Reflux Support Thread

As of last week when our prescription ran out and on advice of the HV... no more Gaviscon! She's had two exorcist-style vomiting episodes since then but I think that's less to do with the reflux and more to do with the fact she's a greedy guts :lol:

No barfs after milk and no whinges so :pray: it stays that way. How's everyone else's LOs getting on?
daftscotslass said:
As of last week when our prescription ran out and on advice of the HV... no more Gaviscon! She's had two exorcist-style vomiting episodes since then but I think that's less to do with the reflux and more to do with the fact she's a greedy guts :lol:

No barfs after milk and no whinges so :pray: it stays that way. How's everyone else's LOs getting on?

That's brill :D

We're still on the one sachet a feed. She seems ok with that, still has her sicky episodes and still doesn't really like milk. No screaming in pain though, which is the main thing... even if we do still get through several outfits a day - tho to be fair thats more to do with her being a messy eater than anything. She loves rubbing her food in her trousers :roll:

We have enough gaviscon to last until we need to stop, probably with spares just in case next time lol :cheer:
well things are getting a LOT better, she's off the omeprezole now :cheer: and is feeding a million times better since we started weaning.. perhaps she is associating the food with the milk and not worrying too much. We are averaging about 30oz per day :shock: which i never thought was possible.

Back to the pead at the end of the month.
Im trying to reduce the Ranitidine... and the Domperidone, figuring he may have grown out of the refluxing by now.

We were moved to Neutramigen 2 formula yesturday (im figuring thats like a follow on milk for 6 months plus) just the prescription only kind.

Hes got Excma (Echma, exma.. WHATEVERITSCALLED!!) presumably from the VERY little bits of milk that I have alowed him to have - some in rusks and few little things. Gennerally I never feed him anything with milk in it. I cant imagine what he'd look like if I was not carefull with the milk allergy!! So, cream and stuff for that, and its back to rice cakes and THATS it as far as finger foods go for my poor lil sausage!! :(

Anyways, hopefully the Dietician will have sum suggestions, we've had a refural as it looks as though the milk intollerance is not going... just getting trickyer as he weans...! Urghh!!
i have to join this thread:(
il have a read through now but any advice would be great:)

Dylans BF and just started on gaviscon
Ok i think the gaviscons kicked in!
Dylan usually poos about 3-4 times a day, well hes just gone 24 hours without and then spent an hour doing one. He was really having trouble so i had him on the change mat and pushed his knees up and he did the biggest poo iv ever seen but it was really hard like play dough and really distressed him. it just kept coming :shock: what can i do to soften it or help him pass it? and will it always be like this whilst on gaviscon?

thanks xx
phoebe's poo was always like playdough when she was on gaviscon... however she didn't have any problems passing it.

We always used to try and get phoebs to have a little cooled boiled water, but then gave up to be honest as it made her reflux worse.

Give it a few days... Phoebe started pooing 6 times a day at first, then it settled down.

The other thing you can try is cycling his legs like on a bike, its supposed to help.

I'm wondering if you lot who know about reflux can tell me what you reckon.

I've got a feeling that Molly has silent reflux. She's never been the most settled baby but in the last 3 weeks she has cried non stop. She's stopped feeding as well as she was, was on around 6oz but now seems to only take about 4 oz even tho she still seems hungry. Her breath and dummies stink of stale milk all the time. She seems to spit up more especially between feeds, usually really smelly sick or clear fluid with white bits in it. She cries so much but can't be consolled, generally she just screams till she falls asleep. Her cry is hoarse. She seems pretty chesty a lot of the time too but am told c-section babies can be chesty for a while.

We put her to bed between 7 and 8pm and she sleeps till about 5, has another feed and goes back to sleep till about 8 or 9. She's generally alright during her overnight feed, the crying usually starts a couple of hours after her first feed of the day. The last few nights, she's seemed really settled when we put her down but then starts crying after an hour or so then spits up and needs to be changed, not loads, but enough to make her uncomfortable.

I've been the drs who said it's colic but I'm not convinced (she brings up her wind without any problems and doesn't draw her knees or anything like that). I asked about reflux and he said she'd throw up more and would have been like this from birth. She was gaining between 7 and 9oz a week untill all this started and has only gained 7oz in 2 weeks. HV said to try to get her to take more ( :roll: like i just cut her off at 4oz or something) and to go back in 2 weeks again and we'd see how much she'd gained.

I feel so bad for her, something is bothering her and her cry is so sad! I'm going to go see if I can get some gaviscon tomorrow and she if it helps soothe her but thought I'd ask here, see if those who have experience agree with me.

Ta :)
it frustrates me how different everyones opinions are. Doctors, midwifes, health visitors and peadiatricions(sp!) all say completel different.
I dont want do help you to diagnose to be honest because im new to this myslef so not as experienced as a lot of other ladies on here but will say reflux does not always start from birst. Dylan started at 5 weeks. He wasnt an unsettled baby at all but one day he started with the same symptoms that you have described and just screamed a painfull scream for about 10 hours at a time. Fortunately the gaviscon has done wonders. You can get it prescribed but if they dont agree i know you can get it over the counter for about £4 and see if it helps. If it does id tell your doctor and get him a prescription else it can start working out expensive.
After Molly has been fed hold her upright for about half an hour after a feed so that it settles, wind gently and try not to jig her up and down for a while.
I know you say Molly is feeding less but does she seem distressed during a feed? This is a time when Dylan was visibly in pain. It was hard because he was hungry but i could see every swallow was hurting him :cry: Its hard, its really hard but theres treatment out there. One thing the ladies in this thread have taught me is to be firm and fight for answers. Doctors seem to put everything down to colic but its rubbish!
I hope she is better soon, i really do. Let us know how you get on ? :hug: xx
nicky i would go back and ask for a scropt for gaviscon, its a drug that passes straight through the body (leaving via a pyrimid poo) and leaves no trace in the system so there is no harm in trying. Does her breath smell when she is unsettled, spud always used to have an acidy proper grown up sick smell on her breath.

Also try keeping bubs upright after feeds for at least 20 mins and elevate the head of the cot by 30degs. Whist you are at your gp as for a referral to a peadatrician as seemingly nothing will be done beyond gaviscon.

You might not need the referral if the gaviscon does the trick, but if it doesnt it will cut down on your waiting times.
Just an update on us, we are signed back into the care of the GP now as the reflux is definately fading with age, she is off the domperidone as well now and the pead has told us to continue gaviscon until a year old.

chuffed to bits, she has gone from a 4oz bottle in December to an 8oz one now!
Yay sparky! :cheer:

Im new to the thread so i havnt followed your story but this:

sparky said:
she has gone from a 4oz bottle in December to an 8oz one now
Is amazing, such progress!!

You must be thrilled :D
Well I got some Gaviscon earlier and am hoping that the way she has been since her last feed isn't a fluke!

She took the whole feed at about half 11, drained the whole 6oz and was all smiley and happy for a while after being fed. Kept her sitting upright for about half an hour, she was just looking around for a while then was smiling and kicking her legs when I spoke to her.

Then she went to sleep and has been asleep since! Usually she screams and screams, I walk around with her clawing at my face then she just knackers herself out and has a 20 minute nap! She'll be due another feed soon so will see how she is after that...praying this isn't a fluke :pray:

Although I've been a bit bored since she's been asleep :lol:
just a little update on us;

finally got referred to a pead, we are waiting on our appointment letter coming through. doc has also recommended they check ava for intolerances and allergy's.

ava is still taking her milk whilst sleeping, i try when she is awake but straight away she will scream, arch back, kick, punch etc etc. doc and HV has both said if this is what works carry on with it. her weight is still increasing too.

hoping a pead will help us out, its still really hard. starting weaning a couple of weeks ago, takes solids really well, no screaming, painful sick/ burps when she has solids. milk intake is still betweem 15-20oz at a push.

xmcnickyX - fingers crossed the gaviscon is enough for your little one :pray: sounds like it worked a treat!
Bottle number 2 was much better than normal too :dance:

I was worried cos she was really unsettled taking it and brought up loads of really really thick stuff but once she was done with it and after sitting still for a while she was really happy again, smiling at daddy and had a little lie down and shout on the changing mat before nodding off to sleep.

Don't want to jinx it but she seems soo much better :D Hope it lasts!
Glad things seem to be working out for you girls.

I am very pleased to announce that as of last week, we are now completely Gaviscon free!

I can't believe it really. She's been a little more sick than normal, but it doesn't bother her as it did :cheer: It feels like such a relief.

Just got to get me better now :roll:
:hug: :hug:
Right Lara, tell me, how do we get off Gaviscon?

We tried at New Year and it was a disaster :(

She's on one sachet in 6oz of milk at the moment.
I just waited until she was hardly sick at all. She was also only on 2 milk feeds a day by this point... Morning and bedtime.

Over night time the reflux was never a problem anyway, so I first cut out the nightly gaviscon. Kept that up for a few weeks, then took the plunge and cut it out of the morning one!

I had not put any in for a few days, then told toby what I had done, and he said, oh well i've not been putting any in for ages :wall: lol, so she was obviously fine.

The main reason she is sick now is when she throws herself around crawling, or has too much milk. But the amount that comes back up is minimal, and no projectile vomits of DOOM.
Well, so far the Gaviscon is working a treat, she's so much happier!

Just wondering what you do about hard poos? She's doing loads of little ollies rather than the big splat she usually does? Am trying to give her water but she just doesn't want it..any suggestions?

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