I'm wondering if you lot who know about reflux can tell me what you reckon.
I've got a feeling that Molly has silent reflux. She's never been the most settled baby but in the last 3 weeks she has cried non stop. She's stopped feeding as well as she was, was on around 6oz but now seems to only take about 4 oz even tho she still seems hungry. Her breath and dummies stink of stale milk all the time. She seems to spit up more especially between feeds, usually really smelly sick or clear fluid with white bits in it. She cries so much but can't be consolled, generally she just screams till she falls asleep. Her cry is hoarse. She seems pretty chesty a lot of the time too but am told c-section babies can be chesty for a while.
We put her to bed between 7 and 8pm and she sleeps till about 5, has another feed and goes back to sleep till about 8 or 9. She's generally alright during her overnight feed, the crying usually starts a couple of hours after her first feed of the day. The last few nights, she's seemed really settled when we put her down but then starts crying after an hour or so then spits up and needs to be changed, not loads, but enough to make her uncomfortable.
I've been the drs who said it's colic but I'm not convinced (she brings up her wind without any problems and doesn't draw her knees or anything like that). I asked about reflux and he said she'd throw up more and would have been like this from birth. She was gaining between 7 and 9oz a week untill all this started and has only gained 7oz in 2 weeks. HV said to try to get her to take more (

like i just cut her off at 4oz or something) and to go back in 2 weeks again and we'd see how much she'd gained.
I feel so bad for her, something is bothering her and her cry is so sad! I'm going to go see if I can get some gaviscon tomorrow and she if it helps soothe her but thought I'd ask here, see if those who have experience agree with me.