimes she will carry on but she still struggles, she feels sweaty and i initially thought it was wind, she was also having explosive poos after every feed so we changed her from aptimil to cow and gate comfort which has helped the bottom end,

The last week she has started being sick after her food and also hiccuping, she was being sick when we changed her so now i will wait until she is settled and change her, even if i hold her upright for 30-40 mins she has started puking bless her sometimes loads, so we raised her cot up on some bricks, that has helped at night

I bought some infant gaviscon today and gave her half a sachet for two feeds, both times she has not been sick afterwards and is sleeping contently in her carrycot,

I have been to the docs twice and the health visitor but thought it was just wind and as she hasnt lost weight so they dont seem worried but it is taking 1-2 hours to feed her each time and is so upsetting when she has a bad feed as i hate to watch her struggling,

we have her 8 week check on the 30th, do you think i am ok to keep giving her half a sachet until then? she weighs 12lb 3 so is well over the weight for that amount?

Does it sound like reflux? her dad was very bad with it when he was a baby

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