Reflux Support Thread

I would really push the doc to get it on prescription. If it's working you shouldn't have to pay for it and at least you can tell the doc it's been working.

One thing, though, the doc checked what milk I was using as I don't think you're supposed to use Infant Gaviscon with milks with added thickeners (i.e. comfort milks). I'm not 100% sure on this though.

It does sound very much like reflux. Especially if the infant gav is working. When she has her check I would go in, and explain everything to the Dr again, tell him that the HV recomended infant gav, and its worked. Could he help you out with amounts/doses and give you a prescription.

In the mean while, id be tempted to put half a sachet in every other bottle. And be careful as infant gav can make them constipated. Keep LO's cot/moses basket elevated at the head end slightly. And keep upright for a while after feeds.

I hope you get it sorted.
Thanks for the advice everyone! I have had her cot raised up for the last month and i think that has certainly helped with the night time feeds,

I mentioned to the health visitor that i had tried her on infant gavison - only half a sachet mind, but the 3 times i used it, she wasnt sick at all, she wasnt happy about me using it until i have spoken to the doc so i will ask them at her 8 week check although since i have been keeping her upright for an hour after her feed she has been alot better, she has only put on 2 oz this week though which ties in with when she started being sick but the HV wasnt worried as she is still gaining,

Will play it by ear this week until i see the doc but i am a little wary as she is on the cow and gate which is thicker so rather than put it in her bottle i have mixed it as per instructions and given it via a syringe dont know if that makes a difference or not!
Back to the Pead for us :roll: Austin has made a huge turn for the worse over the last few days and his milk intake has dropped dramatically. I only manage to get him to take about 250mls from the bottle during the day. I manage sneak about 180 into his food. But this just isn't enough. He has 0.8mls of ranitadine 3 times a day plus gaviscon. Carobel too, but i can't tell if this is making any difference. Any ideas what the pead might suggest next?

Upping the ranitidine?! Corey is 18lb at a guess, im getting him weighted today, but going on his usual gain... And hes on 1.8ml ranitidine 3 times a day. Just to give you an idea of how much it can go up etc. :) The other thing they might try is putting him on Domperidone too, which pushes food through the stomach faster so theres nothing in there to throw up - be that acid (silent reflux) or milk/food (reflux).

That or trying something else. Its good that you are able to go back and see the pead.

I do hope they are able to crack on and do something! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thanks CoreysMummy, turns out his paed is away and anyway has no appointments until December. They told me to phone my docs to get an emergency referal but my doc is also away and they said someone else would call me back, but haven't heard from them yet despite chasing :roll: Apparently someone will call this afternoon. God the saga continues. I hope he grows out of this reflux soon, it's constantly jumping up just when I think he is recovering :wall:

Sorry, I know I'm not alone here, but isn't it a pain in the jacksy!?
Yup, a huge pain in the arse!!!!!!

I hope you get it sorted... if you are worried then just go to A&E and he will be seen by a pead straight away!! Lay it on thick if you have to, just make sure they listen to you...

My pead said that with any *luck* (yeah, because we've been blessed with that so far) Corey will have grown out of reflx by 1. However, hes still got an intolerance to milk, so were still stuffed really..!! :doh: Urghhh!
Bloody hell, milk intolerence too! What a bummer! You poor things. How very lovely for you, so what formula do you use?

Austin has had his ranitadine dose upped to 1ml. Lets see how we fair with that....
Ahh fingers crossed the ranitidine upping helps. :hug: :hug: :hug:

Prescription formula, Neutramigen 1 at the moment - does mean I dont pay for milk :dance: have to be thankful for small mercies I guess. It has no protine, lactose, gluten, etc etc.
Finally got our pead appointment yesterday at Royal Sick Kids, the doc was excellent as she has a 6 month old refluxer handy is that!

She is to stay on the gaviscon and is on 1mg of Domperidone 3 times a day and 5mg of Omeprazole once a day...has anyone had any sucess with these?

I'm :pray: this will work, back in 6 weeks to check how she is getting on and discuss further treatment. Isla was trying to tell the doc herself what's been happening..shes a wee bletherer at the mo :lol:
Oooh, fingers crossed! No, I wanted to stick with Ranitidine as it came in syrup form! But I know someone uses omeprazol, and has had sucess with it - Sorry my brains shot at the moment!!

Best of luck with that, and atleast if there is no change you have a date that you are going back, you know something to aim for!! Its not just like a bottomless pit anymore.

Things WILL get better!! :cheer:
thanks hon, shes still putting on weight, 11 8 now still wee but its steady, dont know how shes managing to cos shes hardly taking anything she'll have 25 on an amazing day and around 19oz on average...screaming through most bottles tho :x i dont think people understand how hard it is to see your LO in pain on a daily basis and not be able to help them. Its really emotive feeding your baby and sooo worrying when they wont eat..just love for her to be able to enjoy her food and take something larger than a 4oz bottle!
I know what you mean!! Corey never took any more than 4oz until his milk was changed and his doses of meds trippled. Then its slowly gone up to 7-8oz per feed now, but he only has 4 bottles a day now. Still its over double what he used to have!!

So long as shes putting on, you are doing a grea job! :hug: :hug: :hug:
well two weeks on and she is like a different baby!! she is taking 25 oz most days and was 12lbs 9.5oz yesterday and has moved up a bit on the growth chart, she is sleeping soooo much better and for the last week has slept from 10pm to 7am so mummy is a lot happier...we have tricked her by getting new bottles..the cheap tesco ones and she loves them and i feed her in her bouncer too. :dance: :dance: :dance:
sparky said:
well two weeks on and she is like a different baby!! she is taking 25 oz most days and was 12lbs 9.5oz yesterday and has moved up a bit on the growth chart, she is sleeping soooo much better and for the last week has slept from 10pm to 7am so mummy is a lot happier...we have tricked her by getting new bottles..the cheap tesco ones and she loves them and i feed her in her bouncer too. :dance: :dance: :dance:

That's so good to hear Sparky :hug: :hug:

It is such a relief when you see something working.

Phoebe is so much better now she's been weaned. We've stopped the Domperidone... However, she still pukes LOADS! She now loves having water, and unfortunately for mummy it makes her sick a lot more as its so thin :roll: She threw up bright orange all over my cream sofa (bought before she was around!!) yesterday :shock: luckily it came out with some vanish. I am changing her clothes more than ever (and mine!) as the sick now STINKS. Oh well, to be honest, although annoying, its a small price to pay for her not being in pain anymore.

Now we just have to deal with the anxiety its caused me lol.
i know about the anxiety..wonder how many ladies with pnd have refluxy bubbas!
laracomps said:
Phoebe is so much better now she's been weaned. We've stopped the Domperidone... However, she still pukes LOADS! She now loves having water, and unfortunately for mummy it makes her sick a lot more as its so thin :roll: She threw up bright orange all over my cream sofa (bought before she was around!!) yesterday :shock: luckily it came out with some vanish. I am changing her clothes more than ever (and mine!) as the sick now STINKS. Oh well, to be honest, although annoying, its a small price to pay for her not being in pain anymore.

Now we just have to deal with the anxiety its caused me lol.

It smells like real grown up puke, URGH! :puke: We're down to one sachet of Gaviscon per bottle so she's back to puking more often. Nowhere near as much as before and she's not uncomfortable with it thankfully but I don't think we can stop giving it completely. We have to have a review of it before we get our next prescription :(

Glad to hear things have improved sparky and fingers crossed things get a bit better Lara :hug:
sparky said:
i know about the anxiety..wonder how many ladies with pnd have refluxy bubbas!

I can think of 5 of us on the PND thread who have refluxy babies (me included) :hug: :hug:
laracomps said:
sparky said:
i know about the anxiety..wonder how many ladies with pnd have refluxy bubbas!

I can think of 5 of us on the PND thread who have refluxy babies (me included) :hug: :hug:

And me!

Connie's dropped from the 50th to the 25th percentile over the last couple of months as her reflux has got worse. The bottom end wind or 'colic' as they like to call it is getting worse too. Ho hum! She's be 18 years old and have grown out of it soon ha ha!

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