Really worried about my sons development.


Well-Known Member
May 24, 2010
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My son is 16 months nearly, he doesnt walk or pull up on things or even crawl.
He can sit up unaided and roll around.
He has been referred for physio and we had our first session the other day were we got some things we can do with him to help him get strength in his legs etc
I thought he was quite forward with speaking, he can say:
Cat (only once or twice)
and goes 'Ooooh' and points to things and shakes his head if he doesn't want something.
But then I have just read that alot of children at 16 months can say things like 'what's that?' and proper things.
I no hes slow with walking etc but would you class that as slow with talking?
Also if anyone has any experience with a child who was late at walking it would be great to hear about as its getting me a bit down and is nice to hear that other children have had the same problem.
Thanks, Lilly x
Hi Hun!

I'm a childminder so i've had lots of experience with all sorts of kids!

Can he stand if you hold his hands or support his body at all? If he can then he has some strength in his legs!

Maybe try putting him in a baby walker or a door bouncer? Maybe if he can feel his feet on the floor it'll encourage him to use his legs a bit?

I didn't walk until I was 18 months so 16 months isn't that bad. Some kids just walk later than others sometimes!

Try not to let it worry you too much until a professional gives you reason to worry! But even then i'm sure they'll help him in any way they can!

Good luck!

hey, i dont have children (well january will be my first one lol) but i know a lady whose 10 month old is a lot more behind, not crawling or anything, still very much a "baby" if that makes sense, he is still fitting into 0-3 clothing, i think some kids just develop later than others, after all they arent all the same and develop at different stages. i got the impression they didnt walk til about 18 months, i may be wrong i just thought that was the going rate for kids :s
im sure hes fine, he prob just is a "late" bloomer! hope your not too worried about it and just keep practising the walking thing with him and im sure he will pick it up in no time! x
My little boy is 18 month and hardly says anything, we have

ta (thank you)
oh bob (oh bother)

I rally would not worry he let's me know exactly what he wants without saying it :rofl:

everyone develops at different rates :hugs:
My little boy is 18 month and hardly says anything, we have

ta (thank you)
oh bob (oh bother)

I rally would not worry he let's me know exactly what he wants without saying it :rofl:

everyone develops at different rates :hugs:

My friend had a child who was slow with speech, she was worried about him so had a private speech therapist to him, she said a lot of children delay their speech because the parent understands exactly what they want, and gives whatever they want to him/her. what she said to do was to act 'thick' and not understand what they want and it can improve the speech, with my friends son within two weeks he was speaking a lot more, speech therapist said he had no need to speak :lol: so why bother,
I myself was another one who didn't walk until i was 18/19 months, apparently I nearly gave my mum a heart attack as one day I suddenly stood up and took about six steps :lol:
hi this is jus a thought an i dont want to worry u anymore but my friend was in the exsact same situation as u with her little boy and then at 18months they found out he had something slightly wrong with his hearing which apperently will correct itself over time but at least it gave her an answer, ask your doc to do ALL hearing tests for children.
its something to do with it A) off set his balance so thats why he dint bother walking B) made words sound distorted so he didnt bother speaking!
kids do develop so differently so i woudnt be too worried especially at 16mths, at least u have noticed that he slightly behind with national adveradges, and that is credit 2 u as a mother to be brave enough to try an do something about it as alot of people push it to one side! im sure he will be fine jus keep pushing docs get the service you an your son want! and remeber it is only adveradges!! also those door bouncer things are very good for leg strenghting!
My son doesn't really say anything at the moment and I'm not worried. It will come soon enough I'm sure!!
My son never crawled he just got up and walked one day. It sounds like you have the wheels in motion in getting him help incase it is anything more serious, so i'm sure he will be fine. I also have a daughter who had speech delay and a speech problem when she did talk and i found sign language to be most helpful. The sing and sign website has some basic signs, even if he doesn't have a speech problem they can be a great hep during the toddler stage and ease frustration in the child and parent. Let us know how he is progressing x
My friends brother didn't utter a word until he was one and a half! He made noises and pointed etc.. They were in her grannys and she was making him a sandwich, his mummy said "he doesn't like cheese".. He said "I DO LIKE CHEESE" Completely out of the blue! My friends mum nearly keeled over! Every child develops at a different rate :) He could be a case where he walks before he crawls! Good luck xx
My eldest was walking at 10 months and talking scentences at 15 month but Jacob is almost 16 month and doesn't walk but says alot of single words like cat, bath, milk, ball, daddy, mammy etc. Like others have said, all babies develope at different rates Hun xx
I would not worry at all , every child is soo different.

I have three kids, now older, and my first child could walk at 12 months,but was lasy till 14 months really , but speach wise he started nursery at 2 years and 9 mths, and could only say 3 words! Mummy, No and Bob (Bob the builder!). The health visitior did have him on there watch by then and kept an eye and made another visit on the 2 year check later that year. As he was the eldest , he had no others around him, although we did go to toddlers alot , he was with a childminder alot too, and was the only small one. Once he started nursery, he came on leeps and bounds and learnt a new word or two each week and was soon caught up. He could say only mamma at 16months, so I would say your baby is doing just great for the age!

My second baby was only 21 months gap, and he did everything his brother did, he walked 12 months , and could sayloads of words really earlly, but he had that incentive of his brother, and climbed and everything as he copied older brother.

My third , a girl, was 13 months gap behind him, and she sat on the floor for a good 16 months , while the boys brought her things , she had no need or want to walk! I was starting to be concerned, but we went to two todler sessions a day where possible and I sat her well out of reach of the cool toys and ball pit etc, and so she had to get going! I wasn't long before she walked, so don't worry, we got married when she was 18 months and she was a bridesmaid in her first trainers, but mind you her feet were still then only a size 2 , so thinking about it - has your baby got little feet for their size? She had grommits fitted at 12 months, and he speach was fine and at normal stages I think as they caught that on the 8mth hearing check.

Try not to worry, don't understand the pointing baby does like someone else says, ask her to show you?maybee she will have to move to show you or tell you, ask does she mean Drink , or snack or dog etc, get baby to take more lead.

do let us know how you get on won't you..
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well we go advised to go to clarks n get him some shoes cus when he walks he likes turns his feet. and was measured, one at a 3 1/2 g and second at a 4 g im not sure if thats big or small haha
Thanks for all the great advice :)
i know this is going to sound weird lol but do you take him to any baby club coz sometimes all it takes is to see other kids doing the same amy learnt to crawl and sit up by watching other kids. she event learnt to dring out of a sippy cup walkers or a door bouncer is really good for strenghtrning there legs or you holding him up will help. i didnt start walking or crawling till i was 2 when i was little i didnt talk till i wa three, amy is a bit behind on things, she didnt start crawling till she was 8 month didnt sit up till she was 7 talking wise shell say mama dada nana emma which is my name and a few things she heard off other kids lik oh sh*t and bugger lol. like everyone says baby grow and learn things a different times am really surprised at amy doing what shes doing after all the probs we had and have with her :)
have you ever had his legs/hips checked hun? not wanting to worry you at all, just whne you said about him turning his feet when he's walking it made me think!

my eldest is 22months, give or take a couple of days and has only just learnt to pull herself up! she's got hip dysplasia and was in plaster for 4months setting her hip in place and basically just letting her hip socket grow!

all children are so different tho, and all do things at their own rate! i see it every day with my two, i'v got a 9 month old who is starting to walk round the furniture and a 22 month old who rarely gets off her bum :lol: Ks physio has said it to me too tho, she sees it all the time, you get some babies that just cant wait to get moving and others who will literally just sit there taking it all in and thinking about what they need to do and then all of a sudden will get up one day and can walk/run/dance/hop/jump all at once!

i know its really, really hard hun, but they do all get there eventually :hug:
I did but i didnt get on very well with anyone. Im a young mum, Im only 18 and I went to a young parents group but found the girls there wernt really my type, they were constantly shouting at there children and things :S
So it kinda put me of going to more.
But when I breastfed i went to a breastfeeding group with alot of older mums who i got on better with so maybe Ill try a normal group, not just for young mums :)
Sorry jst rambled on lol
and yeah we had it all checked and they said he needs to strengthen his legs cause there a bit floppy, they even did a scan on his back and everything came back ok :) x
thats good hun :) its fab that they're helping you now and they'll support you both til he gets up and running! and i bet itll happen before you know it!
yeah i know what you mean about the groups i take amy to catepillars every wednesday coz i live in a villiage there all really posh and look down there noses at me coz where not high class like them there all older than me but amy loves the kids but some of them get wrong for playing with amy. i was like is tht how they would be if thy went to school with her.. but hope you find the answers and the help you need xx
Best to try out a few groups and pick the one you feel most comfortable with - know what you mean about some!

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